This guy I'd never played with before started fucking with me the other night, and what followed was pretty hilarious (well to me anyway).
I made a new PSN account recently for reasons I won't go into, and chose a username that relates to the game itself, since it's basically the only online game I play. The name is a way of subtly (read: not so subtly) trolling any Jason player I go up against, though for it to work I have to play as Chad literally every game - oh well I did that 90% of the time anyway.
This random Lachappa decided to help his Jason friend (opening doors for him, trying to attack me even though that's pointless in public matches now) and in the process got me killed a few minutes into a game.
I came back as Tommy, got the car ready around the same time cops arrived. It was just me and the Jason helper left at this point, I wasn't even 100% sure he was trying to help Jason when I died as Chad earlier as all he had done was unbarricade a door in the cabin I died in and wildly swing a couple of times in my general direction.
Jason stopped me in the car just before the left turn onto the main road right near the exit, which happened to be where the police exit was this time as well. Lachappa was just standing around near the exit with his trusty axe.
I got out of the car and messed with Jason for a bit, still thinking that Lachappa might be innocent and I should try and help him escape. The dumbass tried to attack me a few times. I knocked Jason down a couple of times trying to buy myself time. Could have easily escaped via cops, as could Lachappa, but where's the fun in that. I only had a machete which sucks for stunning/knocking Jason down, but I got lucky and knocked him down a 3rd time as Lachappa continued to try and attack me, now a metre or two from exit.
I sprinted to car, drove towards exit, swerved into Lachappa in hilariously deliberate fashion, then escaped two seconds later. "+1000 Legend" XP thing should have popped up.
Next game, Lachappa (who had died and come back as Tommy) and his friend who was Jason previous round were trying to get the 4 seater going, I got the other car started and drove down to where they were, ran over his friend.
Also hit him with car again, without killing him this time. Left him hobbling around, escaped with another counselor and then spectated Jason killing him, the last counselor alive, seconds later.
Following game I was Jason, morphed to phone house at beginning, Lachappa happened to spawn outside and was still saying his opening line and hadn't even started to move. Grab, asphyxiate, mid-kill rageguit. I don't think it was even 15 seconds into the match lol.
3-0 Chaddy.