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FOX: Trans game developer launches first person shooter where players kill anti-trans villains, including priests. 'Terfenstein 3D'

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Creator Sandra Moen claimed making the bloody game helped 'heal' from her 'trauma' as a trans person
A transgender video game developer recently launched a game where players can hunt down critics of transgenderism, like anti-trans feminists and Catholic priests, and kill them in a bloody, first-person shooter action.

Called "Terfenstein 3D," the game is based on the classic Nazi-fighting game "Wolfenstein 3D," one of the earliest first-person-shooters. "Wolfenstein" involved the main character navigating Nazi bases and taking out the villainous occupants with a wide array of deadly weapons.

The fact that "Terfenstein 3D" is based on a Nazi shoot ‘em up is no accident. Developer Sandra Moen, a trans person, intended to equate her games’ villains to Wolfenstein’s Nazis and allow the player the experience of eviscerating them onscreen.

Moen admitted the game was meant to "draw a comparison between gender critics and Nazi Germany.

The game launched on PC gaming platform Steam in January. In a description provided for the site by Moen, she claimed the game offers "LGBTQAI+, transgender, and feminist themes of gender-critical people and what a post-war apocalyptic world would look like if gender fascists won."

Explaining the game’s setting in further detail, the description added, "In this dystopian world, fascists have killed and imprisoned all transgender and queer people, subjecting them to harsh conversion therapy, imprisonment, and death. You play as an escapee fleeing their detention center, while you exact your revenge."

As the name suggests, the player hunts down TERFs, or trans exclusionary radical feminists and other critics of trans ideology, who in the game’s universe have taken over society and turned it into a fascist dystopia complete with Nazi-looking flags and logos everywhere.

As the game goes after prominent trans critics, the player is also called to kill what appear to be Catholic priests in addition to TERF soldiers and their loyal guard dogs.

Though the game features rudimentary graphics, much like the decades-old game it was inspired by, the violence is gratuitous as well as the blood, which coats the walls with every critic of transgender ideology you kill.

Moen’s description added that the experience of playing this game "brings to light the very real transphobic violence many transgender people face for just existing."

She also claimed developing the game helped her process her own process as a trans individual. "Developed over four months, this solo project is one of many controversial games the developer has made. Being able to artistically express yourself is a proven way to heal trauma and possibly also move on."

The creator invited players to pick up the game so they too can heal, saying, "This game also hopes to achieve that for players who need it through gameplay that would stir up hidden and muddied emotions. Please take care of yourself and your loved ones."
While advertising the game in February, Moen took shots at "Hogwarts Legacy," the major studio video game set in J.K. Rowling’s "Harry Potter" universe that released last month. Rowling has been labeled a TERF by many on the left for tweeting that womanhood is tied to biological sex.
Moen tweeted, "Want to play something better than #HogwartsLegacy? Wan[t] to contribute to the trans community by supporting a trans game developer? AND KILL fascist TERF's? Try my game ‘Terfenstein 3D.’"

Steam has no problem with the game apparently.
Terfenstein 3D is a short retro first-person shooter game about escaping a gender-fascist concentration camp. Unleash your pent-up fury upon the gender-critical tyrants with an arsenal of deadly weapons and tactics in cathartic bliss.

Moen’s description added that the experience of playing this game "brings to light the very real transphobic violence many transgender people face for just existing."

Uh, what? The game is about a person going around shooting loads of women and priests like Rambo. I'm fairly certain women and priests aren't running in buildings shooting up trans folk in real life, but ok.

it get worse, https://reduxx.info/transgender-pro...aughtering-women-critical-of-gender-ideology/
Advertising his concept on Twitter, Moen encourages players to “put blood on the walls” and refers to the enemy characters in the game as “gender fascists.” In his tweets, he incorporates hashtags such as #TERFs, #AdultHumanFemale, and #TERFIsland, which is used as a derogatory nickname for the United Kingdom, known internationally for having a strong feminist presence opposing gender identity ideology.

