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FRIDAYTON MK II: 5.5 million bears and salmon create unholy allliance to sack SONY HQ


wait, does this mean Verendus owes me a PS4!?



How much will Gakai take up? Honest question, I have no idea.

Um...why are you even talking about Gaikai? Will you be playing PS3 and PS4 games at the same time? I see literally no reason why it needs to even be considered in this situation.

The only reason why it could be is if Sony moves all of their cloud and online services to Gaikai, which afaik, isn't happening. Gaikai is being used specifically as a BC solution and won't even be ready at launch.
Could people please stop saying "expensive GDDR5"? GDDR5 is DDR3 with a different interface to the memory controller. The structure of the actual memory chips are exactly the same, the only reason it's more expensive is because there are fewer suppliers of it. With a high volume device like the PS4 shipping with 8GB of it, price should drop rapidly as production ramps up from multiple vendors.

People stop saying that GDDR5 is expensive DDR3
*explains that GDDR5 is the same as DDR3 but more expensive*


Thread is hilarious :

X1 reserves 3gb - LOL gg MS!
PS4 reserves 3gb - smart move by Sony


Get me some of that shit you've been smoking on man, it seems to have corrupted your mind.

Damn Smokey I'd have thought you were smarter than this bullshit.
So... What special requirement is there to have 5.5 GBs of RAM? This is a guess from my experience with the Vita, and Sony's early report saying Developers can 'disable the share button' during certian parts of the game (like the ending).

If you disable the Share Button (or at least recording), your RAM limit goes from 4.5 to 5.5 GBs?

I hope that's not the case. :/


3.5GB of GDDR5 RAM for a console OS.
I heard it all now.

If this true.... hilarious!
I have to check my sources.
I find this hard to believe. Sony is normally really good about their OS's having low RAM footprints. This just seems like a titanic waste from them. Which is not something to have been doing in awhile. The VITA OS is a prime example of this, it's silky smooth and still has a very small RAM footprint. I'll wait for a more legitimate source. 3.5 GBs reserved for the OS is ridiculous. MS is running 3 OS's with less RAM than that.
I just don't see the big deal. Considering games rarely use more than 2 - 4gb of RAM on PC, and consoles with their heavy optimization, the sky doesn't appear to be falling. Maybe it just hasn't fallen where I live yet.
I don't understand how Gaikai would require much RAM. Isn't it just a streaming video feed, it should take less ram to run a Gaikai game than a game running on the actual PS4 hardware.

Thinking about it boggles my mind. What is the possibility of using the ram for some ps3 or even native ps2 emulation?

I haven't used gaikai but don't services like that have a process running in the background to handle controls and other input?
Multi-tasking isn't a feature you just add in at the last moment. They designed the system, and thus the OS, from the get-go to multitask. If they could multitask with the original OS taking up 512MB to 1 GB of ram, they certainly wouldn't need to triple that at minimum. Using nearly 4 GB of GDDR5 RAM for multitasking is extremely wasteful. The extra 4 was said to be given due to a developer request, so I doubt they would only essentially give developers an extra GB to play with while using an extra 3 GB on OS features they've never outlined. There is nothing the PS4 could be doing that requires 3.5 GB of ram to be reserved. Unlike the One, it doesn't have the Kinect built in and the system wasn't built to be an all around media box.

Of course the system can already multitask with 512mb. If you increase to 3.5 it means you can be running more things that are individually moire memory intensive. It means they can run things that take up more memory simultaneously. This isn't some sort of mind blowing concept that requires years of careful planning. I think you may be overestimating the impact of Kinect in the XBO, but that ultimately matters little. The PS4 is capable of being a media box with the right software just like the XBO is. If Sony decided they wanted to match the XBO in its ability to do things other than play games, they would need to allocate similar quantities of memory to non-game functions.

Again I don't know if they did, but in this game of counterfactuals it's not hard to rationalize this information.


They added the extra 4gb of ram due to a developer requesting it, so why would they double the amount of expensive GDDR5 ram in the system only to give developers an extra GB to play with? You don't simply tack on so many features into an OS to make it over quadruple in size in the period of months. We can talk about all this video sharing and things of that taking up RAM, but that stuff was in BEFORE developers knew about the additional 4GB, so that's not what would be taking up that RAM. The only way I could see Sony using so much RAM for the OS is if they had some kind of 3d interface, like you sign right in to something akin to PS Home, which I highly doubt, as we've already seen their OS.
Well what if they found out 0.5GB would not be enough as they were developing those features, then decided to further lock in extra 2GB for the OS? However, if some games use 5.5GB, then all games should be able to; the concept of 'flexible 1GB' doesn't make sense truth be told.

