I find the battle system to be more complex than it should be, and kind of a drag...it seems pointless to really spend time grinding via battles, and instead just use the strongest Vivosaurs you dig up, right?
Once your vivosaurs and Paleo Pals' vivosaurs reach rank 10+ you can just grind on 2-star tournaments. Start a battle, put the game on Auto, go watch a couple minutes of a show or stream or something. Rinse and repeat. When your vivos get stronger you go to a harder tournament for more points per battle. And you just keep doing that while barely paying attention. You occasionally *will* have to do some hardcore leveling, mainly because the game has a lot of Paleo Pals and sometimes, especially post-game, you'll have to use ones you may have ignored and thus may be underleveled. EDIT: I rarely had to do leveling for more than half an hour though. Also, here's a hint if you want to avoid some grinding post-game, though it's a minor spoiler:
That said, the battle system isn't *that* complex but it does take some getting used to. Also, if you haven't already, read the tuts at the help desk. It shouldn't take too long and it helps explain what the window that shows during attacks means. This is a very useful thing and is a must to understand how to utilize Support Shots effectively. It also explains other useful things, like how to deal with those fucking Pterosaurs.
I just have the very first upgrade you can buy once you get access to the garage. Even though I just bought it half an hour ago I already forgot that the scanner level is a thing, haha. Maybe that's why I can't find it yet.
Yeeeeeah that's why lol.
Also, when Sunday hits, do grab the radars that day's tourney gives out. They let you see the Fossil type, have colored element icons, and other cool shit. They also take up less weight than the equivalent normal radar.