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Forza 3 vs Gran Turismo 5 Comparison Thread of John, Chapter 11, Verse 35


jakonovski said:
As a car lover I love cars, as a gamer I love the Forza and GT series.

You understand how generalizations work right? Your single instance doesn't invalidate (nor reinforce) what I say.


RSTEIN said:
Well, there you go. Your refusal to answer my questions directly is all we need to know. As someone said, you're beyond a troll. Way beyond. I don't know what the word is but you're it.



jakonovski said:
So me gushing about the demo is not real, and the Giantbomb Quick Look is not real, all the glowing reviews aren't real?

What are we then, Turn 10 employees? If so, plz send paycheck Che.

Well the "gushing" is the same that it was from F2. Its good for what it is, and wheres GT?` Seems to be the sentiment of most reviews. My problems with the game still remain and have been mentioned by a few reviewers. The Cockpit view, lack of weather, night cycles, hardly improved damage, number of vehicles on the road, the degrade from menu to in-game.

I dont need reviews to tell me that my eyes are lying. The forza series is fun, but its making up for its technical shortcomings with an onslaught of community features and ease of use, which has nothing to do with Racing Simulators, especially the ones its comparing itself to. Which is again, the issue. Calling out others, then you cant compare.

It cant compete with its visuals, which is what Gran Turismo's main goal is to do--Its claim to fame--. Bring these cars & worlds into living rooms accurately. The physics are subjective, forza fans love forza, gt fans love gt, so I wont even get into that. The car variety is no match, people love to tune their own individual cars despite the theory that half the cars in gt are the same model with different decals, and no one says anything for all Forzas racing vehicles with different liveries. Lets be honest here, Simulations are always about whats being simulated. The Planes in MSflight/The cars in pc sims. Gran Turismo isn't just about an online experience, and sales for the series definitely suggest that its not the sole factor. Turn10 comes along, realizes it can't create the car porn, so it goes another route and focuses on community. Which is forzas best feature. But thats surely not to say that online is better than the package of what the entirety of GT is. That if you don't have Cat & Mouse ramming in GT, its all of a sudden a lesser package. Especially when you look at the comparable functionality of the two games as Driving/Racing simulators. GT isn't trying to be easy for people. Its striving for simulation for the enthusiasts out there that happen to like what its selling.

Its the sequel. And it doesn't improve upon its fundamental gameplay much, which is what Eurogamer touched on. Which is why GT4 scored so low. From a car sim fan, which Forza tries to tout itself as, it didn't improve on itself from F2. Online gameplay isn't a prerequisite for a Driving Sim, especially those striving for the realism. Replicating a race with others is about as far as car sims go. While I think F3's online modes are fascinating, it has little to do with the genre its trying to claim itself the king of. And I dont think other driving sims should be rated on its online paint swapping features. This means GT/NFS could all keep 8 cars, and just have online paint & variety to be a good game. Thankfully people do tend to review games for what they offer, and now what they lack. Sometimes.

Both are great games. Its just a shame Turn10/Forza is in a race to dethrone\disparage GT.


Zaptruder said:
It seeems to me that... Forza is loved more by gamers, while GT is loved more by car lovers.

As a very broad, semi-accurate brushstroke rule of thumb anyway.

What about gamers/car lovers? :D

I like both.


pixel monkey said:
I never said a harsh word about fans of Gran Turismo, Fire. Not a single one. Why in the hell would I? I was/am one. I've purchased every GT title, including GT PSP.

You disagreed with my opinions on your beloved franchise, and you took my harsh words for Polyphony and their lack of innovation as a personal attack. Plain and simple.

There's something very wrong when we, as individuals, feel personally assaulted when someone has an unkind word for a corporate entity we've elevated to more than the sum of their work.

Ok whatever, I see your posts differently. I didn't see your opinions as a personal attack you attacked PD, Sony and GT fans in general. Believe me I'm used to that and I don't take it personally at all. I'm just saying if you want to have a meaningful discussion with anybody on the things you listed you should tone down the hate in your posts. Its just games, both of them have obvious flaws, they can be discussed but they way you seem to approach them makes few willing to bother.
commedieu said:
Well the "gushing" is the same that it was from F2. Its good for what it is, and wheres GT?` Seems to be the sentiment of most reviews. My problems with the game still remain and have been mentioned by a few reviewers. The Cockpit view, lack of weather, night cycles, hardly improved damage, number of vehicles on the road, the degrade from menu to in-game.

