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Forza 3 vs Gran Turismo 5 Comparison Thread of John, Chapter 11, Verse 35


Lion Heart said:
jett- owning mothafuckas since 2004

jakonovski said:
The SDF is strong tonight. I guess it's because they have nothing to play. :lol
Have you actually provided any constructive comments? Your constant, failing attempts to get a rise out of people is annoying. Stop it.


jett said:
PD isn't even afraid to show incomplete shit like that rear-view mirror, which was fixed by the time GT5P was released.

Let me know how good GT5 is when you play it in Spring 2012.

Also, 'afraid'? PD is not a human being nor has it feelings.


OptionN, ShiftN
If you want to fool yourself, do it, but Forza 3 doens't look nearly as bad as those screenshots in motion.

That being said, there is nothing to discuss: GT5 has better lightning, which is what gives it an overall better look.
CrushDance said:
Have you actually provided any constructive comments? Your constant, failing attempts to get a rise out of people is annoying. Stop it.

You're really going to play the "constructive comment" card in this thread? Lol. I think you need to relax, seems like your taking this thread way to seriously.
imtehman said:
defensive much?
I'm not being defensive. I came into this thread to see screens and comparisons of both games, I didn't troll or make any snarky comments. Just because it's a comparison thread, doesn't mean it's a free for all either.

AZ Greg said:
Pray, do tell.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
Zabka said:
There's jaggies all over the edges of the windshield and the rear view mirror, but they're muddied up by some nasty jpg compression.
Those aren't jaggies. Those edges are anti-aliased.


Interfectum said:
When did all the Forza bullshots start reappearing?

The demo has put those to bed and the cars look NOTHING like those bullshots no matter how you try to manipulate the screens :lol

No one is manipulating the buffer captures, but the simple truth of the matter is they look smoother on your actual television. People seem to love accepting certain 'facts' while ignoring others--there are buffer caps of prologue in this very same thread that have the same issues with regards to aliasing, texture work, etc. The press shots T10 has released are photomode shots, but for what they are, those are the actual car models in the actual lighting conditions. It's also exactly what PD does when it releases its screens.

Actual TV output will always look better than buffer caps. these are iphone camera grabs, taken for the purpose of illustrating the edge clarity (as I've said in this very thread, off-screen caps tend to enhance contrast, so ignore that. this isn't trying to prove how 'real' it looks.):




That last shot is actually a swinging camera.

The replays T10 has released in the last month look exactly as things do in game, albeit occasionally slowed down to show off car models. If you're trying to convince yourself they're somehow showing off models 'not' in the game, you're wasting your time.

I've pretty much been joking around the whole time in this thread because, well, let's be honest--most of the people here have no interest in ACTUAL discussion of each game's merits, because they decided the 'winner' long ago. I'm going to step outside my sarcastic little box and offer some honest insights.

I've got my PS3 on my HDMI II connection and I've been switching back and forth between both games in gameplay as well as replay, and you want to know the diff? FM3 has more vibrant color, whereas Prologue's is more subdued. There is little to no difference in terms of the level of aliasing, although on my 1080p display I'd probably give prologue the nod for having sliiiiightly less. There are major differences in how the cars move in each respective demo (Prologue's are certainly more slippery, with less weight transfer in turns) and that gives the FM3 demo the edge in that respect. It drives better. FM3 also has the edge in terms of the car audio, to the point prologue's vehicles sound like they're under water. In terms of the replays, I give the nod to PD for good use of focus depth to enhance the drama of their replay cameras. FM3 is doing a much better job than FM2 in terms of intelligent cameras, though prologue has more dynamic ones.

People are harping on the cockpit views as well. FM3's, for the most part, do the job just fine. There are varying levels of quality (the Ferrari's above is smoother than, say, the subaru's in the same demo). All the dials are animated and functional, and it's honestly the first cockpit view I've ever actually LIKED racing with. it's less obtrusive than, say, Grid's or Dirt's, which have always felt like I was racing in a rearview mirror. I won't compare it to GT's because I don't HAVE GT5 to compare it to on an honest 1 on 1, but I can assure you it's a hell of a lot nicer than the grabs above.

The above post was for the benefit of those ACTUALLY interested in both games, without playing any favorites. I think it's simply asinine to throw around screenshots trying to declare a 'winnar'. I own a PS3 ONLY for GT5, I got my PSP long ago for the sole purpose of playing GT PSP. I've played the living hell out of Forza 1, Forza 2, and I'm going to play the hell out of this demo until I get Forza 3. Any of you how actually give a damn about racing games, not system wars, will tell you: That's the fucking point.

You may go back to your shitlsinging.


jett said:
:lol WTF is this shit? Turn10 has never in their lives released a real screenshot of Forza 3, unlike PD with GT5P.

Here's some just so you don't cry yourself to sleep:


PD isn't even afraid to show incomplete shit like that rear-view mirror, which was fixed by the time GT5P was released.
You do realize those are super-sampled, if even just a little, right? I have no doubt they were captured direct-feed/native res, but the downscaling (applied by IGN?) has softened them up a bit.


