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Forza 3 vs Gran Turismo 5 Comparison Thread of John, Chapter 11, Verse 35

SeaOfMadness said:
the difference is. he's played the game. you haven't. post screenshots all you want. This guy had the game in front of him.

granted, it's not a fair comparison between a shipped game vs. one coming out in 6+ months, but still...
The screen he posted is from GT5 Prologue. I've raced on it hundreds of times.


KHarvey16 said:
You must have missed this:

Reading is important.
Annnd I read that. And the comment I made about their damage section is still relevant, if not more so. They have no idea damage is coming to GT5, that it was included in GamesCom, meaning that they did no research about the game, that they have no reason to say they are a GT fan.


I don't know about you guys, but who really cares about playing the demo or watching gameplay footage. I, for one, want to see more highly compressed jpegs presented for both games with circles and or rectangles highlighting all the jaggies and flaws.


deepbrown said:
Annnd I read that. And the comment I made about their damage section is still relevant, if not more so. They have no idea damage is coming to GT5, that it was included in GamesCom, meaning that they did no research about the game, that they have no reason to say they are a GT fan.

They said right up front they were basing the entire article on what was presented in the floor demos. Why the hell is that so hard to understand?


KHarvey16 said:
They said right up front they were basing the entire article on what was presented in the floor demos. Why the hell is that so hard to understand?

deepbrown(and destructoid) is mistaken. There's damage in the floorshow demo, as Che himself stated in his GT5 impressions. :)


Erm some poor Digi cam pics for everyone. Had to re-size due to them being sent to me at over 1.5mb each. Not great but does the game better justice than the gamersyde shots at least.


adds nothing to the thread but then I guess it fits in with the rest of the posts that way.
LiquidMetal14 said:
He's one of the only one's who's said such a thing. I think anyone can see GT is visually better.

from screenshots? or from actually playing the 2 games side by side?

there's no question many screenshots of GT are fantastic. but you don't play a screenshot. games look different in motion.

the things he pointed out (flat trees, etc...) are noticed when you drive around and are sure as hell not going to be shown in any official screenshots.

now, granted, I don't remember seeing any such flat tree trunks in GT5P, but this is not the same game. it's been improved upon I'm sure, but perhaps some other tradeoffs had to be made to accommodate the new things GT5 is doing. whatever the case, this guy saw these problems with the current GT5 build with his own eyes and commented on them. how can you challenge that?


Shogun PaiN said:
Erm some poor Digi cam pics for everyone. Had to re-size due to them being sent to me at over 1.5mb each. Not great but does the game better justice than the gamersyde shots at least.

http://i33.tinypic.com/2mziryx.jpg http://i34.tinypic.com/30croqt.jpg http://i34.tinypic.com/125mfba.jpg http://i36.tinypic.com/2wpt4wj.jpg http://i35.tinypic.com/212zajb.jpg

adds nothing to the thread but then I guess it fits in with the rest of the posts that way.

But like someone else said, the damage is painted on bro.



Comics, serious business!
LJ11 said:
This idea that GT5P is so far behind F2 in physics (collisions aside obviously) is greatly exaggerated. I played enough of both and F2 had the edge because of T10's tire model, but you would think there was this vast gap between the two by reading some posts. Even the ISR video that was posted earlier had the two neck and neck in the physics department.

They're both very good at what they do in the physics department.

Continue with the train wreck.

I never said there was a vast gap between the physics models. However, I do think the Forza series has better physics than the GT series and I do believe based on several reports that Forza 2 was doing more calculations on the fly that GT5:p. Again, this could all change. Who knows what black magic PD is cooking up.

The bottom line is that despite the 1,000 jpgs from both series in this thread, it's totally and utterly irrelevant. One can make either game look photorealistic or horrendous. When I'm trying to out brake my opponent going into turn 5 on XYZ course the last thing I'm going to be thinking about is graphics, let alone what the game I'm playing looks like in jpg form. All I'm thinking is "holy fuck this is a lot of fun."