I dont need reviews to tell me that my eyes are lying. The forza series is fun, but its making up for its technical shortcomings with an onslaught of community features and ease of use, which has nothing to do with Racing Simulators, especially the ones its comparing itself to. Which is again, the issue. Calling out others, then you cant compare.

It cant compete with its visuals, which is what Gran Turismo's main goal is to do--Its claim to fame--. Bring these cars & worlds into living rooms accurately. The physics are subjective, forza fans love forza, gt fans love gt, so I wont even get into that. The car variety is no match, people love to tune their own individual cars despite the theory that half the cars in gt are the same model with different decals, and no one says anything for all Forzas racing vehicles with different liveries. Lets be honest here, Simulations are always about whats being simulated. The Planes in MSflight/The cars in pc sims. Gran Turismo isn't just about an online experience, and sales for the series definitely suggest that its not the sole factor. Turn10 comes along, realizes it can't create the car porn, so it goes another route and focuses on community. Which is forzas best feature. But thats surely not to say that online is better than the package of what the entirety of GT is. That if you don't have Cat & Mouse ramming in GT, its all of a sudden a lesser package. Especially when you look at the comparable functionality of the two games as Driving/Racing simulators. GT isn't trying to be easy for people. Its striving for simulation for the enthusiasts out there that happen to like what its selling.

Its the sequel. And it doesn't improve upon its fundamental gameplay much, which is what Eurogamer touched on. Which is why GT4 scored so low. From a car sim fan, which Forza tries to tout itself as, it didn't improve on itself from F2. Online gameplay isn't a prerequisite for a Driving Sim, especially those striving for the realism. Replicating a race with others is about as far as car sims go. While I think F3's online modes are fascinating, it has little to do with the genre its trying to claim itself the king of. And I dont think other driving sims should be rated on its online paint swapping features. This means GT/NFS could all keep 8 cars, and just have online paint & variety to be a good game. Thankfully people do tend to review games for what they offer, and now what they lack. Sometimes.

Both are great games. Its just a shame Turn10/Forza is in a race to dethrone\disparage GT.

You're getting incoherent, I'm afraid.


Comics, serious business!
commedieu said:
Online gameplay isn't a prerequisite for a Driving Sim, especially those striving for the realism. Replicating a race with others is about as far as car sims go.

I disagree with you here. You're saying it's more realistic to race against AI? You're talking about the AI in GT4 & Forza 2 that follow the same stupid line oblivious to what's going on in the race? How is this "striving for realism?"

Racing agianst real people is the only thing that's important as far as I'm concerned (unless trying to hot lap). That's why the whole issue about rewind is stupid. I can only use rewind offline. Offline is a training ground for real racing against real people.

This is one of the reasons I really got behind Forza 2 in the first place (and the 360). I was mostly a PC gamer and of course hopping online is easy (I was rocking Quake with a 28k modem BTW). The idea of racing against AI is foreign to me. I just don't understand the thrill of it.


shpankey said:
Nah, not offended. Your post, other than that, is very true and a real problem on forums that I wish would be addressed somehow. It's tough for anyone to make an argument amongst personal attacks. Just found it a bit funny. ;)

I'm no good for posting today, I have a terrible flu and I'm home from work and I can't even race because I go into sneezing and caughing fits. I'm supposed to go on a date tonight, I've been trying to hook up with with this girl for the longest time. Every time we arrange it something comes up. I just know shes gonna be pissed if I call and cancel. Life sux right now!
Firewire said:
Ok whatever, I see your posts differently. I didn't see your opinions as a personal attack you attacked PD, Sony and GT fans in general. Believe me I'm used to that and I don't take it personally at all. I'm just saying if you want to have a meaningful discussion with anybody on the things you listed you should tone down the hate in your posts. Its just games, both of them have obvious flaws, they can be discussed but they way you seem to approach them makes few willing to bother.

