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FOX News Co-President Bill Shine has been dismissed

This has to be part of the attempt to aquire Sky. NPR and other news outlets have pointed out that the Murdoch boys are gutting things to look more open and less bias.

Who cares this is great for whatever reason.
Does this mean their base actually cares about all this? Otherwise, given their audience, I would assume that hiring a female to replace him would tarnish their image. Seeing as they'd be pandering to the snowflake SJWs and all.
I think FOX barely gives a shit about their audience (as long as they keep mindlessly watching it and letting them tell them what to think), they just care about losing advertising dollars.


Maybe there is money on the other side. The outrage is pretty big and possibly an opening there.

I like to imagine it's a situation where they think " Hey I got fuck you money, time to reverse all the wrong this organization has done. If it fails...hey I got fuck you money."


Hmm, this was 17hrs ago, maybe he is out as well.

Sean Hannity‏Verified account

Sean Hannity Retweeted Moshe Francis
Thank you all irredeemable deplorable friends. I'm shutting down. Don't want to give more away than I should. A team is on this. Stay tuned
Unfortunately this isn't FNC crumbling, it's a recalibration to assuage advertisers over the negative press the network has been accruing with the Ailes/O'Reilly. I think the Sky news acquisition is playing into this as well. It'll be the same propaganda arm of the GOP, but more palatable to corporate interests. This might be a bridge too far for Hannity.
Hmm, this was 17hrs ago, maybe he is out as well.

He's been promoting a new group called "Stop the Scalpings" on his feed.

Ahead of the potential loss of a key Fox News Channel host from its lineup, a new political group is announcing its support for Sean Hannity and taking a stand against what it calls the “scalping” of conservative hosts.Rumblings of an imminent Hannity departure grew loudly over the weekend and the newly-formed organization is stepping in to let its objections be known. The host himself is expected to make announcements in the next 48-72 hours.
Its amazing that FNC is crumbling during Trump's presidency.
Not really, a station like that thrived with a Democrat in a power. It gave an outlet to anyone unhappy with Obama and the Clintons.

Now that the Republicans have all the power.....They have zero to talk about really and or feeling their oats too much.

I'm assuming this unraveling was going to happen this year anyway, no matter who won.


Man, if Hannity gets the boot as well I might just have to watch a little of the channel. Just a little. Probably just Shepard Smith.


Does this mean their base actually cares about all this? Otherwise, given their audience, I would assume that hiring a female to replace him would tarnish their image. Seeing as they'd be pandering to the snowflake SJWs and all.

Their base doesn't care, their advertisers do and they bring in the money.
Its official. He's out.


Maybe I'm reading into it too much, but I noticed that they referred to Suzanne Scott by her last name in her info paragraph (Scott), but they refer to Jay Wallace by his first name in his paragraph (Jay).

Could be I'm just being a picky tech writer and notice little errors like that, but it would also be sad if they were trying not to draw attention to Suzanne Scott being a woman as much as they can.
Good. Hannity next (in a dream world at least).

Let's be honest, it's only a matter of time for him. It may be a few more years down the line, but when you got the founder, the top star and now the current Co-President, shit will come to get you at one point or another.
I'm a bit puzzled by this turn of events. I'm pleased that it's happening, but I'm not sure why it's happening "under Trump's watch," when you'd think that this would be the time when O'Reilly, Hannity and all the rest would actually enjoy a blanket of protection from the White House as a pseudo "state media outlet."

Since I don't follow what happens in the media industry, why is Fox acting like a Democrat actually got into power anyway, and a purge is happening of their right wing structure?

Probably a lot of this has been going on behind the scenes for awhile. Trump did get rid of several people in the Justice Department who were investigating this, and that was probably his way of delaying, but the gears were already turning one way or another for it to happen, so he couldn't stop it full stop
Awkward situation for Fox News. They've built their brand on garbage, which their audience will still demand, but their advertiser no longer want to be associated with it. I don't think they go away completely anytime soon but as they try to address their internal issues they will lose viewership to try to salvage relationships with advertisers. I think they just slowly become less and less relevant. My only fear is what fills the void. Conservatives are still going to seek out conservative spun news. Fox News is truly terrible but there is far worse.


