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Fossil Fighters: Frontier |OT| Intelligently Designed Action

Vivosaur List with Locations


Summary: Dig up dinosaur fossils, revive them into vivosaurs, and fight!
Developers: RED Entertainment, Spike Chunsoft
Localization: 8-4
Main Genre: JRPG
Specific “subgenres”: Monster collection, Dinosaur RPG, fossil digging
Price: $29.99
Release Date: eShop: 9 PM PT March 19th, retail: March 20th.


You are a candidate to become a Warden to help protect the world's Fossil Parks. Congratulations! Enjoy meeting new people and discovering new areas. Eventually, however, trouble will start brewing. The BR Brigade will appear on the scene and start stirring up trouble. Who knows what their plans are?

After the credits, enjoy a relatively non-linear scenario where you help various characters out, both ones you already know and new potential allies. The post-game doesn't have a linear plot, but there are a few bombs dropped, well, bombs as far as kid-oriented games go at least. The post-game's big enough to have its own ending, too, so be a good Samaritan and go for it!

It's not a mind-blowing story but it's pretty cute and enjoyable overall.



Penny: Your typical Mary Sue cleric-type character... Or is she? She could be a Super Mary Sue, or a rebel, or a rebellious Mary Sue, or a... You get the point. Play to find out if she really is a true Mary Sue!

Roland: A pretty timid, rotund boy. Hmm... I wonder what's at the cause of his shyness?

Dalia: A girl that's in love with drivin' as fast as she can in a Bone Buggy and aimin' for fast times in Time Attacks. Gotta go fast! But, you can't help but wonder how well a young girl like her can drive...

Leon: He's a lone wolf who feels that he can do everything by himself. Is he really that badass, or will you need to go set him straight?

Nate: A drama queen. A true, modern day drama queen. Er, at least he uses a vivosaur that is a really good team player; his Edapho will get your Boost Gauge filled up rickety-split. His uncommon LP Recovery support short is a boon, too. So yeah, he's useful! ...Yeah that's about his one redeeming quality.

Meet these Paleo Pals and many more throughout your adventure! Party up with your favorites or try to create the most optimal team you can... It's up to you!



Explore sizable areas! Try to find hidden areas to find new fossils, challenge Challenge Routes for rare fossils and loss of sanity, and more!
Once you find a fossil, dig it up! Enjoy digging up much bigger fossils than in past entries, but do take breaks from digging on a regular basis if you're sane.

After digging up fossils, reviving vivosaurs, and refining their movesets with your preferred mix of normal and rare fossils, go enjoy battles! Oh, but don't be dumb with your support shots, that can bite you in the ass and cause you to have to grind more than required later on.



You drive around in a vehicle called a Bone Buggy. Upgrade it to make jumps you couldn't before and to just go a lot faster in general. You start out in a slow piece of shit, but slowly but surely you'll build up some beast buggies that go pretty fast. A few of the vehicles also have special qualities that you'll want to keep in mind when choosing which one to bring with you to a Challenge Route or when digging in specific areas.


I could go into details on these but who cares because DINOSAURS ARE AWESOME so I'll just provide some concept art with absolutely no explanation whatsoever:




Q: Where can I find...?
A: Here you go. Ask in thread if you got something more specific.

Q: Where's this sidequest item found?
A: [spoilers]First one: Near last SS point. Rest: Search for a wall full of jewels. Should be on that wall somewhere.[/spoilers]

Q: How do I beat this stupid boss fight?
A: Reexamine your team and support shot strategy and try to figure out what went wrong. There are a few battles in the game where just rushing into things can result in failure; the game's on the easier side of things, but it's not like past Fossil Fighters where you don't have to try at all. You'll need to try at least a little bit. In most cases you can just grind tournaments if all else fails, though.

Q: What's a strong team?
A: To start off with, slap three vivosaurs with the ability Ally Stats Up together. That ability stacks and at max rank every vivosaur on your team will get 20-something points added to their Attack and Defense, along with a good Speed boost. So you'll have really good stats by default and then just have to focus on choosing good movesets and support shots that go well with your Paleo Pals' support shots. There are other good team formations too but that is probably the simplest one.

Q: How do I upgrade my license?
A: Do Seven Scramble tournaments, to the highest level you can, everyday. Eventually you should get that S Rank license. Then to increase your Warden Rank you just do Missions for the necessary points.

Q: The vivosaur in this Challenge Route won't change, even after I beat it. Is there a way to get them to change?
A: You need to leave the area completely and then reenter. Most Challenge Routes are near teleportation points so it's usually not a big deal to exit and then quickly reenter.

Q: My friend's vivosaurs use less FP than mine!
A: In this game, the better you clean your fossils the less FP a move costs. Therefore, clean your fossils better.

Q: My Paleo Pals are missing some fossils. Is there a way to hook them up?https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nYJXpC3v0_xL_n0MMXfXRY8EhZYJRpVfmSqiiLyENHw/edit?usp=sharing
A: If you clean a fossil that you already have a higher-point copy of then it will go to a Paleo Pal by default. You can also use this to lower the FP costs of your pals' attacks.

