Eh, I saw Let's Play-ers cover both games when they first came out and Friday just seemed more appealing. DBD seemed too heavily favored for the killer (in Friday, Jason does have somewhat of an advantage but at a reasonable level) and none of what you were doing in DBD seemed that exciting. The options to evade Jason in Friday were pretty cool, whereas it seemed in DBD once you were spotted you were basically dead (or if you hit a trap which seemed far harder to notice than in Friday, and Friday makes it easier to heal and get away once that happens), sure you could run away from the killer for a while but they would ultimately catch you and unlike Friday one dead player really hurts the others' chance of success since there's significantly less players than a Friday match. In Friday, you can play counselors designed to avoid Jason with their high stealth and repair cars/boats/fuses with their high repair (AJ, Deborah, and a few others excelled at this) or counselors designed to evade Jason with their high speed/stamina and/or keep dealing damage to Jason to keep him constantly getting stunned (Vanessa, Bugzy, and Chad excel at this). While I assume the DBD characters have different stats, it seemed like everyone had the same strategy: stealthy avoid the killer for as long as possible and work on repairs.
Now maybe DBD has significantly changed its gameplay since and it barely resembles what I saw when it first came out, but yeah I'm happy I went with Friday. Friday the 13th also just has more of an identity to me by sticking to one horror series rather than throwing everything into the blender. Like the original Halloween is my favorite horror movie and the series as a whole my favorite horror film series (despite a few duds in it) but I want a full-fledged Halloween game akin to Friday with all the possible maps (Laurie's neighborhood, the hospital from 2, Haddonfield school in 4, both versions of the Myers house from 5 and 8, the school from H20, etc.) and a ton of the characters (Loomis has to be included obviously).
I might grab DBD later on in life but I try to limit how many multiplayer games I play at once as I don't want too much time taken away from single-player games. Right now I'm good with my Overwatch, Friday, and the occasional Splatoon 2 sessions.