For the last time, Fire...I never attacked fans of the Gran Turismo franchise. I called out Polyphony for their lack of innovation and the fact that the only thing (again...in my opinion) that has changed from GT release to GT release, is the graphics.

As a fan of the franchise, I'm both disappointed by that and ready to move on with my racing simulation dollar.

We can agree to disagree about the state of the franchise, but I would ask that you please stop accusing me of attacks on fellow gamers that I never made.
RSTEIN said:
I disagree with you here. You're saying it's more realistic to race against AI? You're talking about the AI in GT4 & Forza 2 that follow the same stupid line oblivious to what's going on in the race? How is this "striving for realism?"

Racing agianst real people is the only thing that's important as far as I'm concerned (unless trying to hot lap). That's why the whole issue about rewind is stupid. I can only use rewind offline. Offline is a training ground for real racing against real people.

This is one of the reasons I really got behind Forza 2 in the first place (and the 360). I was mostly a PC gamer and of course hopping online is easy (I was rocking Quake with a 28k modem BTW). The idea of racing against AI is foreign to me. I just don't understand the thrill of it.

I don't race much online - but, yea, if you want the best/most fun racing experience, it's the one where your enemies aren't predictable. But GT5 has online as well doesn't it?
Firewire said:
I'm no good for posting today, I have a terrible flu and I'm home from work and I can't even race because I go into sneezing and caughing fits. I'm supposed to go on a date tonight, I've been trying to hook up with with this girl for the longest time. Every time we arrange it something comes up. I just know shes gonna be pissed if I call and cancel. Life sux right now!

Have her bring you chicken soup. That's like romantic superglue.


Junior Butler
dragonfart28 said:
I don't race much online - but, yea, if you want the best/most fun racing experience, it's the one where your enemies aren't predictable. But GT5 has online as well doesn't it?

Yes. But this is a game of goal post moving, and the kids here aren't too good at it yet.


Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Firewire said:
I'm no good for posting today, I have a terrible flu and I'm home from work and I can't even race because I go into sneezing and caughing fits. I'm supposed to go on a date tonight, I've been trying to hook up with with this girl for the longest time. Every time we arrange it something comes up. I just know shes gonna be pissed if I call and cancel. Life sux right now!
Don't cancel, being ill should be a cue for massive sympathy, and the effort you make to show up will earn you pretty decent brownie points.

Wait...this isn't OT!

Anyway, this thread is going through another (seemingly weekly) slow phase, this time without Bish having to intervene, interesting.


bj00rn_ said:
It's not horrible of course, just underwhelming in so many aspects - Especially after playing Forza 2. I even bought a PS3 for GT5P (I've been a major GT fan since the first game). I still just found it off-putting that it's so apparant that GT5P is a beta-test for PD, and a cash-injection for more car model polishing for GT5. The whole sliding along the barriers, bumper-cars, dumb AI, driving faster with one wheel on grass-thing, wheel-bugs (Oscillating FFB), an insane penality system and a awful glued-on campaign was just some of the dismal aspects of GT5P. I'm still looking very much forward to GT5 though, because I still have some faith in PD they just can't afford to fail this one.

Well, as a GT fan(since the first one). You were aware of what GT4 Prologue was right? and the price it sold...? And the features it had?

You're judging a sim on sliding along the barriers, bumper-cars, dumb ai, driving on the grass. But not driving a car normally without ramming into everyone on the road. Which is a shame. You can virtually drive with your ass in gt5p almost :lol

I mean.. I dont get why pay for a driving game to cheat. So I dont think i can even discuss. I personally couldn't tell you if you can coast through the grass. I can say without a shadow of a doubt that playing with competent players & the S class A.I is definitely a challenge which is rewarded with good driving. And as someone that plays it often, the penalty system is now pretty polished to the point to where if someone is ramming you, u usually see them ghost through you and fly into the dirt. You still get busted for cutting corners and ramming from behind at around 40mph or so every now and then. Its up to you to pass safely. Not the person you're passing.

Not sure whats underwhelming about cheating in a game.


