it being forza has kind of burned me out really. I've played since the first one and put hundreds of hours into F6. I'm like high tier 10 in the forza rewards. I just want something more from these now than more cars and pretty rain. It'll look great on the X and I'll still get it then. They havent show shit about this game on older models.
I wish Forza was just more deep really. I'm loving F1 2017 for the actual races with practice, qualifying, regulations, and strategies that make things more fun. Forza just has never been about this stuff, probably never will.
I'm a series long fan aswell and admit that i too yearn for a deeper racing experience. I'd love for FM to have practice, quali and race(s) but don't think that'd appeal to the crowd Forza looks like it's trying to reach. This is a real shame and, like you, i go to other franchises for a better racing experience.