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Forza 3 vs Gran Turismo 5 Comparison Thread of John, Chapter 11, Verse 35


infinityBCRT said:
Theres a trade off between the car detail vs. track detail

No there isn't.

GT5P's best tracks are easily up there with Forza 3's.

Forza fanatics like to pick GT5P's worst track and compare it to the Forza 3's best but we all know that's not the reality of the situation.
Interfectum said:
Forza fanatics like to pick GT5P's worst track and compare it to the Forza 3's best but we all know that's not the reality of the situation.

So the fact that it's the only track in the demo doesn't factor into it in your opinion?


Interfectum said:
No there isn't.

GT5P's best tracks are easily up there with Forza 3's.

Forza fanatics like to pick GT5P's worst track and compare it to the Forza 3's best but we all know that's not the reality of the situation.

There is only one track in GT5P that is in a natural setting, rather than a city or a racing venue, right? That's Eiger(?), and it has painfully obvious 2D pine trees. There are only 7 environments in Prologue compared to the 24 (?) and 134 variations in Forza 3.

Forza 3's best looking tracks are in a natural setting. The racing venues also look great, but are rather boring scenery-wise in comparison.

So the comparison between the natural looking tracks is the one that is going to be used most often, fair or not.
jakonovski said:
Any specific reason for that?

Wishful thinking on his part. This thread will not be "forgotten" until after GT5 drops in the spring and we can do a direct compare and contrast on both final products.

Like it or not Polyphony phans...Turn 10 and Forza are here to stay.


SuperÑ said:
2 more weeks and this thread will be forgotten :D
considering it's another 6+ months before we get to play both games side by side you can bet this thread will continue to live in infamy.


ShapeGSX said:
Forza 3's best looking tracks are in a natural setting. The racing venues also look great, but are rather boring scenery-wise in comparison.

Like I said - comparing Forza 3's best tracks with GT5P's worst.
pixel monkey said:
Wishful thinking on his part. This thread will not be "forgotten" until after GT5 drops in the spring and we can do a direct compare and contrast on both final products.

Like it or not Polyphony phans...Turn 10 and Forza are here to stay.

Yea, as soon as F3 hits the stores I'm going to post a deluge of Fiat 500 screenshots in this thread.


Dabanton said:
The thing i find must funny about Interfectum is his obviously reading the Forza 3 thread.

Actually I have a custom RSS feed using Yahoo Pipes which scrapes the FM.net forums and alerts me whenever there is an update that matches my keywords.

A lot quicker than reading the Forza 3 thread.


Interfectum said:
Like I said - comparing Forza 3's best tracks with GT5P's worst.

In that case, Forza 3 has a ton of "best" tracks. The natural tracks in this game are definitely a big draw. They appear to be very well laid out and have interesting lines and elevation changes.

I'm really looking forward to Camino Viejo Extreme, which starts out just like the demo, but instead takes a detour and seamlessly travels through two other self-contained tracks along the way:
A question for all the Turismo tuners in the thread: Are any of you guys actually going to sit out Forza III?

Isn't the idea to support those developers that would give us not only beautiful cars, but also innovation and new ideas? If Turn 10 can give us an incredible package of not only beauty, but also precision, innovation and enjoyment (and from the early reviews, it looks like they most certainly have)...should we not support that? Regardless of any platform bias?

I mean, if we truly love simulation racing, shouldn't we back those who share our passion? Even if the name of the company is not Polyphony Digital?
Interfectum said:
Actually I have a custom RSS feed using Yahoo Pipes which scrapes the FM.net forums and alerts me whenever there is an update that matches my keywords.

A lot quicker than reading the Forza 3 thread.

Oh, seriously, I'm begging you, I know you've never responded to a post of mine before but please, make it this one...

What keywords?


not an idiot
sleeping_dragon said:
The onus is on you mate, prove to me that 10 millions GT fan dont buy a Forza game.
Why would I try to prove something I haven't claimed? You're the one making the claim, prove it, otherwise it gets filed with the "coming out of your ass" with the rest.


Comics, serious business!
So, I've been trying to figure out this Interfectum character and I'm very confused. Looking at his post history, he seems pretty rational. Looking at the period between his first post here on GAF up until the creation of the thread, he shows interest in 360 games, PS3 games, and PC games. He played a lot of WoW back in the day. He seems to make fun of 360 and PS3 users equally, pointing out the lunacy of Killzone "fanatics," crapping on Mass Effect, and expressing concerns about PS3/360 motion control.

