Perfect - tusen takk!
Can someone make an avatar of this image of me, thank you so much! I linked it or else it'd take up the whole thread, let me know if that is a problem.
Can I please get a transparent avatar of the character on the right?
Can someone please make me an avatar of the Tiger Woods Cigar Guy (in blue with mustache and cigar on the right)
Been at it for an hour but my skills are lacking... or iam just plain dumb (or tired)... could someone friendly enough give a hand by making the background transparent? Thanks
Could i please get a transparent version of my current avatar.
Thanks, helpful-GAF!
It's a bit dark contrasted against the light theme, so I made a brightened one too.
can i get an avatar of this please?
much obliged
Could I get a transparent with this as the main:
And this in the corner (without the dot nose)?
Make a avatar of this and make it transparent as well. Thank you!
I'd like to see my avatar with a transparent background, if anyone is up for it.
EDIT: And there we go with not refreshing before posting.
If ^ the artifacts bother you
The transparent doesn't work that well IMO, but you're welcome to wear it anyway.
Hey can I get an avatar head done, transparent background, and cut along the zipper with that light border (not sure what it's called, edge? shadow?) similar to the one I'm using now.[IMG][/QUOTE]
Is this what you're looking for?
Touched up:
the black border got too subtle here, look closely and you will spot it i guess?
And i guessed you don't want transparency, cause I almost did it by habit.
can I ask for a pretty big request? I'll owe whoever helps me out a favor!
So I'd like this Naruko pic transparentized like my current one, but if possible, could someone magically put one of these hats on him? And if you really want my heart, could you make his shirt orange to match it? The logo on it is fine to stay.
h a t s
thanks in advance if anyone gives it a shot. I wish I knew how to do this stuff -.-
Correct about not wanting transparency and thanks for this. Just got back from AX so now I can decide which one to go with.
Edit: Actually, the avatar could be a bit taller I think? But I appreciate the effort.
If anyone wants to take another stab at it (Lestrade & his beer glass but a bit of his surroundings is fine too), it's cool.
Direct link:
can I ask for a pretty big request? I'll owe whoever helps me out a favor!
So I'd like this Naruko pic transparentized like my current one, but if possible, could someone magically put one of these hats on him? And if you really want my heart, could you make his shirt orange to match it? The logo on it is fine to stay.
thanks in advance if anyone gives it a shot. I wish I knew how to do this stuff -.-