"Cartoon Network has announced at the official Adult Swim boards that they have picked up Cowboy Bebop: The Movie, Metropolis, and two Inuyasha movies for 2005. Metropolis is scheduled to premiere in "early 2005," the Inuyasha movies in Spring and Summer, and Cowboy Bebop: The Movie in the Fall.
Which Inuyasha movies they are showing is unspecified, however at this time only two movies are licensed, the first movie, Inuyasha the Movie: Affections Touching Across Time, and the second one, Inuyasha: The Castle Beyond the Looking Glass."
Which Inuyasha movies they are showing is unspecified, however at this time only two movies are licensed, the first movie, Inuyasha the Movie: Affections Touching Across Time, and the second one, Inuyasha: The Castle Beyond the Looking Glass."