Seems to be someone who's got an axe to grind for something that happened to them at a Norway gym locker room years ago apparently. So has been pushing this violent indie game because of Rowling and Hogwarts Legacy. They just released another game too with a similar concept but I didn't bother to read it. The last link above has some crazy stuff, dig if you dare.

Never seen one game release cause this much pandemonium. 12 million copies sold and counting.

Took me a second to realize they replaced the Swastika with "XX" because of XX chromosome. I would say that's clever but wouldn't that contradict the claim they are r- eh, I'm probably putting more thought into it than the 'game developer' did. Either that or it's a logo for a pro-feminist organization that uses "XX" that's mentioned in the 2nd article, probably both.

The game costs $5.
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Gold Member
I would of called it TERF WARS, but I mean that's just me.

On the flipside it looks like a less mechanically sound moon man mod that charges money.

I assume in an attempt to get steam to ban them so they can declare themselves a victim. I feel like this is some weird false flag op.
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I mean, plenty of games put you in a role of killing all kinds of people. I'm not into this but it has to be allowed if we are going to allow artistic freedom.
This reminds me of decades ago when a Black elder advised us to let White people make whatever they want to make so you can make whatever you want to make.


I don't see the problem. If stuff like Hatred exists, I don't see why this shouldn't.

Same as any other game: play it if you like it, pass if you don't.

BTW I bet the perspective the game is trying to push regarding priests is not that they are shooting people around but more like psychological violence. Fair to disagree, though. Personally, I'd feel like hypocrite if I criticized this when other styles of violence don't really cause any reaction from me.


I have no problem with this whatsoever. It looks just like any other doom engine asset flip, good for that person for making a game. Will I play it? Nah. Would I without the political angle? Nah.


Nothing says "equality and inclusion" quite like *check notes* making a game about murdering people who acknowledge you, your identity, and the social issues you face, but, who disagree with you on aspects of how existing identities should be forced to accommodate you and your chosen identity... ?

In any case, power to them: free speech exists for a reason.
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"Wan to contribute to the trans community by supporting a trans game developer?"

I respect this mentally ill persons hustle. Probably sold a few copies of this asset flip 😂


Steam Discussion Forums actually on point for once? Quelle surprise:
You using themes as serious as concentration camps and compare it to some "gender-facism"? Milions of Poles and Jews died in these awful german camps, and now you comparing them to some randoms on Twitter who get offended by obviously trolling.
My great great grandpa used to be in two german concentration camps, he probably saw hell, and wouldnt be happy to see that now some Twitter users are comparing themselves to him because 13-years old troll offended them. topics like this should be taken with seriousness


Gold Member
This is how you cash in on outrage. Make shitty doom texture mods for whatever thing they're currently upset about and get them to pay you 5 bucks per tantrum.


Gold Member
Making a game where you kill every person that disagrees with you doesn't send the message you think it's sending.
That's the script of almost every video game I have every played. I certainly haven't seen any games where you are tasked with killing people that agree with you.


Nothing says "equality and inclusion" quite like *check notes* making a game about murdering people who acknowledge you, your identity, and the social issues you face, but, who disagree with you on aspects of how existing identities should be forced to accommodate you and your chosen identity... ?

In any case, power to them: free speech exists for a reason.
It only works one way, if it was the other way around oh well...
It's like these people keep pushing wanting to feel discriminated against. But, no matter what nonsense the push, today's pansy culture just allows it, as the know what happens if they speak against it in this cancel culture society.


The nicest person on this forum
I remember PETA did something like this when Mario Land on 3DS came out, because PETA had issue with Tanuki suit in the game.

Making propaganda games will not only help your cause but hurt it instead.
“I began to understand that I was trans when I came across pornography featuring trans women,” Moen said. “I have never made the connection that ‘penis’ means ‘man.’ [The male porn actors] were women, but they had a penis.”

“I began to question – if they have a penis, how could other people know that they were girls when they were children? And of course, they wouldn’t know. So then I started questioning – what if I am one of these pretty ladies, in reality,” he added.

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