Label said:
Maybe we should make a list of all the people to be in the club? (I just don't want to miss out!)
I don't want to tread on anyone's toes or make any assumptions (Gowans007 is running the GAF car club and has the final say-so as to who is in or out) but the Rivals list from the demo thread might be a good starting point for any GAFfers to register their interest in joining..?
The latest version at time of posting was:
Mascot | Masscot
Flyinpiranha | Fly1np1ranha
Shaneus | Shaneus2k2
purg3 | purg3
felipepl | felipepl
skyfinch | yawzway
bcd2 | Big Takeover
Gowans007 | Gowans007
valru | tGill604
p3tran | p3tran
op_ivy | LoopOfHenle
nagge | Ox nagge
Yoritomo | Yoritomo79
Broman1978 | Broman78
Fantasmo | Captain Rizla
saladine1 | V8 big blok
Pepto | massproduction
-MikePriester- | mikepriester
Grassy | x Grassy x
squared | squaredd
PjotrStroganov | PjotrStroganov
FStop7 | Racelap
sneak77 | sneaky77
Norante | Norante
Xathos | NocturnalGoat
Slayer-33 | Archer33
OrangeOak | SteelOak
retroBrand | retroBrand
CaramaC | oODHOo
Lima | Revolver Ned
Gek54 | Russtic
shadowkhas | sh4dowkhass
RiskBreaker | EdgeyPoo
Doodis | Les Doodis
Spaceman Spiff | Sp4ceman Sp1ff
The_Monk | Kenji Miguel
AlanzTalon | AlanzTalon
Aptos | Aptos
ShapeGSX | ShapeGSX
Raudi | Raudi
R dott B | CityFLOW
CrudeDiatribe | CrudeDiatribe
Frackh | EclecticFinn
Izayoi | Drew McDuffy
user_nat | nanaw
kazinova | kazinova
drugstore_cowboy | CoProxamolKid
Shortt Sirket | Shortt Sirket
drifter444 | drifter444
Caddle | str8buzykltty
The Stig | British Meat
Captain Bluey | Captain Bluey
Iknos | IknosRacing
djm | djm232
DivineRage002 |DivineRage002
gragy10 | Granholme
lingitiz | Geflat0