Then something happens.

Between December 2008 and September 23, 2009, he never really mentioned racing games at all or participated in any threads about racing games. On September 23 he posted for the first time in this thread. Since that date, virtually every single post on GAF has been in this thread. He goes nine months without caring about racing games or expressing any interest in racing games. Then, all of a sudden, every single post (153 in this thread) has been about Turn 10 lying, GT's superiority, Forza 3's crappy graphics, or discrediting reviews about Forza 3.

Some quotes:

Paint on damage and magic carpet physics :lol
2007 demo > 2009 demo. Your throne is safe PD take your time.
Forza 3 is definitely not the definitive racing game of this or any gen.
lol @ destructoid... that reads like a forum post. I hope they don't get paid to write that drivel.
Wow this thread should be Forza 3 vs GT4
I wonder how many of the Forza fanatics in this thread are Turn 10 employees.
Wow Forza 3's final destruction - I think we can close this thread now

Why am I wasting my time with this? 1) I'm bored at work. But more importantly, I've never seen such a thing like this on any site where a magical switch is turned on that leads someone to suddenly dedicate themselves to "destroying" such a critically and commercially successful series such as Forza. Just trying to wrap my head around it. It's so strange. It's like if I were to wake up tomorrow and decide to bombard the Halo/Killzone/Uncharted threads with similar behaviour.

Interfectum, can you just please explain why the sudden hate? Just an honest answer. I'm just genuinely curious. If you can't answer this question plainly and honestly then we must assume that 1) you're being paid 2) you're just trying to stir the pot for the fun of it 3) you've arranged a deal with Bish to try to bring to the surface trollish behaviour by being the epitome of a troll yourself.


Interfectum said:
Actually I have a custom RSS feed using Yahoo Pipes which scrapes the FM.net forums and alerts me whenever there is an update that matches my keywords.

A lot quicker than reading the Forza 3 thread.

that is some serious dedication to a cause. :lol


pixel monkey said:
A question for all the Turismo tuners in the thread: Are any of you guys actually going to sit out Forza III?

A few Gran Turismo lovers will pass on Forza 3 just like a few Forza lovers will pass on Gran Turismo 5.


RSTEIN said:
So, I've been trying to figure out this Interfectum character and I'm very confused. Looking at his post history, he seems pretty rational. Looking at the period between his first post here on GAF up until the creation of the thread, he shows interest in 360 games, PS3 games, and PC games. He played a lot of WoW back in the day. He seems to make fun of 360 and PS3 users equally, pointing out the lunacy of Killzone "fanatics," crapping on Mass Effect, and expressing concerns about PS3/360 motion control.

Then something happens.

Between December 2008 and September 23, 2009, he never really mentioned racing games at all or participated in any threads about racing games. On September 23 he posted for the first time in this thread. Since that date, virtually every single post on GAF has been in this thread. He goes nine months without caring about racing games or expressing any interest in racing games. Then, all of a sudden, every single post (153 in this thread) has been about Turn 10 lying, GT's superiority, Forza 3's crappy graphics, or discrediting reviews about Forza 3.

Some quotes:

Why am I wasting my time with this? 1) I'm bored at work. But more importantly, I've never seen such a thing like this on any site where a magical switch is turned on that leads someone to suddenly dedicate themselves to "destroying" such a critically and commercially successful series such as Forza. Just trying to wrap my head around it. It's so strange. It's like if I were to wake up tomorrow and decide to bombard the Halo/Killzone/Uncharted threads with similar behaviour.

Interfectum, can you just please explain why the sudden hate? Just an honest answer. I'm just genuinely curious. If you can't answer this question plainly and honestly then we must assume that 1) you're being paid 2) you're just trying to stir the pot for the fun of it 3) you've arranged a deal with Bish to try to bring to the surface trollish behaviour by being the epitome of a troll yourself.

SDF-like post : Interfectum annihilated ! omg !

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Interfectum said:
Why is it that Forza fanatics are the only ones in this thread discussing posters and not the games :lol

You're a fucking tool (And before you accuse me of anything, if you look at my post history, you'll see I am a card holding GT fan, check This post if you want to doubt me.) and a disgrace to gamers everywhere. You're not a fanboy, you're just a blinkered idiot, who has shown yourself up as foolish time and time again.