Q: What determines what fossil I get from a Challenge Route?
A: RNG determines the vivosaur. In the case of non-whole body fossils, the body part you get is determined by the search radar level you have equipped. The location spreadsheet has the required radar levels.

Q: This game looks like a shitty Pokemon knock-off.
A: That's not a question.

Q: Doing post-game, I'm stuck. Help!
A: Look in all the rooms again. If that fails, try looking here:
I would like to congratulate myself on not rereading my draft from a couple days ago more carefully.

Like why was that waifu shit in there

If any of you actually saw that then please say so so that I may gracefully erase your memories. I don't think anybody did though.

Oh.... About reviews... Apparently the reason reviews aren't really a thing yet is because a lot of reviewers seem to have gotten their copies like yesterday or the day before or something like that. Embargo was also lifted yesterday with a one-hour streaming limit and reviewers apparently aren't allowed to talk about the post-game in their reviews because Nintendo. Even though I'd peg that as at least a third of the game. Like lolwut?
Thank you for the great OT.

As one of the 5 people that play this series, I am excited for the new one (almost entirely for the digging and excavating as per usual).
So....Fossil Fighters :3

I saw the waifu comment! Ruby and two others...?
I stand by my statement on those being the best waifus.

But there was also another comment in the Story section where I was commenting on somebody's rack... Yeah that was going a bit too far lol

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I've missed the Fossil Fighter boat till now, always wanted to try them but never got around to it, and now I can't find the DS ones anywhere.

So, yeah, I'm gonna pick this up tomorrow now that I've finished S.T.E.A.M. $29.99 is a good price, guess to make up for the fact it's a year-old...hopefully not a statement about its quality, lol.

How long do these games usually last? Like in terms of the main scenario, and then going for everything.
Game's up on eShop.
How long do these games usually last? Like in terms of the main scenario, and then going for everything.
It's hard for me to say since I played it in Japanese, a language I'm a slow reader in, and I rushed through lots of things until I got to the post-game's ending and even then I ignored, um... the majority of the content lol

If you don't rush and spend a little bit of time exploring each area then expect around 20 to 30 hours for the credits (closer to 20 probably) and another 10 to 20 for the post-game (depending on various factors). This is just a rough estimate though since again my first playthrough was in JPN. For reference though, took over 30 hours for main campaign with plenty of rushing near the end and roughly 70 total to each the post-game ending but like I was playing in Japanese and spent a few hours AFKing, too. I also got stuck on a post-game fight so I grinded a Paleo Pal's vivosaur to max level for it and that took like 5 hours I think? Still had issues lol.


Thanks for answering some of my questions about this game the other day! Great OT too.

The DS games looked a little bare for my taste, but this is looking right up my alley. I think I'm going to wait for some more impressions/reviews before I take the dive just in case though. I want to know more about this games pros and cons before I jump in blind.

But then again... That dinosaur sure does have a sword for a nose...

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I read the original Fossil Fighters had silly announcers that were based on the game's developers, do they return in this one?

Because that sounds really cute.
I read the original Fossil Fighters had silly announcers that were based on the game's developers, do they return in this one?

Because that sounds really cute.
As a series first, no announcers. Instead your Paleo Pals make a quick one-liner when it's their turn. Speaking of Paleo Pals, they choose their moves relatively quickly so do pay attention. :p

When I first got the game I actually thought the Paleo Pals' turns would get on my nerves very quickly, but due to a combination of how quickly they move, their relatively good AI (though occasionally they do disappoint me since, well, they're AI), and support shots giving you something to do during their attacks, I ended up not minding their turns that much at all. Certain things do get on my nerves occasionally, like some rogue vivosaurs having horrible collision boxes and a couple of the challenge routes basically being "Go through it slowly, write down the correct path to the maze, restart, and then follow what you wrote down", though.


Looks like I'm putting my Mario Party funds into this. Your great OT did its job :)

Weird how quiet Nintendo is about Fossil Fighters. Definitely would have not known this was coming out if I hadn't stumbled across the OT.
Yeah, it's weird since they've been running ads on TV for like a week and a half now.

It's like, do you want to advertise the game or don't you!?
Fixed my headers. I apologize for the eyes of anybody who saw the horrible alignment of the previous ones. >_>

Oh, and game finished downloading. Woot!


Yeah, saw the TV spot multiple times on Disney XD.

Waiting for my preorder digital version from Gamestop, playing Mario Party 10 in the meantime. First time aying a Fossil Fighters game. Always had interest in the series...but kinda forgot.


Yeah, saw the TV spot multiple times on Disney XD.

Waiting for my preorder digital version from Gamestop, playing Mario Party 10 in the meantime. First time aying a Fossil Fighters game. Always had interest in the series...but kinda forgot.

Wait, is it digital only?