Comics, serious business!
dragonfart28 said:
I don't race much online - but, yea, if you want the best/most fun racing experience, it's the one where your enemies aren't predictable. But GT5 has online as well doesn't it?
Yes, but GT5 ain't out yet so I can't play it (offline or online) :D

belvedere said:
Yes. But this is a game of goal post moving, and the kids here aren't too good at it yet.
Stop It said:
Don't cancel, being ill should be a cue for massive sympathy, and the effort you make to show up will earn you pretty decent brownie points.

Unfortunately, no matter how sick he is, if he's really into this girl, there is absolutely no fucking way he can bail on that first date.

So what if you give her a little taste of the swine flu. Cowboy up, rub some dirt on it, Fire...and make it happen!


RSTEIN said:
I disagree with you here. You're saying it's more realistic to race against AI? You're talking about the AI in GT4 & Forza 2 that follow the same stupid line oblivious to what's going on in the race? How is this "striving for realism?"

Racing agianst real people is the only thing that's important as far as I'm concerned (unless trying to hot lap). That's why the whole issue about rewind is stupid. I can only use rewind offline. Offline is a training ground for real racing against real people.

This is one of the reasons I really got behind Forza 2 in the first place (and the 360). I was mostly a PC gamer and of course hopping online is easy (I was rocking Quake with a 28k modem BTW). The idea of racing against AI is foreign to me. I just don't understand the thrill of it.

I fell in love with forza when I simply started a race, drove.. then stopped and watched as the A.I cars noticed me on the road, and moved around me.

No, I meant that having Online in a sim that allows you to recreate a race your simulating is about as far as a game recreating a race goes. Private matches, restrictions, classes. Like real life. Real drivers is always better than A.I. Of course.

But all the other modes added aren't what racing simulations are going after. So that shouldn't be the bar that say.. GTR3 needs to have. Forza seems to try to redefine what the genre is, but because it can't compete in the traditional sense of the genre has already defined itself as. So now its some sort of Arcade Fun for all/Sim/MegaFun Derby. Its declaring it won at that competition, but no one else is striving for those qualities.


Comics, serious business!
commedieu said:
But all the other modes added aren't what racing simulations are going after. So that shouldn't be the bar that say.. GTR3 needs to have. Forza seems to try to redefine what the genre is, but because it can't compete in the traditional sense of the genre has already defined itself as. So now its some sort of Arcade Fun for all/Sim/MegaFun Derby. Its declaring it won at that competition, but no one else is striving for those qualities.
Sorry, you lost me here.

I think they're just exploring different ways for people to have fun and get the most out of their $60 (personally I'm not into taking pictures, recording videos, etc.). I think they're looking at the genre and saying "ok, where can we get creative? What gameplay improvements can we introduce? How can we get the community talking, sharing, and competing?"

I'm not sure what you mean when you say they can't compete "in the traditional sense of the genre." Can you please provide a specific example of this? If you do some homework, I think you'll find that hardcore sim enthusiasts have praised the game. I remember watching a Forza 3 video recorded by a hardcore sim site at E3. They were blown away by the "traditional aspects" of the game. That was after only a brief look at the game. You'll find that plenty of critics have praised the core physics model of the game. In fact, several sites have said that Forza 2 (and now 3) is the best sim out there in console land. It's all opinions, yeah, but you gotta think the core model is very solid when so many hardcore sim sites, the press, and gamers all come to the same conclusion.

So, yeah, they have a very solid core model at the center of the game and can definitely compete with other sims. On top of the core model, they've put this really fun community system in place where people can go nuts painting there cars, selling their cars, etc. That gets more people involved in the genre. That's a good thing.


not an idiot
Firewire said:
I'm no good for posting today, I have a terrible flu and I'm home from work and I can't even race because I go into sneezing and caughing fits. I'm supposed to go on a date tonight, I've been trying to hook up with with this girl for the longest time. Every time we arrange it something comes up. I just know shes gonna be pissed if I call and cancel. Life sux right now!
You are going to make that date sir! Pump yourself full of Nyquil and Tylenol and suck it up Mr.! ;) Or wait, better yet, play the sympathy card, your sick and need taken care of. Girls love that. It's a prelude to playing Dr. anyhow. :D
pixel monkey said:
Prologue (and the coming 5 to drop in the spring) play exactly the same as the first Gran Turismo and only offer the tiniest changes to fend off the barking dogs.