There are legitimate racing gamers here trying to actually garner some actual information around the sillyness and bickering, what makes you stand out is your complete misinformation campaign you seem to be embarking on.

Can I ask you, what are you gaining by acting in such a way? PD are not going to reward you with a CE of GT5 because you've spent the last 2 weeks trolling the heck out of Turn10, not only that but you've probably had your card marked (if not been put on ignore) by pretty much any sane person on this board.

To top it off by RSTEIN noting that you shown ZERO interest in racing games until this very thread shows that you are here for one reason and one reason only, and my response to you is simple.


Jack B

Interfectum said:
It goes way beyond 'just the lighting'.

The in-game models in GT are vastly superior to the menu, replay and photomode models in Forza 3.

Not to mention you have double the amount of cars, fully modelled and viewable interiors and 4xAA.

It seems to me that "some" Gran Turismo fans place incredible value on the graphics and less on the sim/game/features.

It's like Afrika? Looks great, but there is more to a game/sim than looking great. That's the reason Forza 2 scored so high on Metacritic and the reason Forza 3 is scoring even higher.

Watching replays and screen shots are something to do before a game ships. Once you've got it in your hands a lot more time is spent driving or painting your custom car or upgrading your car etc.

Replays and screen shots have much more importance before a game ships. Gran Turismo fans have had 5 years off waiting and scrutinizing screen shots and replays. My understanding is it will ship sometime late next year.

Once Gran Turismo ships, the screen shot and replay wars will subside and the focus will turn to the actual gameplay where it should be. :)


not an idiot
Stop It said:
There are legitimate racing gamers here trying to actually garner some actual information around the sillyness and bickering, what makes you stand out is your complete misinformation campaign you seem to be embarking on.
That's funny. I actually pictured him as the Iraqi Information Minister for a second when I read that from you. :lol


"Forza 3 is not real, it's not a sim, GT5 will DESTROY it utterly and completely. All Turn10 have told you are LIES! Those are not tanks entering the city behind me, it's an illusion of your mind perpetrates by the Zionist pigs at Turn10!"

It kind of fits. :lol


Interfectum said:
discussing posters and not the games :lol

The intensity of your posts goes beyond the usual raving lunatics around here. In fact your posts are so bizarre and out there that I have to go with the theory that you're a joke account - or a bish-trap.


Stop It said:
what makes you stand out is your complete misinformation campaign you seem to be embarking on.

Yes posting screens and linking to reviews and comments that don't agree with you fanatics is 'misinformation' but when you do it it's fine :lol


not an idiot
Interfectum said:
Yes posting screens and linking to reviews and comments that don't agree with you fanatics is 'misinformation' but when you do it it's fine :lol
Where do you see him doing it?

Misinformation!!! ;)

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Interfectum said:
Yes posting screens and linking to reviews and comments that don't agree with you fanatics is 'misinformation' but when you do it it's fine :lol

Seriously, find an anti Sony bias in my posts here, I dare you, I think you'll find a good deal of my posts here are against Turn10 for the rewind feature, and when I compared the games I noted that despite the best efforts of Turn10 that PD with a longer dev time and better resourcing will craft a superior experience.

So please, post some of my "misinformation", I'd love to see it.

Also, cherry picking negative comments from otherwise glowing reviews and finding the worst possible screenshots (like how you ignored every other picture from the same few pages that you got your last Forza 3 one) is not exactly being objective now, is it?


RSTEIN said:
So, I've been trying to figure out this Interfectum character and I'm very confused. Looking at his post history, he seems pretty rational. Looking at the period between his first post here on GAF up until the creation of the thread, he shows interest in 360 games, PS3 games, and PC games. He played a lot of WoW back in the day. He seems to make fun of 360 and PS3 users equally, pointing out the lunacy of Killzone "fanatics," crapping on Mass Effect, and expressing concerns about PS3/360 motion control.

Then something happens.

Between December 2008 and September 23, 2009, he never really mentioned racing games at all or participated in any threads about racing games. On September 23 he posted for the first time in this thread. Since that date, virtually every single post on GAF has been in this thread. He goes nine months without caring about racing games or expressing any interest in racing games. Then, all of a sudden, every single post (153 in this thread) has been about Turn 10 lying, GT's superiority, Forza 3's crappy graphics, or discrediting reviews about Forza 3.