Everyone needs to relax and stop the jpg bombardment. What series do you find more FUN? It's a videogame, afterall.
jett said:
deepbrown(and destructoid) is mistaken. There's damage in the floorshow demo, as Che himself stated in his GT5 impressions. :)

yes, that didn't make sense to me either. we've heard numerous reports of damage being shown in GT5 at TGS. no idea why this guy said it wasn't there.

unless by "wasn't there" he meant "wasn't good enough" or something??


jett said:
deepbrown(and destructoid) is mistaken. There's damage in the floorshow demo, as Che himself stated in his GT5 impressions. :)

Right, but according to Che the demo with the Subaru was different from the demo with the SLS. The Subbie had the damage we saw at Gamescom but the SLS just had scrapes and stuff.


KHarvey16 said:
Right, but according to Che the demo with the Subaru was different from the demo with the SLS. The Subbie had the damage we saw at Gamescom but the SLS just had scrapes and stuff.

So? Doesn't make destructoid any less wrong.


jett said:
I have a PS3 for exclusives and a PC for whatever ends up being multiplatform. In my opinion the only second class gaming citizens are those that don't own a gaming PC.
Last I checked Forza3 wasn't coming out on PC and the PC wasn't expecting any new racing sim games anytime soon.


KHarvey16 said:
They said right up front they were basing the entire article on what was presented in the floor demos. Why the hell is that so hard to understand?
He says in that section:
"If you have to have damage modeling, you want Forza 3."

If YOU, the END USER, want damage, you want Forza 3. It's not in GT. ???

Sorry...if they're talking about the demos - that sentence and in fact the whole paragraph makes NO SENSE.


jett said:
So? Doesn't make destructoid any less wrong.

It goes back to their opening lines about basing the article on what they played on the floor. They specifically mention things like "judging on the demo, etc" throughout the article. You could criticize the wording of the sentence mentioning damage but it's still been made abundantly clear what the scope of the article is.


SeaOfMadness said:
yes, that didn't make sense to me either. we've heard numerous reports of damage being shown in GT5 at TGS. no idea why this guy said it wasn't there.

unless by "wasn't there" he meant "wasn't good enough" or something??

It's probably what he means lol


Those textures from the Forza 3 digicam pics are horrible... I have never seen a car look like that... Ever.

Funny thing is, it has all those scrapes on its side, but its side mirror is completely intact and unscathed.


jett said:
deepbrown(and destructoid) is mistaken. There's damage in the floorshow demo, as Che himself stated in his GT5 impressions. :)
Sorry, Blim said it wasn't in (or thought it wasn't) which meant I presumed that was the case from the Destructoid article. That it is (in SOME form) means Dtoids article makes even less sense.
jett said:
Good thing that we can form our own opinions by looking at footage from the show, like this video:


not that you care, but here's my opinion

o lighting is excellent. cannot argue with that.
o track is ok, but there is an awful lot of repetition in the trees. on several streets, the trees were *identical* in their rows on both sides of the track.
o all shadows cast on the car (inside and out) are very blocky/polygonal, not smooth and feathered like you'd expect
o did not get a good sense of speed on that track. the car looked like it was going slower than it actually was.

i think it looks good, but this guy said he drove slow and noticed lots of flat models. so he's either making that up, or he actually saw that.


jett said:
So? I'm not buying a 360 for any reason.

so you've relegated yourself to missing out on a lot of games and arguing the superiority of one game over another even when you have no way to compare both said games.

there is a word that describes this sort of behavior


Junior Butler
pr0cs said:

so you've relegated yourself to missing out on a lot of games and arguing the superiority of one game over another even when you have no way to compare both said games.

there is a word that describes this sort of behavior

Someone hasn't been paying attention.


I think both games look and feel wonderful from what I seen so far. Do my opinions mean I will be ostracized from the gaming community?!


deepbrown said:
He says in that section:

If YOU, the END USER, want damage, you want Forza 3. It's not in GT. ???

Sorry...if they're talking about the demos - that sentence and in fact the whole paragraph makes NO SENSE.

That's the only sentence that could possibly be misleading there. But even with that in there, it's been made very, very clear that he is talking about the demos presented to him. That section makes perfect sense if you read it with the understanding that he is only talking about the demo.

Criticize it for a bad sentence where he potentially misrepresents the finished GT5 as being fully represented by the demo. But that isn't bad research.

Frankly, we're all giving way too much attention to a throw away article no one will remember by next week.


Pimpbaa said:
I think both games look and feel wonderful from what I seen so far. Do my opinions mean I will be ostracized from the gaming community?!