"Oh, we're finally going to give you some car damage. Now shut the fuck up about it and buy our game again. We have shinier cars this time. See?"

Have you even played GT PSP? Tell me it innovates in even the smallest goddamn way. I've bought every damned one of their titles and it's enough already.

Turn 10 is actually bringing something new to the table and it pisses you off. You see Forza III and you want Polyphony to steal some of their ideas. Just admit it. At least owning up to it would show some glimmer, some tiny hope that your lost inner fanboy could somehow be saved.

Prologue sim mode has completely different, much more accurate driving physics. Being a driving simulator, this is a big deal, seeing as most of us want cars that simulate the behaviour of real cars. I see that you're claiming to be a GT "fan", but I find it hard to believe that any fan of the franchise would write such sensational bullshit.
theignoramus said:
Prologue sim mode has completely different, much more accurate driving physics. Being a driving simulator, this is a big deal, seeing as most of us want cars that simulate the behaviour of real cars. I see that you're claiming to be a GT "fan", but I find it hard to believe that any fan of the franchise would write such sensational bullshit.
snooze.....thats something GT5 could do, give us a 5-10 minute snooze button. thats something that hasn't been done before.


PowersOfTen said:
Anyone know how compatible GT5 is gonna be with the G25? Mostly concerned about clutch control.
I would assume GT5 will have progressive clutch support, considering Forza 3 has it. But is the G25's clutch progressive like the new Fanatec wheel or a simple on/off?


Some recent posts from one of the ISR dudes, in response to when their Forza 3 review is going up:

It's almost done !!

I personally think GT5 was delayed because of F3.

Darin Gangi
Executive Producer

Shots fired!

Here's one tid bit from our review that should be up tonight..

F3 has the best modeled clutch and transmission that we have tested.. Better than Netkar, iRacing or any other sim for that matter.

Darin Gangi
Executive Producer


So have these been confirmed to be photoshops now that we've seen the real in-game and photomode models which look nothing like them




Or are Turn 10 still claming it's a 'bug' in the debug build?

Doc Evils

XiaNaphryz said:
Some recent posts from one of the ISR dudes, in response to when their Forza 3 review is going up:

Shots fired!

Just like those excellent shifting animations we see in the interior view?
XiaNaphryz said:
Some recent posts from one of the ISR dudes, in response to when their Forza 3 review is going up:

Shots fired!

Despite those guys running a site devoted to sim racing, I would take their opinions with a grain of salt. Watching their newest show they said GT PSP challenge mode goes from levels "A to I." Well if they had beaten I they would know that is only the halfway point of challenge mode. Then in their Dirt 2 review they were drooling over the game having so many cars and tracks. The number of cars is arguable (I think the count is extremely low since Dirt 1 had a far greater variety aside from the trophy trucks), but the game only has 3-4 unique tracks per racing mode; that's not a lot. In general I find the quality of their reviews even lacking compared to the standard general gaming enthusiast outlets.

Regardless, GT5 wasn't delayed anyways.


shagg_187 said:
I guess this thread needs to be locked until Forza 3 releases. All the old posts/pics/arguments are being refreshed in hopes of getting the trolls aligned.

Since some have their hands on the final game and we've seen the real photomode screens now is as good a time as ever to discuss the veracity of the photomode screens released prior.

Stay out of the thread if you don't like it - there is now an official Forza 3 thread you can sing your praises in.


XiaNaphryz said:
Some recent posts from one of the ISR dudes, in response to when their Forza 3 review is going up:

Shots fired!

It's almost done !!

I personally think GT5 was delayed because of F3.

Darin Gangi
Executive Producer

i thought this was obvious?

GT5:p didn't have damage or rollover, then when E3 2009 happened and it was revealed that FM3 had both. GT5 was nowhere to be found

Fast forward to Gamescon 2009, and we see a early early tech demo of GT5 damage model.

its not rocket science


Interfectum said:
Since some have their hands on the final game and we've seen the real photomode screens now is as good a time as ever to discuss the veracity of the photomode screens released prior.