Someone should have shot it down by now if it wasn't true though.
I just don't see the big deal. Considering games rarely use more than 2 - 4gb of RAM on PC, and consoles with their heavy optimization, the sky doesn't appear to be falling. Maybe it just hasn't fallen where I live yet.

I really wish people would stop with this bs reasoning.

You know, if you roll back the years games didn't use more than 128 MB of ram either....


only with the power of cell, I am not a tech junkie but both consoles seem pretty simmilar stats wise :p

RAM is still a faster type and the GPU has more calculation units, same architechture.
So its not "more difficult" to get. This is nothing like the Cell.

Oh and the Cell forced devs to do multithreading witch they have to do now anyways, and on PCs since 2009.


PlayStation 4 is also capable of similar feats, perhaps in a manner more closely resembling that of PS Vita - the game is paused, apps are switched over seamlessly and, once exited, gameplay continues without having to restart the code. The convenience and functionality is undeniable

This is awesome stuff if done correctly. I completely approve...


I find this hard to believe. Sony is normally really good about their OS's having low RAM footprints. This just seems like a titanic waste from them. Which is not something to have been doing in awhile. The VITA OS is a prime example of this, it's silky smooth and still has a very small RAM footprint. I'll wait for a more legitimate source. 3.5 GBs reserved for the OS is ridiculous. MS is running 3 OS's with less RAM than that.

I agree with this post. 3.5 just seems excessive unless I'm missing something.
Just that he didn't know what the hell he was talking about and swallowed a ton of techno-babble hook, line, and sinker. None of the numbers he used made sense relative to known specs, and the techniques he referred to aren't some magic tricks only viable on XB1.

Kind of like this article, where he's clearly using the old KZ slides to make his argument, even though he's claiming his info comes from a "post memory bump SDK".

What you need to assume in order to believe this article are the following things:
1. That Leadbetter actually has a clue this time (dubious).
2. That Jon Blow and company, a self confessed small little team doing very little memory optimization, have somehow already tapped into over half of this "extra" memory pool for The Witness.
3. That Sony is spending ~$40-$50 more per unit for almost nothing but OS memory footprint.
4. That Sony has completely rebuilt their OS within the last few months to go from a 512MB OS to a 3.5GB OS.
5. That Adam Boyes was full of shit when he said they met developer demands for 8GB (this demand confirmed by noted self promoter Randy Pitchford, who likely has seen final SDK docs).

So yeah. We'll see what the actual number is, but the likelihood that Eurogamer of all publications are 100% right is pretty damn slim.

Quoted for truth.


Junior Member
Meltdowns? More like calling out nonsense. PS4 was originally designed with 4GB in mind and developers worked under that assumption. Under that assumption, we would expect the OS to take anywhere from 512 MB to 1024 MB at MAX. Cerny said the additional 4 GB was added at the request of a DEVELOPER.

What features could Sony possibly add to make for the OS to jump from 512 MB to 3.5 GB in MONTHS? And why would they add 4GB of DDR5 RAM at the request of a developer if they are going to reserve the vast majority of that for the OS?

Sony doesn't have a camera to contend with, nor does it have three OS's. How can one Sony OS bloat itself in a period of months to outweigh a system with 3 OS's? Someone make a scenario in which that would in any way be feasible.

Indeed. It boggles my mind how Sony's 'gaming console' could demand such RAM. And here I thought 1GB would have been more than enough for the OS itself.


Not Banned from OT
I almost cringe at these types of reactions when no one understands how these platforms work. Somehow people thing 5.5GB (if true) is not enough for games? More is better but we're also coming off a generation where we had 512 of OS overhead. Vita has 512 plus 128 just for the OS and it's really snappy.

More ram for games the better. I could give 2 fucks less about any OS feature that would take god damn 3.5 gigs of ram. The PS4 OS has to be the worst since windows ME. The PS4 is under powered but at least the ram made it worth 399.99. But no ram no buy at 399.99. I have been gaming for a long time and this up coming generation looks to be by far the worst.
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