CrushDance said:
I'm not being defensive. I came into this thread to see screens and comparisons of both games, I didn't troll or make any snarky comments. Just because it's a comparison thread, doesn't mean it's a free for all either.

WTF, this is the exact type of thread that promotes trolling and such, you getting annoyed
because people are doing what they are allowed to do speaks volumes


Junior Butler
jakonovski said:
The SDF is strong tonight. I guess it's because they have nothing to play. :lol

Wow. It's like he missed the entire page of posts above him. Especially the part where one side (the side he so blatantly belongs to) resorted to name calling, using doctored pics, and yet despite all of this, still never constructed a valid argument.



jakonovski said:
The SDF is strong tonight. I guess it's because they have nothing to play. :lol

Yeah, pretty much. I still can't believe the release date for GT5 is March 2010 in Japan. Dear god, how much longer do they need with this game?


CrushDance said:
I'm not being defensive. I came into this thread to see screens and comparisons of both games, I didn't troll or make any snarky comments. Just because it's a comparison thread, doesn't mean it's a free for all either.
Sadly, this will never happen. As m0dus and several others have noted, there's pretty much no chance of a legitimate comparison discussion happening considering the thread was created to keep the other main threads clean of this garbage.


Junior Butler
XiaNaphryz said:
Sadly, this will never happen. As m0dus and several others have noted, there's pretty much no chance of a legitimate comparison discussion happening considering the thread was created to keep the other main threads clean of this garbage.

Direct feed grab comparisons of both titles happened pages ago. Anyone who's ever sat in an automobile, or has experiencing with using their retinas can point out the more realistic game. The closest was when looking at similar points on similar tracks from the behind the car view, even then the car model details were noticeable.


See the problem is that poorly taken screen grabs can make a good looking game appear a little rough around the edges. I have no doubt at all GT5 will be in a whole other league visually compared to Forza 3 but using screens featuring heavy artifact's is a little unfair.

For example -


Is that what Prologue looks like? With MMO style textures? Unless my TV is a bad liar I don't think so.

Apologies If i Broke the whole page size thing.


m0dus said:
No one is manipulating the buffer captures, but the simple truth of the matter is they look smoother on your actual television. People seem to love accepting certain 'facts' while ignoring others--there are buffer caps of prologue in this very same thread that have the same issues with regards to aliasing, texture work, etc. The press shots T10 has released are photomode shots, but for what they are, those are the actual car models in the actual lighting conditions. It's also exactly what PD does when it releases its screens.

Actual TV output will always look better than buffer caps. these are iphone camera grabs, taken for the purpose of illustrating the edge clarity (as I've said in this very thread, off-screen caps tend to enhance contrast, so ignore that. this isn't trying to prove how 'real' it looks.):




That last shot is actually a swinging camera.

The replays T10 has released in the last month look exactly as things do in game, albeit occasionally slowed down to show off car models. If you're trying to convince yourself they're somehow showing off models 'not' in the game, you're wasting your time.

I've pretty much been joking around the whole time in this thread because, well, let's be honest--most of the people here have no interest in ACTUAL discussion of each game's merits, because they decided the 'winner' long ago. I'm going to step outside my sarcastic little box and offer some honest insights.

I've got my PS3 on my HDMI II connection and I've been switching back and forth between both games in gameplay as well as replay, and you want to know the diff? FM3 has more vibrant color, whereas Prologue's is more subdued. There is little to no difference in terms of the level of aliasing, although on my 1080p display I'd probably give prologue the nod for having sliiiiightly less. There are major differences in how the cars move in each respective demo (Prologue's are certainly more slippery, with less weight transfer in turns) and that gives the FM3 demo the edge in that respect. It drives better. FM3 also has the edge in terms of the car audio, to the point prologue's vehicles sound like they're under water. In terms of the replays, I give the nod to PD for good use of focus depth to enhance the drama of their replay cameras. FM3 is doing a much better job than FM2 in terms of intelligent cameras, though prologue has more dynamic ones.

People are harping on the cockpit views as well. FM3's, for the most part, do the job just fine. There are varying levels of quality (the Ferrari's above is smoother than, say, the subaru's in the same demo). All the dials are animated and functional, and it's honestly the first cockpit view I've ever actually LIKED racing with. it's less obtrusive than, say, Grid's or Dirt's, which have always felt like I was racing in a rearview mirror. I won't compare it to GT's because I don't HAVE GT5 to compare it to on an honest 1 on 1, but I can assure you it's a hell of a lot nicer than the grabs above.

The above post was for the benefit of those ACTUALLY interested in both games, without playing any favorites. I think it's simply asinine to throw around screenshots trying to declare a 'winnar'. I own a PS3 ONLY for GT5, I got my PSP long ago for the sole purpose of playing GT PSP. I've played the living hell out of Forza 1, Forza 2, and I'm going to play the hell out of this demo until I get Forza 3. Any of you how actually give a damn about racing games, not system wars, will tell you: That's the fucking point.

You may go back to your shitlsinging.
Unfortunately, this post is going to fall on mainly deaf ears in here.