Some quotes:

Why am I wasting my time with this? 1) I'm bored at work. But more importantly, I've never seen such a thing like this on any site where a magical switch is turned on that leads someone to suddenly dedicate themselves to "destroying" such a critically and commercially successful series such as Forza. Just trying to wrap my head around it. It's so strange. It's like if I were to wake up tomorrow and decide to bombard the Halo/Killzone/Uncharted threads with similar behaviour.

Interfectum, can you just please explain why the sudden hate? Just an honest answer. I'm just genuinely curious. If you can't answer this question plainly and honestly then we must assume that 1) you're being paid 2) you're just trying to stir the pot for the fun of it 3) you've arranged a deal with Bish to try to bring to the surface trollish behaviour by being the epitome of a troll yourself.

OMG.. Gaf you always me :lol

You should work for CIA,FBI or even 60minute !!!


antiloop said:
A few Gran Turismo lovers will pass on Forza 3 just like a few Forza lovers will pass on Gran Turismo 5.

I wanna get it, because Shift/Supercar aren't looking any good.(anyone play supercar?). I already bought F1 & F2. They aren't really GT replacements, but the community is fun and the driving is difficult enough to separate skill from morons.

But, not dropping another 300 for a Fantec, already have a g25 that works for pc/ps3. So it would be ... $300 for a 360(need a HDD), $300 for a wheel, and #30 dollars for forza3 used & $50 for xbl. Thats a bit much for 1 game.

And again, Turismo lovers don't hate Forza. Anyone that does isn't a gamer at all. Forza's artificial praise of its underwhelming features/graphics/car variety/damage is what I'd say everyone takes issue with. Its claimed the best, then when its pointed out how bad it is, "OK SO WHY IS GT PERFECT THEN?" -- Nope, No one claimed GT to be perfect. Then multiply that times Turn10's attitude towards the series & other developers efforts, and you have a product that you definitely could pass on without a problem. Just on principle alone.

So I'll be hotlappin on prologue & live for speedin till march.


I am starting to believe that Interfectum is in fact a mod creation, maybe even Bish.

Perhaps he's a part of some master plan?


There are few in this thread willing or capable of actually discussing these games or the genre in general. Most of the posts are pure mud slinging, by people that do nothing but enter to attack others who may have a view other than theirs. Its really sad actually because I think the debate could have been heated enough without these idiots coming in to call other posters GT or Forza fans or SDF or Xbots.


imtehman said:
people actually still play prologue? that game
is horrible

Yeah, lots of people still play. 3.9 mill bought it. Its great with a G25. Most people are pretty good drivers since they've all memorized the tracks by now,:lol .. The expert races cut off rubber banding(something still present in f3). So its challenging to see what really happens without it. The online has improved so naturally the penalties are more accurate for ramming/cutting the track. Mess up in expert, and you're not winning a race.

I think its because GT is still the only place to really find that car porn passion + the skill it takes to handle the GT40LM with minimal aids. If it wasn't challenging, I wouldn't be playing it. I'm still improving my laptimes. Using Suzuka East as my stand in Top-Gear track :lol

Horrible, mind saying why?
Firewire said:
There are few in this thread willing or capable of actually discussing these games or the genre in general. Most of the posts are pure mud slinging, by people that do nothing but enter to attack others who may have a view other than theirs. Its really sad actually because I think the debate could have been heated enough without these idiots coming in to call other posters GT or Forza fans or SDF or Xbots.

This is particularly humorous considering the source. This from the same guy that attacked me in ANOTHER FUCKING THREAD for what I wrote in this one. And then degraded the entire debate into personal insults.

Well played, Fire. Really. :lol
commedieu said:
Forza's artificial praise of its underwhelming features/graphics/car variety/damage is what I'd say everyone takes issue with.

So me gushing about the demo is not real, and the Giantbomb Quick Look is not real, all the glowing reviews aren't real?

