And then there were the pranksters in the audience . . . the Communists for Kerry (who, in fact, are rooting for Bush) and the Billionaires for Bush (who, of course, are Kerry supporters).
"We're trying to get Comrade Kerry elected and get that capitalist enabler George Bush out of office," said 17-year-old Komoselutes Rob of Communists for Kerry.
"Even though he, too, is a capitalist, he supports my socialist values more than President Bush," Rob said.
On the other side were the Billionaires for Bush.
"There should have been some advertising, some commercials to generate money for the U.S.A.," said Hugh G. Monument, VII.
The Bush "supporter" then extolled the president's virtues "What I love about Bush is his money, and his ability to make more money" but also said that he had increased his ketchup intake as a nod to Kerry and his wife, Teresa.