CrushDance said:
I'm not being defensive. I came into this thread to see screens and comparisons of both games, I didn't troll or make any snarky comments. Just because it's a comparison thread, doesn't mean it's a free for all either.

Pray, do tell.

The ridicule, snarky comments and jabs have been pretty one sided since last night.

All based mainly on a bad gif cap of FM3 recently dubbed "magic carpet ride" and the very relevant Top Gear quotes :lol, and now the very same people that haven't even played the demo ridicule screen caps that don't even represent how the game looks at all. Childish behavior at best.

But oh well I'm someone on the "other side" so my statement must be biased.


MY god this thread...

But then again that is exactly why it was created. I cannot believe some people have nothing better to do with their time than this though.


Leckan said:
MY god this thread...

But then again that is exactly why it was created. I cannot believe some people have nothing better to do with their time than this though.
Serious business!
m0dus said:
No one is manipulating the buffer captures, but the simple truth of the matter is they look smoother on your actual television. People seem to love accepting certain 'facts' while ignoring others--there are buffer caps of prologue in this very same thread that have the same issues with regards to aliasing, texture work, etc. The press shots T10 has released are photomode shots, but for what they are, those are the actual car models in the actual lighting conditions. It's also exactly what PD does when it releases its screens.

I'll also post this comparison between Gamersyde's capture and Gameswire's captures. Its obvious Gamersyde's caps are just bad quality.


XiaNaphryz said:
Sadly, this will never happen. As m0dus and several others have noted, there's pretty much no chance of a legitimate comparison discussion happening considering the thread was created to keep the other main threads clean of this garbage.
You're right. I'll just browse the FM3 thread instead.


I just feel sorry that people are going to miss either title because of some stupid bias or because they're cheap mofos.
Quit being second class gaming citizens, you're not much of a gamer if you don't have both machines.


The Inside Track
infinityBCRT said:
I'll also post this comparison between Gamersyde's capture and Gameswire's captures. Its obvious Gamersyde's caps are just bad quality.
No they are not, at least not for what our friendly trolls are all clamoring about. They just display that under certain angles Turn 10's lighting engine falls flat on its face with this result. It certainly wasn't intended to show this from Manager's part as far as I can tell, but I simply can't let you say that our captures are bad quality. Bad quality would not result in what we see here.


BadlyCookedTurkey said:

pixel art ftw.

pr0cs said:
I just feel sorry that people are going to miss either title because of some stupid bias or because they're cheap mofos.
Quit being second class gaming citizens, you're not much of a gamer if you don't have both machines.

I have a PS3 for exclusives and a PC for whatever ends up being multiplatform. In my opinion the only second class gaming citizens are those that don't own a gaming PC.


Comics, serious business!
pr0cs said:
I just feel sorry that people are going to miss either title because of some stupid bias or because they're cheap mofos.
Quit being second class gaming citizens, you're not much of a gamer if you don't have both machines.

Especially now that GT5 isn't coming out until at least March. When released, FM3 will be the best sim racer on consoles. That's a good six months for all of us to enjoy the awesomeness. Then when GT5 is released we can see for ourselves if its better or not. Then we buy that if is. It's that simple, really.


infinityBCRT said:
I'll also post this comparison between Gamersyde's capture and Gameswire's captures. Its obvious Gamersyde's caps are just bad quality.


The first image has some really bad jpeg compression artifacts. Zoom in with your favorite image editing tool and look around the Ferrari emblem. And none of the edges or panels of the car look clean. Lots of jpeg noise.

In fact, the second image (Gameswire) is only very slightly better (it is a larger file, too). There are artifacts there, too, but not as severe.

The game itself, surprisingly, doesn't include jpeg compression artifacts. :)
So, how many haughty Xbox MVPs and shrill Sony GAP members can fit into one thread?

Guess we'll find out; though, I'd rather be on the team getting the game for free for my services than a token beta or two. Gotta get paid for mah bootay!


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
Okay. I've played the Forza3 demo for a couple of hours on and off and then had another couple of goes on NFS Shift [PC] demo and I'm torn.

Both played from in cockpit view (outside views are for girls).

F3 is so smooth. Completely judder free and wonderfully responsive and incredible 60fps with almost no anti aliasing issues and absolutely no tearing. It feels lovely. In cockpit view looks great and you get a nice sense of speed. A.I. is also really good. You actually feel that they're real people in there trying to get in front of you etc...

Obviously on a decent PC rig you can notch up the visuals so there is no anti aliasing at all and everything looks super lush. Cockpit view looks more real then Forza. You can see reflections in the glass etc.
The blur effect and head bobbing gives you a much more visceral and brutal sense of speed. When you're barrelling down the road at 160 mph in Shift. It really does feel like your doing it.
Handling on shift does not feel as real as Forza. There is definitely something off there with the physics and the bumping around bit.
The A.I. in Shift is mental compared to Forza3. It's like you're in some kind of crazy Mad Max racing universe compared to Forza. I'm not so much racing, more combating. But it does feel more exciting though.

I really don't know which one to get...
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