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Forza Horizon |OT| A Whole New Playground


A few questions...

1. I'm still playing Forza 3, its just way too long. Can Horizon be beaten in 30 or so hours?
2. How does it work? I saw a video where the guy was driving near oncoming traffic, while doing so at 100MPH. Is it pure sim or sim-arcade or what?


1. From what I understand - yes
2. Sim-Arcade


That's the opening 'teaser' experience, that seems all kinds of messed up (he jams the brakes on if you get too far behind).

The actual first rally race doesn't seem to have any rubber banding (on insane at least), I can be miles ahead and they don't magically catch me up...

Same goes for the other viper road race, I can win by a country mile if I get it perfect.. Surely if the rubber banding was prevalent, I'd only ever barely win no matter how hard I tried?

I'm just not seeing it myself....

I've spoken to the devs about this, and can confirm that rubberbanding is present ONLY in the initial race right at the start of the game with Darius. This is just an intro sequence with deliberate rubberbanding for effect though – the races DON’T have rubberbanding.
I've spoken to the devs about this, and can confirm that rubberbanding is present ONLY in the initial race right at the start of the game with Darius. This is just an intro sequence with deliberate rubberbanding for effect though – the races DON’T have rubberbanding.

That's great news :D


I've spoken to the devs about this, and can confirm that rubberbanding is present ONLY in the initial race right at the start of the game with Darius. This is just an intro sequence with deliberate rubberbanding for effect though – the races DON’T have rubberbanding.

Sweet :D


Junior Member
I thought that the race with Darius was obvious in it's intent. You aren't supposed to beat him right?
So I can see that effect being played out here.

As for other races, yeah, I don't see the rubberbanding at all, at least not as obvious anyway..


I thought that the race with Darius was obvious in it's intent. You aren't supposed to beat him right?

Precisely, Darius is meant to be an amazing racer and is also the reigning unbeaten Horizon champion, would be a bit weird if you just blaze past him on the way to the festival :)
Precisely, Darius is meant to be an amazing racer and is also the reigning unbeaten Horizon champion, would be a bit weird if you just blaze past him on the way to the festival :)

I blazed past him in the opening race (demo), just because poor Darius lost control and hit the oncoming traffic.

I see that Vipers RPM has been fixed in FH. In F4 when you redlined it, RPM didn't change the color to red, but in FH it does ;-)


Junior Member
lol, that's why I said supposed..

I've shunted him off the road a few times. He thought he was too cool for school..


I blazed past him in the opening race (demo), just because poor Darius lost control and hit the oncoming traffic.

I see that Vipers RPM has been fixed in FH. In F4 when you redlined it, RPM didn't change the color to red, but in FH it does ;-)

The perils of traffic :)

But yeah, what I meant was that it's designed to be a close race if you're a competent driver, barring any traffic related mishaps of course!
I blazed past him in the opening race (demo), just because poor Darius lost control and hit the oncoming traffic.

I see that Vipers RPM has been fixed in FH. In F4 when you redlined it, RPM didn't change the color to red, but in FH it does ;-)


It always changed color. First thing I noticed when they released the car.

I just double checked to see if my memory was off, and nope it lights up red just as I remember.


Stratos is in the game, no 037 though.

Another quick session, this time with something rather Mini ;)

Pics of the original Fiat 500 now please :)

I really like how the game looks right before it gets completely dark and in the middle of the day, that is, when there's no yellow/orange tint ruining the visuals :p

Thought i would be getting this for cheap sometimes down the line, but i'm starting to doubt i can resist a day one purchase.

It always changed color. First thing I noticed when they released the car.

I just double checked to see if my memory was off, and nope it lights up red just as I remember.

In F4 it doesn't when driving in cockpit view (only in Autovista mode it does), atleast the one I have LOL. Will check tonight.

@Helios Can you ask Devs if the sound will be enhanced a bit, not just through upgrades.


