Had a game last night where I was the only 'stealthy' character and everyone else was mainly the high stam characters. I start off doing my thing trying to find items for the cars and stuff. I manage to find a battery and keys. I put the keys by the car. I put the battery in. I go looking for gas. I noticed all the others are literally just running around everywhere constantly. Im also the only one with a walkie as far as I could tell. I ask anyone who comes near me about gas and get no response. I look and the others arent in a party, so they are just ignoring me or playing without mics I think.
I go looking for the gas and find that these people had put both gas cans, the other battery, and both sets of keys (they picked up the ones I dropped at the car) into one house and had also been dropping a ton of weapons and stuff there. I grab one of the gas cans and the keys I found before and head back to the car. Halfway there two of the others run up on me and scream into their mics, hes actually trying to win, kill him!
I run as much as I can and die at the car to Jason while they laugh it up and watch.
I start spectating and the others besides those are in that building talking about how I was tryharding the game by trying to escape. They then started teabagging and yelling racial obscenities into the mic until Jason killed them shortly thereafter.
Wish Id been broadcasting so I could give video proof of these assholes.