Stay out of the thread if you don't like it - there is now an official Forza 3 thread you can sing your praises in.
Actually we haven't, if the reports that the retail servers for photos aren't online yet are true.

Valkyr Junkie said:
Despite those guys running a site devoted to sim racing, I would take their opinions with a grain of salt. Watching their newest show they said GT PSP challenge mode goes from levels "A to I." Well if they had beaten I they would know that is only the halfway point of challenge mode. Then in their Dirt 2 review they were drooling over the game having so many cars and tracks. The number of cars is arguable (I think the count is extremely low since Dirt 1 had a far greater variety aside from the trophy trucks), but the game only has 3-4 unique tracks per racing mode; that's not a lot. In general I find the quality of their reviews even lacking compared to the standard general gaming enthusiast outlets.

Regardless, GT5 wasn't delayed anyways.
Their GT PSP bit was just a first look, they said they were going to give it a proper review after they can put in more time with it. And have you watched any of their previous reviews to draw a proper conclusion on them, or are you just basing things off their last one? :p And "lots of tracks" is a matter of perspective, considering many of the PC sims they review (which is their focus really) only ship with 1 or 2 tracks as many of them are done by really small indie devs.


imtehman said:
i thought this was obvious?

GT5:p didn't have damage or rollover, then when E3 2009 happened and it was revealed that FM3 had both. GT5 was nowhere to be found

Fast forward to Gamescon 2009, and we see a early early tech demo of GT5 damage model.

its not rocket science

Just for the sake of accuracy, GT5 showed the glympse of visual damage in the E3 trailer one day before MS conference and Definitive.

Also notice GT2 had mechanical damage on wheel axles in 1998.

Just for your humble information, so you do not waste time on Googling while taking place in discussion.


XiaNaphryz said:
Actually we haven't, if the reports that the retail servers for photos aren't online yet are true.

Just wait. Got it.

amar212 said:
Just for the sake of accuracy, GT5 showed the glympse of visual damage in the E3 trailer one day before MS conference and Definitive.

Also notice GT2 had mechanical damage on wheel axles in 1998.

Just for your humble information, so you do not waste time on Googling while taking place in discussion.

Wow imtehman destroyed
Interfectum said:
Since some have their hands on the final game and we've seen the real photomode screens now is as good a time as ever to discuss the veracity of the photomode screens released prior.

Actually, we haven't and probably never will see Photomode pictures of that direct feed quality so no use comparing the models.

My Still Outstanding & Unanswered Question Directly To You (Fingers Crossed!!):
What Keywords Are You Using To Keep You Abreast Of All The Latest Forza Dirt?

Interfectum said:
Just wait. Got it.

You'll probably be waiting a while.


amar212 said:
Just for the sake of accuracy, GT5 showed the glympse of visual damage in the E3 trailer one day before MS conference and Definitive.

Also notice GT2 had mechanical damage on wheel axles in 1998.

Just for your humble information, so you do not waste time on Googling while taking place in discussion.

i stand corrected

Interfectum said:
Just wait. Got it.
Wow imtehman destroyed

you do realize you troll more than you actually play videogames right?


Dan Greenawalt said:
I've got huge respect for Yamauchi and what the Polyphony Digital team does, they're a great developer. But do I personally feel confident that it would be difficult for any other racing game to do this," he told CVG in regard to Forza 3's physics

We run our physics at 360Hz," added Greenawalt. "I don't know of any other game that does that. That takes a commitment to physics, not just about making sure you have beautiful graphics.

Forza 2 had great physics and okay graphics. Now Forza 3 has great physics and great graphics, because we learned more about the box. But we still prioritise physics first, not graphics first. That is one of the differences.

Gran Turismo is a great game and when it comes out I'll play it. But I think that without the partnerships and without the commitment, it will be very difficult for another team to replicate what we've done."

Jesus. It just... doesn't... stop..

commedieu said:
Jesus. It just... doesn't... stop..

And I still...don't...care.

For god's sake, why on Earth do you still keep harping on the instantly uncreditable quotations of PR nonsense?

The game demo is out! Play it! Come back! I'd love to hear what you think of it.

Regurgitating DG quotes says absolutely nothing about either game.
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