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Well looks like tomorrow I will be joining the ranks of the losers. I'm getting fired from my fucking job. This will be the first time in the 12 years that I've been working that I'm catching a pink slip. I’ve been going through a range of emotions from anger to uncertainty to depression. It hurts more knowing I'm getting hosed out of my job rather than being a sorry fuck up. I've given close to 4 years of my life to this job, never called in sick once. I'm sure there are more than a few of you here that are actually fuck ups and have been tossed out on your ear. How did you guys cope with the emotions? Please guys come commiserate with me, make a guy feel a little better.


Sorry to hear it man. I don't have a job either. Look on the brightside, maybe you'll find something you'll enjoy more.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
ShadowRed said:
Well looks like tomorrow I will be joining the ranks of the losers. I'm getting fired from my fucking job. This will be the first time in the 12 years that I've been working that I'm catching a pink slip. I’ve been going through a range of emotions from anger to uncertainty to depression. It hurts more knowing I'm getting hosed out of my job rather than being a sorry fuck up. I've given close to 4 years of my life to this job, never called in sick once. I'm sure there are more than a few of you here that are actually fuck ups and have been tossed out on your ear. How did you guys cope with the emotions? Please guys come commiserate with me, make a guy feel a little better.

Sorry to hear about that man. I've never been fired but I can imagine how scary it must be. Are you living with someone else who might be able to help support you? Why are they firing you?

What do you do for a living? If you work in the private sector you should try and get a job with the government. They almost never fire people. You really have to be a sicko to get fired by them.


El Papa said:
Are you getting fired or laid off? If you're getting fired what the hell did you do?

I'm being fired, as in unsatisfactory performance not layed off.

"Sorry to hear about that man. I've never been fired but I can imagine how scary it must be. Are you living with someone else who might be able to help support you? Why are they firing you?

What do you do for a living? If you work in the private sector you should try and get a job with the government. They almost never fire people. You really have to be a sicko to get fired by them."

I have savings actually money I was saving up to buy a house with, so I'm not finacially fucked. I just won't be able to buy a house like I wanted to, at least until I get another job.
sorry to hear that, man. getting fired sucks, it's happened to me a few times in the last few years. i'm kind of "outspoken", to a fault. :/

but anyways

if you don't have money saved or anything, SIGN UP FOR EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. like tomorrow. if you need money for rent or school or food, whatever, DO IT. it takes a little while for it to kick in, one, and two: it's like 1/4th of your pay. but you'll need it while you're looking for a new gig!

good luck to you.


"maybe you should of worked alittle harder."

It wasn't about my work I had just gotten an excellent evaluation a month ago, and my boss had told me that if a supervisor position came available he would offer it to me first. I had an incident happen on Monday, in which someone said I did something I didn't. Company policy says I have to be terminated even though I say I didn't and I have had no troubles in the company before.


If they fired you for unsatisfactory performance and didn't give you a warning or pushed you to work harder...that's BS IMO.
Fight for Freeform said:
If they fired you for unsatisfactory performance and didn't give you a warning or pushed you to work harder...that's BS IMO.

If I know Shadowred well enough, and I think I do, I wouldn't be surprised if he got caught fucking the manager's wife or something. Remember the story about him fucking the mother, then her daughter a mere hour later?

Yeah, what exactly was said that got you fired? I mean, I can't imagine that if there is no proof that you did something you shouldn't have (which there shouldn't be since I'm assuming you didn't do it) that they should be able to fire you. It makes no sense. Time to get a lawyer and sue the fucktard.


"So Mr. Griffin where do yo usee yourself in 5 years"

"Dont say doin' your wife dont say doin' your wife"

Remember the story about him fucking the mother, then her daughter a mere hour later?

Maybe you should be a porn star


"where did you work?"

I worked for a major multinational food company.

"what was your job?"

I was a Sales Represenative

"what did they find unsatisfactory?

did you get along with higher-ups?"

Yeah me and my boss was cool. He's not doing this because he doesn't like me he's doing it because there is a policcy in place that says I have to be fired.