Didn't play any of the previous Fossil Fighters games but this one caught my eye for some reason. I have it pre-ordered at Best Buy with in-store pickup, hopefully they actually have copies in for tomorrow.
Eh? Eh? Eh? First-hour very minor spoiler of something strange I experienced compared to the JPN version:

Shortly into the game you go to Paradise Beach with Roland. In the Japanese version you get near the first gate and then are told to go follow the green orbs to get to a hard-to-get-to spot. Then after you do that and get the rare fossil you are told to go to where the flag is. However, for me, in the English version, the game just skipped straight to telling me to go to where the flag is... The yams?
Downloading now! Anyone wanna exchange friend codes?

If I pick up the game I'll be sure to exchange with you! Honestly I could probably get a review copy, but I don't really want to rush through this one if I decide to play it...
I used RegionThree to play the JPN version so I couldn't access the online menu or manual. That's obviously not an issue in the ENG version so I decided to make sure what the online features were. Here's a list of things you can do online that involve your friends:

-Viewing your Friends' Rankings

Champions, the game before this one, had online friend battles. Damn, in terms of removing significant features that were in previous games I think GameFreak just got owned really hard. Way to go, devs! You sure showed GameFreak!

This game's appeal to most will be the single player but still, of all the fucking things to not have... Unless it's there? But I can't find it yo.
Yeah, lack of friend battles aside, this is a superb localization so far. I actually prefer it quite a bit over the JPN version's dialogue. It' just so... perfect.


So is this basically Pokémon but with dinosaurs? I missed the DS games, I wonder if I should give it a try.


This is my first Fossil Fighters game. I was under the impression that you worked with a team of 3 vivisaurs, but so far I've been flying solo unless I have paleo pals. I'm at the point where I just got to America. Is there any point at which I use 3 of my own as a team or will it always be one of mine + any pals?
hmm someone sell me on this!
was happy to know that a fellow GAFfer johntv worked on this :O
Eh? He did!? Excellent!
This is my first Fossil Fighters game. I was under the impression that you worked with a team of 3 vivisaurs, but so far I've been flying solo unless I have paleo pals. I'm at the point where I just got to America. Is there any point at which I use 3 of my own as a team or will it always be one of mine + any pals?
Always Paleo Pals. It becomes less of an issue later on when it's like, if you want to use a vivosaur there's likely a corresponding Paleo Pal. And the AI's smart enough that you aren't going to get enough of an edge controlling vivosaurs by yourself to make up for the lack of their support shots. So at first it was a bummer for me but eventually it didn't bug me at all.

I actually have spreadsheets with the Paleo Pals and their vivosaurs and support shots if you want those to plan an endgame team. I don't have all the English names yet tho


El Capitan Todd

Ok, this is great LOL
still no firm EU release make me sad, but considering that it is confirmed while we missed the previous two, I'm happy. Can't wait for it, honestly. if it will also be priced as budget, that would be simply great.


I don't know much about this series, but it seems to me that they should have put the release back a little bit. Come summer there should be a new Dinosaur craze going on with the LEGO sets, games and JP4 coming out. Would have added free marketing/awareness...

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Surprised at how big the game is, 10,000+ blocks! I thought it was gonna be like around 6000 or so~

For some reason, I left my 3DS downloading it this morning when I went to the doctors, yet it's still at 1%. The fuck?

And wait, there's no online? Seriously? I'm not even a big multiplayer dude, but that seems---odd for this genre. Oh well, $29.99 for a good single-player campaign satisfies me.
And wait, there's no online? Seriously? I'm not even a big multiplayer dude, but that seems---odd for this genre. Oh well, $29.99 for a good single-player campaign satisfies me.
There's online but only Ranked Battles. Haven't been able to really test that out yet because nobody was on at like 2, 3 AM right after this relatively niche title came out. lololololol

That said... unfortunately it seems like your download got glitched. If it's still at 1% you'll have to restart the download I think.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
So is this like Digimon World for the ps1?

I wish, Digimon World was all about deep interaction with your monster which this game doesn't seem to have?

It does remind me of Digimon World 2 though with the usage of a customizable vehicle as a major element.
I read through the official site's gameplay section (because honestly, the OP confused me) and this is truly appealing, mostly because dinosaurs. Thanks for the heads up.


Woah, 30 bucks? That's a pretty good deal.

Hope this doesn't quietly get canceled for EU or something. Really want to give this franchise a shot, finally.
eh.. the OT does not mean that... this game is designed by Intelligent Systems right? lol
Nah, it's a reference to Intelligent Design theory. See, in the OP I listed the d-

...Wait no I didn't I knew I forgot something lmao. It's a RED Entertainment and Spike Chunsoft game with 8-4 as the localization team. Speaking of 8-4, this localization has impressed me so far. I like their sense of humor, haha.


Nah, it's a reference to Intelligent Design theory. See, in the OP I listed the d-

...Wait no I didn't I knew I forgot something lmao. It's a RED Entertainment and Spike Chunsoft game with 8-4 as the localization team. Speaking of 8-4, this localization has impressed me so far. I like their sense of humor, haha.

I see! hahaha i'm trying to scratch my Advance Wars itch

yeap a fellow GAFfer johntv from 8-4 worked on this!
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