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Fuck... Why am I having seizures?

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Last Saturday, I was walking with my girlfriend on the beach, and while I was talking, I started losing track of whatever I was saying, and then it was like the inside of my mouth started convulsing and I couldn't talk anymore for about 15 seconds. It was painful to not being able to speak, and to have gone through more than a second of not being able to control myself. When it disappeared, I pretty much shrugged it off although it concerned me for the rest of the day.

Now today, I was talking to someone on the phone, and the same kind of thing happened, only I was able to speak, only I was incredibly dizzy and disoriented. Also, I had this kind of head-rush, as if the pressure in my head doubled.

I'm thinking I should go to the hospital. There's a history of epilepsy in my family. Fuck, we even have Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Hey lady, want a baby with neurological disorders? Come fuck me!! Anyway, one more thing, I looked for a site with flashing lights, such as the Japanese Robots one, and I couldn't look at it without having intense pain in my neck and head. My friend tells me I won't be able to play video games if I have epilepsy. That would ruin a part of my life :(

aoi tsuki

i was diagnosed with epilepsy when i was about 14. i've never had a serious (grand mal) seizure, although supposedly i had been having petit mal seizures since i was a child, at a rate of several hundred or thousand times a second. i was put on meds, which i eventually stopped taking (forgot, then after a while i just didn't care). Never had a problem with video games or intense flashing lights.


what little i know about siezing says to me that you should at least go see your GP

even if it's not something that needs to be treated urgently, what if it happens while you're driving or doing something equally dangerous? the more you know about it the better.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
You should immediately get that checked by a doctor. Don't piss around.


Teh Hamburglar said:
Could you be diabetic?

I'm not... I haven't told many people about my problem, I'm too scared of what their reactions might be like. So I came here, just so I can relate to people who potentially have the same problem.


Doctor, now. You're lucky to be able to recognize them when they're mild so you can stave it off for a while. One day you're going to be somewhere risky (driving/grillin' BBQ/nonchalantly rubbing tongue on the edge of your teeth/etc.) and well...

So do the doctor thing now and stay away from flashy things for a moment. I've seen severe seizures, and wouldn't want to wish that on anybody.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
The reactions would have been, "Go and see someone NOW!" and then you'd have gone and you'd be telling us all about your silly mistake which got you all worried about nothing/how you are glad you went to the doctor soon to get it under control.


it may not even be a problem. should you be so lucky, you'll still be happy you know what it is (or isn't as it were).

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I thought I better chime back in and say that a doctors appointment should be something that is done right away, as things that stop your ability to talk that aren't epilepsy are best caught early.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Yeah, sitting around STEWING on things is a TERRIBLE idea. I've also found that consulting the internet for health concerns is just an AWFUL idea as you end up reading all kinds of terrible things that MIGHT be wrong (but generally are not) with you.

I've gotten REALLY worked up over things that turned out to be virtually nothing. You spend all that time worrying...but when you actually get it checked out, the solution is so easy you'll kick yourself for not seeing a doctor sooner. Therefore, go see one ASAP and don't put yourself through stressful worrying...


Good point... It's 9:30 right now, and I don't feel safe driving, so I'm gonna take a walk to the hospital. Thanks guys.


Hollywood Square
Lathentar said:
Wow, at first I thought this was another thread making fun of Olimario.

No, instead of girlfriend, he would've said Ashlee Thomas Eisley if it were a parody.


rs7k said:
I'm not... I haven't told many people about my problem, I'm too scared of what their reactions might be like. So I came here, just so I can relate to people who potentially have the same problem.

Yeah man, that would've been SOOOOOOO embarrassing when they'd tell you to post this on GAF.

Doth Togo

rs7k said:
Last Saturday, I was walking with my girlfriend on the beach, and while I was talking, I started losing track of whatever I was saying, and then it was like the inside of my mouth started convulsing and I couldn't talk anymore for about 15 seconds. It was painful to not being able to speak, and to have gone through more than a second of not being able to control myself. When it disappeared, I pretty much shrugged it off although it concerned me for the rest of the day.

Now today, I was talking to someone on the phone, and the same kind of thing happened, only I was able to speak, only I was incredibly dizzy and disoriented. Also, I had this kind of head-rush, as if the pressure in my head doubled.

I'm thinking I should go to the hospital. There's a history of epilepsy in my family. Fuck, we even have Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Hey lady, want a baby with neurological disorders? Come fuck me!! Anyway, one more thing, I looked for a site with flashing lights, such as the Japanese Robots one, and I couldn't look at it without having intense pain in my neck and head. My friend tells me I won't be able to play video games if I have epilepsy. That would ruin a part of my life :(

Hey man, go talk with a medical professional. As much as we both love these folks on GAF, we don't know shit. Go speak with someone who does. This is your life you're talking about, which isn't a joke. Go get it checked out; have peace of mind. No worries. By the by, things most likely aren't nearly as bad as you might think.

All the best.

White Man

See a doctor ASAP.

I didn't even realize I was having seizures at first (I was completely blacking out), but when I found out what was going on, I went straight to the ER and started seeing doctors, even though the cost killed this poor kid with no insurance.


I used to ghostwrite an advice column in a porn magazine. You'd be amazed how many people with serious health problems would consult an imaginary chick in a spank magazine before their doctor.

Doth Togo

Flynn said:
I used to ghostwrite an advice column in a porn magazine. You'd be amazed how many people with serious health problems would consult an imaginary chick in a spank magazine before their doctor.

Dear Lushious & Lovely Lolita...

LOL. Awesome. Best job ever.


BuddyChrist83 said:
You can still play video games with epilepsy, but only certain games.

Not all epileptics are photosensitive. They can play all videogames, or do any other activity involving flashing lights (dance clubs, etc.)

White Man

You can still play video games with epilepsy, but only certain games.

I've never had a problem with photosensitivity.

If you do have epilepsy, make sure you pay attention to your state's driving laws. I couldn't get my license back in PA because I never had a 5 month span without a seizure.

Also, if you end up being treated with anticonvulsants, watch your mf-ing alcohol and drug intake.
I had a much more severe siezure on 4/26/04. Always been healthy but one day I felt very dizzy at work and called my wife to pick me up. Driving home, I had a siezure (thank God SHE was driving). It was much more severe than your seizure description. My wife took me to the hospital and after much testing, turns out it was a brain tumor.

They took 95% out in surgery on 5/10 and I've been in Radiation/Chemo the past month to shrink the remainder.

I don't mean to scare you but definately hit a doctors. A neurologist sounds correct.


I went to the hospital and stayed there until about 3AM. They had me take blood tests to check for diabetes and such. The doctor talked to me after a very long wait, and basically told what I experience may or may not have been a seizure. Apparently some people who have them experience the exact same as me; seizures that seem pretty minor, last for only a brief moment, and disappear as quickly as they appeared without leaving any residual effects. Since there's no way to tell what's going on without doing a CAT scan (I think that's what it was called), I'm scheduled for one pretty soon.

Havin seizures yet?

Seriously, I hope everything gets ok for you.
Get an MRI. I had a CAT-scan in the emergency room of my suburban Boston hospital and the info was inconclusive. I was taken to a MRI in Boston and they found the tumor and detailed info.

Thanks White Man- I'm recovering nicely. I'm thanbful I have some of the best Hospitals and Surgeons in the world in my back yard.
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