Been a lot of talk in the rich conservative circles of launching a new Network to replace fox as its become too "liberal"

Its mostly a pipe dream I am sure they have talked about rehiring people like Bill O'Reilly etc. but that's not going to bring advertisers etc. They are in their little bubble world where they think they can just relaunch the past and everyone will forget the shit.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Is this why Sean Hannity been losing his mind on twitter for the last week?

What has Hannity been saying lately?

Edit: hated to actively look up his twitter feed, but seems it's just the expected war drums and bluster about spreading cash around to fight to maintain this sham of a network and agenda. Nothing justifable or defensible, just a lot of empty threats that sound like a Saturday morning super-villain. "I'll get you next time liberals! I have all the money and lawyers, fear me!!"
Hannity might be guilty of something, or he might just be a paranoid hack who's afraid that the person who brought him in has been axed.

I bet he has coverups in his closet, though.


Why and why is Fox News unraveling now? Only stuff I know about Fox is the surface "racist/manipulative right wing news channel"

Shine is one of the last remnants of the old guard. He was hired by Ailes. Hannity was part of the good ol' boys club at FNC and he's pissed that it's being deconstructed.


Unconfirmed Member
Why and why is Fox News unraveling now? Only stuff I know about Fox is the surface "racist/manipulative right wing news channel"

Ailes held the place together. Mutual loyalty was absolutely huge for how he runs his business, and that created the old boys club atmosphere that's becoming unraveled now that he's gone.

The switch to James Murdoch holding much of the power is a pretty dramatic one, that's going to take a lot of shaking up before things settle down again. Because James Murdoch isn't 90 he actually does care about what to do when cable licensing money goes away and fox news loses almost all of its revenue while their median 70 year old viewer dies off.

And perhaps most importantly, his politics simply aren't the same as most at fox news right now.
Why and why is Fox News unraveling now? Only stuff I know about Fox is the surface "racist/manipulative right wing news channel"

Must be at least partially related to Rupert Murdoch looking to hand the reigns of his media empire over to his heirs, and that's leading to more back-biting.

Plus, while it might not seem like it to people on the outside, the Trump presidency has been very divisive for conservatives, often pitting them against each other when they would have more comfortably been pitting against the Left. For really the first time ever, you see mainstream (neo)conservatives like John Podhoretz, Jonah Goldberg, or Bill Kristol being publicly critical of FOX. The Trump presidency was the motivator for this, as when Meghan Kelly and Trump had a public spat, this prompted many conservatives in the media/press to take sides, with the ideological neoconservative wing starting the "#NeverTrump" branch of the GOP/Conservatives, while Ailes mended his relationship with Trump, and FOX went onto be the official voice of his campaign.

But, largely, I think the motive here starts with Murdoch drawing down on his career and beginning to move on, and it's causing inner turmoil in the organization as people jockey for power. And who knows, big cable's sense of permanency has been challenged, and the 24-hour cable news channels may be next given ESPN's recent downturn (ESPN was once thought to be nearly untouchable ratings and profit wise, much like how we think FOX News has been). People who might have fought to stay in their positions or get new positions may be doing what the likes of Mike Greenberg (formerly ESPN) or Bill Simmons have done (or even Glenn Beck), launching their own, smaller, more targeted media organizations.


Been a lot of talk in the rich conservative circles of launching a new Network to replace fox as its become too "liberal"

Its mostly a pipe dream I am sure they have talked about rehiring people like Bill O'Reilly etc. but that's not going to bring advertisers etc. They are in their little bubble world where they think they can just relaunch the past and everyone will forget the shit.

Launching a TV network in this day and age seems foolhardy in general - they'd probably have much greater luck with a web-focused media company seeing as more people are getting their content from it with each passing year.

Then again, the baby boomers they'd be trying to appeal to watch way more TV than anyone else, so...who knows.
Why and why is Fox News unraveling now? Only stuff I know about Fox is the surface "racist/manipulative right wing news channel"

MichelleRafter‏Verified account @MichelleRafter 1h1 hour ago

Replying to @MichelleRafter
Clarifying - It's the 15th suit alleging gender or racial bias against Fox, per @gabrielsherman.

Fox is dealing with FIFTEEN race and gender lawsuits with more to come. Defending, and likely settling, all of that is going to be brutal for any organization. Plus it opens them up to charges of permitting a hostile work environment by the EEOC. The Murdochs have to clean house to get ahead of all of this.
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