I've spoken to the devs about this, and can confirm that rubberbanding is present ONLY in the initial race right at the start of the game with Darius. This is just an intro sequence with deliberate rubberbanding for effect though – the races DON’T have rubberbanding.
Thank god!

Hi guys,

How large is the map in this game? Are we talking NPS:Hot Pursuit size or something smaller? I love games where you can drive for miles and miles without seeing repeated scenery... especially when it looks as good as Horizon appears to look...
Judging from the part of it that is available in the demo and how fast you go through it, I'd say it's smaller than HP's open world. Should be big enough though.


From what I understand you will still be able to buy them in the game - you just don´t get them for free upfront.

I googled it and I can't find any evidence of this. All signs point to the cars being exclusive to preorders.

Which is ridiculous. How can you lock cars like the 458 Italia and the SLS from the rest of your playerbase who didn't preorder from a specific retailer?

I don't think I'm buying this game anymore.


I googled it and I can't find any evidence of this. All signs point to the cars being exclusive to preorders.

Which is ridiculous. How can you lock cars like the 458 Italia and the SLS from the rest of your playerbase who didn't preorder from a specific retailer?

I don't think I'm buying this game anymore.

That wouldn´t make sense. I´m sure you can get the cars in the game.

Got a copy this morning from MS (being a scummy journalist and everything) and I'm really enjoying it. The demo really impressed me, but really loving what I've played so far. Also, trivial as it is, the title screen - even though it's the same as the demo - is really lovely and a great tonemaker.

Personally speaking, I needed a good proper open-world racer to replace Test Drive Unlimited 1 now the servers are offline and TDU2, for all intents, was a bit shit. I reckon Horizon is that replacement. Loving it.


That wouldn´t make sense. I´m sure you can get the cars in the game.

It would make sense. That's exactly how FM4 worked. There were certain cars for specific retailers selected as preorders, then later on down the track (I think it was <6 months) they sold all of them in the one pack, essentially nullifying the preorder value because you get that car with this pack anyway.
I googled it and I can't find any evidence of this. All signs point to the cars being exclusive to preorders.

Which is ridiculous. How can you lock cars like the 458 Italia and the SLS from the rest of your playerbase who didn't preorder from a specific retailer?

I don't think I'm buying this game anymore.

Although it's still shitty, the preorder cars were available to buy in Forza 4 a few months later.

nm beaten


Oh and I don't get to choose from any of the preorder bonuses because Microsoft is not rolling them out for my country. Plus just look at some of those cars they stowed away in the Collector's Edition.

Fuck this shit. I'm not going to support such crappy business practices. I have far too many games to play anyway. I'll pick it up used or when it hits the bargain bin.


Junior Member
Got a copy this morning from MS (being a scummy journalist and everything) and I'm really enjoying it. The demo really impressed me, but really loving what I've played so far. Also, trivial as it is, the title screen - even though it's the same as the demo - is really lovely and a great tonemaker.

Personally speaking, I needed a good proper open-world racer to replace Test Drive Unlimited 1 now the servers are offline and TDU2, for all intents, was a bit shit. I reckon Horizon is that replacement. Loving it.

I agree about the title screen. It's simple but very pleasant at the same time..


I googled it and I can't find any evidence of this. All signs point to the cars being exclusive to preorders.

Which is ridiculous. How can you lock cars like the 458 Italia and the SLS from the rest of your playerbase who didn't preorder from a specific retailer?

I don't think I'm buying this game anymore.
Yeah I'm still not sure whether I'll buy this game or not. I don't like the feeling of locked content despite having payed 60 euros for a game just because I didn't preorder.

The Forza games are really crossing the line for me with all that pre-order and microtransaction crap. I already skipped Forza 4 because of that and it's really bothering me with Horizon as well... and then there's the ridiculous season pass on top of that.
Because the XBOX 360 did not grow memory over time. It´s still the same 8 year old console. I´m amazed at how good FH looks.

What's the link between rain and hardware horsepower? If it's able to simulate advanced lightining in sunny weather, a rainy/foggy effect shouln't be a problem.