What are we then, Turn 10 employees? If so, plz send paycheck Che.


not an idiot
Firewire said:
There are few in this thread willing or capable of actually discussing these games or the genre in general. Most of the posts are pure mud slinging, by people that do nothing but enter to attack others who may have a view other than theirs. Its really sad actually because I think the debate could have been heated enough without these idiots coming in to call other posters GT or Forza fans or SDF or Xbots.
Your post is good and makes sense. Except for the part where you're doing exactly what you're describing. I'm sure someone here could probably look up your posts and see you doing it elsewhere as well... but to do it in the very post you make about it? :lol

commedieu said:
Forza's artificial praise of its underwhelming features/graphics/car variety/damage is what I'd say everyone takes issue with.
Wait... "artificial praise" ? So everyone who has been praising it is making it up? Holy crap dude. :lol


pixel monkey said:
This is particularly humorous considering the source. This from the same guy that attacked me in ANOTHER FUCKING THREAD for what I wrote in this one. And then degraded the entire debate into personal insults.

Well played, Fire. Really. :lol

Ok one last shot. I did not attack you, I advised others not to bother with you because you seem incapable of having a decent conversation or making decent posts particularly in regards to this subject. I won't bring up the post in question, you know what you wrote, did you bother to read what you actually wrote? When you make such idiotic comments no one wants to bother with you.

Seriously calm down and try and have a decent discussion on the topic. You may hate PD/Sony GT fans or whatever but at least control yourselft. It's not about the hate dude.


shpankey said:
Your post is good and makes sense. Except for the part where you're doing exactly what you're describing. I'm sure someone here could probably look up your posts and see you doing it elsewhere as well... but to do it in the very post you make about it? :lol

Yeah shouldn't have wrote that, but its like I have stalkers now following me around because I have a different view than them. My apologies if anyone was offended by it.


commedieu said:
Horrible, mind saying why?

It's not horrible of course, just underwhelming in so many aspects - Especially after playing Forza 2. I even bought a PS3 for GT5P (I've been a major GT fan since the first game). I still just found it off-putting that it's so apparant that GT5P is a beta-test for PD, and a cash-injection for more car model polishing for GT5. The whole sliding along the barriers, bumper-cars, dumb AI, driving faster with one wheel on grass-thing, wheel-bugs (Oscillating FFB), an insane penality system and a awful glued-on campaign was just some of the dismal aspects of GT5P. I'm still looking very much forward to GT5 though, because I still have some faith in PD they just can't afford to fail this one.


not an idiot
Firewire said:
Yeah shouldn't have wrote that, but its like I have stalkers now following me around because I have a different view than them. My apologies if anyone was offended by it.
Nah, not offended. Your post, other than that, is very true and a real problem on forums that I wish would be addressed somehow. It's tough for anyone to make an argument amongst personal attacks. Just found it a bit funny. ;)


It seeems to me that... Forza is loved more by gamers, while GT is loved more by car lovers.

As a very broad, semi-accurate brushstroke rule of thumb anyway.
Zaptruder said:
It seeems to me that... Forza is loved more by gamers, while GT is loved more by car lovers.

As a very broad, semi-accurate brushstroke rule of thumb anyway.

As a car lover I love cars, as a gamer I love the Forza and GT series.
Firewire said:
Ok one last shot. I did not attack you, I advised others not to bother with you because you seem incapable of having a decent conversation or making decent posts particularly in regards to this subject. I won't bring up the post in question, you know what you wrote, did you bother to read what you actually wrote? When you make such idiotic comments no one wants to bother with you.

Seriously calm down and try and have a decent discussion on the topic. You may hate PD/Sony GT fans or whatever but at least control yourselft. It's not about the hate dude.

I never said a harsh word about fans of Gran Turismo, Fire. Not a single one. Why in the hell would I? I was/am one. I've purchased every GT title, including GT PSP.

You disagreed with my opinions on your beloved franchise, and you took my harsh words for Polyphony and their lack of innovation as a personal attack. Plain and simple.

There's something very wrong when we, as individuals, feel personally assaulted when someone has an unkind word for a corporate entity we've elevated to more than the sum of their work.


Comics, serious business!
Interfectum said:
Why is it that Forza fanatics are the only ones in this thread discussing posters and not the games :lol

Well, there you go. Your refusal to answer my questions directly is all we need to know. As someone said, you're beyond a troll. Way beyond. I don't know what the word is but you're it. Almost 160 posts of pure hatred. Which leads me to believe you're being paid, you're doing this for fun, or you are indeed an elaborate trap laid by Bish. You're now the second person on my ignore list.

I've been discussing each game. I've addressed the positives and negatives of each game. I've tried to get some rational debate going. I'm not a fanatic. I've played way more Gran Turismo than Forza. I have no burning loyalty to a piece of plastic or code on a DVD9/BR disc.
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