No but it may lead to some posters quoting your tag.

belvedere said:
Does that somehow make FM3's lighting engine better?

You guys are hilarious.

Keep going, keep going.


Seems like you have the wrong end of the stick my fellow junior friend. I have no doubt that GT5 will visually be on another level to Forza 3. The problem is certain posters getting worryingly excited because of the poor Gamersyde captures.

For the record I don't even like Racing sims :lol Dirt 2 is more my fortay.


belvedere said:
Does that somehow make FM3's lighting engine better?

You guys are hilarious.

Keep going, keep going.


Not having played the demo does take away some credibility when being critical at this point I think. Screengrabs can be affected by all kinds of things not related to the game and I can tell you with no hesitation that the Ferrari shot doesn't look like the game I'm playing at all.

Whoever has the ability to play the demo should. There's no way that screen will match what you experience.
pr0cs said:

so you've relegated yourself to missing out on a lot of games and arguing the superiority of one game over another even when you have no way to compare both said games.

there is a word that describes this sort of behavior

But... gamersyde pics ? :(


KHarvey16 said:
That's the only sentence that could possibly be misleading there. But even with that in there, it's been made very, very clear that he is talking about the demos presented to him. That section makes perfect sense if you read it with the understanding that he is only talking about the demo.

Criticize it for a bad sentence where he potentially misrepresents the finished GT5 as being fully represented by the demo. But that isn't bad research.

Frankly, we're all giving way too much attention to a throw away article no one will remember by next week.
Too much attention in a couple of forum posts in a forum page that noone will look at again in hours time? Nah.
Shogun PaiN said:
Seems like you have the wrong end of the stick my fellow junior friend.

If you're gonna do it, at least do it right. You only show your ignorance of the forum when you equate belvedere, who is a junior butler, to yourself, a proper junior. :lol

P.S. My first post in this thread. Dear God the fun i've had watching this cesspool of humanity fester... Its like an ugly zit on the face of NeoGAF!


pr0cs said:

so you've relegated yourself to missing out on a lot of games and arguing the superiority of one game over another even when you have no way to compare both said games.

there is a word that describes this sort of behavior

:lol We are comparing two games that haven't been released yet. There's also a word for your behavior right now, ya hypocrite.
expy said:
Those textures from the Forza 3 digicam pics are horrible... I have never seen a car look like that... Ever.

Funny thing is, it has all those scrapes on its side, but its side mirror is completely intact and unscathed.



deepbrown said:
Damage is turned off in the TGS demo. Damage was debuted at GamesCom, with a bunch of videos. It was said that this was only the early damage model as they wanted to tweak it...why did they remove the damage for TGS? Because they don't want people saying it's not what they envisioned...because it's still being worked on.

And despite all that.

We don't have comments like "in the GT5 TGS demo, there didn't appear to be damage, despite it being in the GamesCom demo"...

No, we get "Gran Turismo doesn't do that." "It's just not there in Gran Turismo." - and it takes up a whole paragraph of his gameplay section. Unresearched? Oh yes. "I'm a big Gran Turismo fan"? Bollocks.


It's nice to know that now you have to have played Forza 3 to comment on the game's graphics. I trust all of you have played Gran Turismo 5, yes? :lol

You can say a lot about the overzealousness of GT fanboys, but the double-standards and hypocrisy exhibited by some of you is truly astounding. I guess this is what this thread is good for.

"that video is like TEH CGI and total bullshit" *doesn't matter that Forza's photomode pictures are generated in the exact same way as that video*
"lulz keep those bullshots away from here, where are the real in-game pictures?" *ignores the fact that all we've seen from F3 are bullshots*
"Off-screen shots? bitch plz!" *goes on to post off-screen shots of F3 to demonstrate its graphical qualities*

Seriously, get a grip people and stop acting like you're all unbiased and better than the rest. This the official thread of complete bullshit and you better recognize it.

Now, let's carry on with the craziness.


pr0cs said:
Last I checked Forza3 wasn't coming out on PC and the PC wasn't expecting any new racing sim games anytime soon.

I don't really give a fuck about this thread outside of lols (which haven't been delivered the way I thought), but I had to reply here.

NFS Shift was just released. Love it or hate, it's not mario kart that's for sure.
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