MC Los Angeles had rain, so Hot Pursuit...


Yeah I'm still not sure whether I'll buy this game or not. I don't like the feeling of locked content despite having payed 60 euros for a game just because I didn't preorder.

The Forza games are really crossing the line for me with all that pre-order and microtransaction crap. I already skipped Forza 4 because of that and it's really bothering me with Horizon as well... and then there's the ridiculous season pass on top of that.

Yep. I've put up with such practices in the past because the preorder bonuses tend to be just relatively niche/unique variants of "base" cars that are already in the game. I think GT5 did it this way.

But the 458 Italia and the SLS? Those are mainstream cars that most people would want to drive. Whatever the hell possessed them to do it this way?

Plus, I don't give a shit about all the other stuff in the LE but locking away the latest Pagani and forcing customers who want that content to pony up an additional and substantial amount of cash for it?

Forget it. I'll save my money then.


i think we can all agree, Playground Games MUST make PGR5 for nextbox, theyre are a very, very talented bunch of racing freaks, with them and Turn 10, MS could obliterate the racing game scene next gen
In F4 it doesn't when driving in cockpit view (only in Autovista mode it does), atleast the one I have LOL. Will check tonight.

@Helios Can you ask Devs if the sound will be enhanced a bit, not just through upgrades.


Sorry broseph but your incorrect.
3 possibilities
1. Your tv settings are all screwed up.
2. Your mixing up the Viper with the Venom(aka the widow.maker)
3. Your driving automatic?


i think we can all agree, Playground Games MUST make PGR5 for nextbox, theyre are a very, very talented bunch of racing freaks, with them and Turn 10, MS could obliterate the racing game scene next gen

Nope. I want more Horizon.


Sorry, but I can't really talk about the future plans for DLC over what's already been put out. More info is coming very soon though.

Fair enough.

I´m just gonna assume that no car will stay exclusive forever and you will be able to get every car at some point.


Forza Horizon Tokyo Nights

Why nights? And why Tokyo? I don´t want to drive in a city - again - or on the left side of the road ( had enough of that in Sleeping Dogs ).

But I like the idea that the Horizon festival moves around in the world.
Why nights? And why Tokyo? I don´t want to drive in a city - again - or on the left side of the road ( had enough of that in Sleeping Dogs ).

But I like the idea that the Horizon festival moves around in the world.

Still daytime in the game but night racing in a proper city, plus all of those mountain passes.


Junior Member
In F4 it doesn't when driving in cockpit view (only in Autovista mode it does), atleast the one I have LOL. Will check tonight.

@Helios Can you ask Devs if the sound will be enhanced a bit, not just through upgrades.

I gather from previous answers that the sounds are pretty much the same as FM4.

PG have turned the volume down on production cars, that is, until upgrades are applied and I think that's the only way the sounds change..

i.e- Adding exhaust upgrades kick in the DSP effects and raises the volume of the audio.
Stripping out the cabin aka weight reduction, raises the volume inside the cockpit.
Adding bigger turbos and superchargers result in louder spools and bov's
Upgrading transmission results in louder gear whine
Upgrading cams result in more/louder backfires


How is it any different then driving in fictional Colorado? Your just changing the location.

When I think of Tokyo night driving I think of the Fast and the Furious, wich I would call a "Dudebro" car movie. IMO much more fitting for NFS and not so much for the more elegant Forza series.
I gather from previous answers that the sounds are pretty much the same as FM4.

PG have turned the volume down on production cars, that is, until upgrades are applied and I think that's the only way the sounds change..

i.e- Adding exhaust upgrades kick in the DSP effects and raises the volume of the audio.
Stripping out the cabin aka weight reduction, raises the volume inside the cockpit.
Adding bigger turbos and superchargers result in louder spools and bov's
Upgrading transmission results in louder gear whine
Upgrading cams result in more/louder backfires

Thx mate :)

Looking forward to the game.
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