Waylon Drums
So just someone who got good at the game?
There's "good at the game" and there's "seems to have no job or responsibilities"
So just someone who got good at the game?
In this game ? A try hard would be someone who within 24 hours has memorized every possible combination of random placements on the map, uses whichever kill has the fastest animation time to shave seconds or whichever is the most expensive in game kill so you know "just how good and how many points and high leveled he is", and talks shit and or spent days after launch practicing shift grab for hours. Willing to use an exploit as long as they don't get caught and will take advantage of any meta or slight trick to get an upper hand and takes the entire thing too seriously. Fancies themself an MLG because they got mad skillz bro. Prone to Ragequits if a low level counselor escapes, makes up excuses if they lose.
Example PSN names include things like "K1LLah_fo_HyRe" "SWAG_LeGenD_420" or "xX_Plague_of_God_xX"
There's "good at the game" and there's "seems to have no job or responsibilities"
I didn't realise it was possible to time a hit on Jason just before he grabs you after shifting:
Apparently not. It is annoying and slightly demoralizing when the 2-3 people who die first quit out of the game right then. Like, you died, get over it.ok, so if you plan didn't work out too well, there's no need to ragequit, we all get xp no matter what the outcome, don't people get that?
I feel like I'm missing the story behind this...
There's "good at the game" and there's "seems to have no job or responsibilities"
Accidentally came into this thread. Glad I did 😂that's a different community.
Xbox One's matchmaking upgrade is currently in-test within our team, and will be submitted to test with Microsoft tomorrow. We anticipate the patch to go live on either Thursday or Friday, however this is not set in stone. If things change, we will let you know. We will post when we intend to patch and will include XB1 specific notes as well.
And? How do you think people get to such a high level of play in video games in general.
Which is where matchmaking should come in. The xp level up system I think sort of butchers true MM rankings for people of different skills but ideally its designed to get you playing with people of similar skill.I mean if their life's goal is to be good at a video game, have at it. They're just not fun people to play against.
Which is where matchmaking should come in. The xp level up system I think sort of butchers true MM rankings for people of different skills but ideally its designed to get you playing with people of similar skill.
There's "good at the game" and there's "seems to have no job or responsibilities"
And? How do you think people get to such a high level of play in video games in general.
That just sounds like being good at the game, and other than the bolded I see nothing wrong with that myself. Even a little bit of friendly trash talking isn't too bad.It's people who are more concerned with the meta and treating every match like it's the final round of a tournament, lol. It's the people in a match with all randoms that still go "Okay it takes 2 seconds less to get to Objective B from this spawn point than Objective A, and this edge of this one rock I can corner shoot from so they can't hit me but the edge of my gun will clip through and I can hit them." "If I cancel a grenade throw on an empty clip and switch back to my gun it will have reloaded by itself so I don't need to wait for the reload animation." Then on top of that, throw in trash talking, sore losers, yelling, and maxing the level cap 2 days after launch and you get some less than fun people.
That just sounds like being good at the game, and other than the bolded I see nothing wrong with that myself. Even a little bit of friendly trash talking isn't too bad.
Sweet Jesus, that's ridiculous.Unfortunately, a lot of times encountering someone who does the non bold section, are also the same people doing the bold section so I guess it's a YMMV situation. And yeah friendly trash talk is no big deal, but just yesterday I had someone on mic yelling that he wished another player would get in an accident and get paralyzed, sooo you never know.
Tis my bed time unfortunately. If I can't sleep I'll get back on xDI have a room up and running, guys. It is a lonely place at the moment... Join me!
I assure you, you don't have to worry about high level play from me.
Xaero, you clearly don't play this game enough. Come join the party, bro!
Sweet Jesus, that's ridiculous.
Played in a match where the Jason shift grabbed every councilor (i died first so i could watch).
Pretty BS
Just had a match as Jason where someone just camped on a rock in the middle of the lake. Fun.
Played in a match where the Jason shift grabbed every councilor (i died first so i could watch).
Pretty BS
Still wanting to try this but my buddy won't budge from pu battlegrounds. Meh. That game looks like dayz and rust I have no interest in.
Speaking of try hards, I got called just that the other day after playing a round as Jason. And it's not like I'm some high level player, nor do I trash talk (or, well, talk very much at all). I went 8 for 8, but three of them I slashed/throwing knifed. A couple of dudes in the match kept saying I was a "tryhard" and that they could tell because all my kills were via slashing. Like, ??
known mechanic working as intended, bullshit!
That feeling when you're finally Jason and the host quits because you killed him.
That feeling when you're finally Jason and the host quits because you killed him.
I bet you will know where to look in the future, though.
Oh I found him. But it was impossible to grab or do anything to him on the rock.
That feeling when you're finally Jason and the host quits because you killed him.
I feel like I'm missing the story behind this...
Kotobukiya, a collectibles company, released statues of both Jason and Freddy as anime girls a few years back. Thats the entire story.
Played in a match where the Jason shift grabbed every councilor (i died first so i could watch).
Pretty BS
Kotobukiya, a collectibles company, released statues of both Jason and Freddy as anime girls a few years back. Thats the entire story.
This game is so much fun, I can't stop playing it.
The other day as Jason I morphed to the car, three counsellors were there one starting the car two waiting to get in. My morph caught them by surprise and I just hear them all start screaming and panicking. I grab one and start killing him giving the others time to escape but the driver in his panic decides not to let the other person get in and slams his foot on the accelerator. The stranded counsellor starts cursing him out while I just chuckle. But the driver slams straight into a tree so I walk over and yank him out the car.
Moments like this make the game.
It's pretty much only way to get kills with the slow Jason's.
How would you even put Pam or even part 5 Jason in the game when they're just normal people and would break the omnipresent rules of the killer in the game?