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Forum Avatar Request Thread

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dibs, you are a hero OneEightZero.

I was going to say I saw someone with this before, but I take it it was you since they include your former avatars.

Complex Shadow

Cudi Lame™
Spasm said:
I've got one I've been kicking around, up for grabs.

No one asked for it. No one should wear it. But I made it anyways...


Whoever adopts this will probably be hated.
who ever made this will be hated.


Kraftwerk said:
so is the request i made even possible?
i tried to download it but its not possible for me.
im not going to download a desktop capture device just for that >.<

Crumpet Trumpet said:
Haha alright, landed on this one. Thanks!


i win again Keyser


Try Techsmith Jing. The free version allows saving video to .FLV only though. Gotta register for .MP4 output.


Still Alive
yencid said:
no problem :)

Thanks bro, but I remade it since that one had a weird pacing to it for some reason (not yours mine). So could you (or anyone) lower this under 150kb without splitting frames?;

Sentry said:
Thanks bro, but I remade it since that one had a weird pacing to it for some reason (not yours mine). So could you (or anyone) lower this under 150kb without splitting frames?;


Reduce colours, chop 2 frames from start =
VsRobot said:
any Lady Gaga animated gifs that fall within GAF avatar guidelines up for grabs?

Recent vids seem to have been all avatared out by GaGa-GAF. I can grab some random craziness from LoveGame, Poker Face or Just Dance a bit later if you want

...or this one



Keyser Soze said:
Recent vids seem to have been all avatared out by GaGa-GAF. I can grab some random craziness from LoveGame, Poker Face or Just Dance a bit later if you want
Just Dance, please. I've been trying to learn to make my own-- took me all morning to get GIMP set-up, so I'm probably too dumb to figure out how to use it :D Really appreciate the help.
noisome07 said:

either way would be awesome.... though the scene where the people get exploded into the walls would be ace. (you know the scene)

edit: just saw the part on youtube and it would probably be too small
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