I just played my first game as Jason and wow, I was pathetic. I couldn't even get one kill lmao. I mostly spent my time trying to figure out how he works. They all ended up escaping by using the police exit and one of the cars. It was an embarrassing mess. I immediately changed my spawn preference to counselor after that.
They need to have a Jason tutorial with bots. Gun please.
A few tips:
Jasons powers; powers unlock as you play the match.
1. Morph: You start with morph as Jason, which when used brings up the map and then you can warp anywhere you want to. It's a good idea to warp to the car or boat and place down your trap (R on keyboard) which will place a trap on the ground and alert you whenever someone steps on it. You want to place it right in front of the car so it'll catch whoever tries to put a battery in it.
2. Sense: When you press it you will see people highlighted in red if they are close enough/scared enough, if they are in a house you will see the entire house light bright red.
3. Shift: This power turns you into a mist and you'll go into a first person view and quickly speed up in whatever direction you are facing. You can now "slow" down, but it can be cancelled by attacking or grabbing (mouse left/right button).
4. Stalk: This power allows you to be quiet. Counselors will no longer hear the music play when you are near them and it will also heighten your sense and let you hear counselors better. This ability will be cancelled if you are spotted or attack a counselor.
One of the main combo's when you are chasing counselors is using sense and then shift+grab. This allows you to easily spot nearby counselors and then quickly catch up to them, just run straight into them and as soon as you hit them push the grab button to grab them.
Using stalk is great to getting people to come out of houses. When you spot someone in a house with sense (or you see them go in) hit the stalk ability and then remain still (if you move while stalk is active it drains faster). They will not know you are waiting for them and once they are out of the house use shift to catch up to them.
Fear plays a big role in being able to easily spot counselor's with sense or making them move slowly. You can cause fear by knocking out the power while they are in a house (the generators outside of it, press e) or wounding them.
Also if you miss your grab and counselors are running, that is what throwing knives are for (middle mouse button on pc). This allows you to damage them from a distance and the more damage the slower they will be. You can also attack with your weapon (left mouse button) to damage them as well if you are close enough.
If you check your map and see a car or boat icon moving you can morph in front of it, standing in front of the car will stop it and if you get beside the boat and press e Jason will grab it and knock the people out of it.