We aren't even talking about the Hells Angels, though. Nor are we talking about Nazis. We're talking about Crips and Bloods. Or, just the Crips honestly since it was a "Cripmas" party. Interestingly enough, they're not even doing it right in this picture at all. From the handsigns to the clothes. But, I'm pretty sure that I'm caring more about that then they are.
People know of Crips and Bloods. Grandparents know of them. I wouldn't be surprised if little Becky walking down the greenest, safest, non-urban area knows of gangs. But in 2015 is it really the thing, hip, cool for this...
...to happen? Just because South Park lampooned it, it's alright? Just because Dave Chappelle or anyone else made jokes about it, then it's all good? It's all jokes and comedy here -- especially on NeoGAF where we quote hot/discussion filled topics with one liners or a YouTube link to Louis CK or George Carlin.
One crowd will see that picture and say, "Well, it's kids being kids." If that was a group of minorities, it'd be a different story.