"what state do you live in? i know all about CA working laws"

I'm in Texas and Texas is a work at will state. Anyhow it's not the company that I blame it's the person that I had the incedent with.

"Can't you sue them? The guy said you did something, it hurt your character...that's slander."

That was actually my first respone but it's all he said she said and I probably counld prove it in court. Plus I don't have the money to blow on an lawyer.

"So, was this sexual harrassment, or what?"

LOL no it's not sexual harrasment.
fart said:
i'd like to hear this story

he told it at oa. let me dig it up...

here it is:

Fucking mother and daughter

Ok so I go out with a couple friends to a club. Not really looking to score just out to habg out. I see this chick over at the bar that I work with. She's really attractive and didn't seem to be the kind of chick to hang out in bars. She sees me and smiles and waves me over. I go over to say hi and she invites me to sit down. We end up talking for a couple hours over a couple drinks, until my friends come over and say they are ready to leave. The chick says that she would like to leave also and asked me to drive her home. The couple of guys I drive to the club pile into the other guys car and I proceed to take this chick home. Turns out she lives in a trailer home with her 17 year old daughter. This chick is 35 as I found out talking to her. I go in with her and sit on the couch. A few minutes later the chick comes out and asks me to follow her. We go into the bed room inwhich she shares with her daughter. Her daughter is laying in bed watching TV. The mother takes me in the bathroom and closes the door. She asks me what could she do for me to thank me for taking her out. I was like shit youcan start by sucking my dick. So I drop my pants and she gets to sucking. After a while i tell her to stand up and pull her underwear off, get her on her knees infront of the tub and strt fucking the hell out of her. About an hour later we finish and we shower and as I'm about to leave she asks me to wait in the living room. She comes out and asks if she can barrow my car to run to he store, she tells me she should be no longer than 30 minutes.

So I sit on I take a seat on the couch and almost immediatlt the daughter peaks her head out the bed room door. Le me tell you the mother was hot and the daughter was fucking smoking. She was a younger version of her mom, but with a smaller frame perkier tits, and a tight ass. She comes out of the bed room and says high. She has this fucking fuck me look on her face. She's standing there in a large Tee shirt that barely covered her crotch. I'm trying to avoid looking at her, but it's no good. She stands right in front of me and sits down on the coffee table, and spreads her legs. I'm like fucking A. Asks me if I worked with her mother and I say yeah and she say that she had seen me there a few times. She asks if me and her mother had sex in the bathroom, and I say yeah. She asked me if she was any good I asnwer Ok. She asks me if I had had a lot of sex before and I said depends on what a lot is. She smiled and giggles. I leaned forward and touched her knee. She asks would you like to fuck me. I'm like sure. She grabs my hand leads me into the bedroom and Isits on the bed. I tell her to get up yurn her around and raise her nightgown up and take her underwear off. The proceed to fuck her from behind. We go at it for about 30 minutes. I finish and go back to the living room. She comes out and sits next to me butt naked and rests her head on my shoulder. She asks me if she was any good and I say yeah. She asks me if she was better than her mother and I say yeah. She asks me if I was going to come around more or be her mothers boyfriend I told her I don't know. She tells me she hopes I do that means we can spend more time together. I'm like cool. So about another 5 minutes her mother pulls up and she jumps up and runs torward the bed room. She stops at the door and says she would like to see me again so try and be her mothers boyfriend. I go I'll try. Her mom comes in with grocerys and I help her bring them in. She thanks me for a great time and kisses me. I tell her maybe we could hang out more, if she wanted to. She told me she would like that and I told here I would see here at work Monday.

Well, being fired as a sales rep is not too uncommon, you have goals you gotta hit, and if you don't make them, out you go. Just make sure you talk to your boss, see if you can use that person as a reference, and keep in touch. They can really help you when you list them as a reference.


If that story is true, it sounds like you're already on your way to being a porn star. Maybe you should turn it into a screenplay.


Camillemurs said:
What did you do to get fired?

Tough luck duders. You'll pull through in the end though, just work hard.

The short story is that I was a Sale Rep for a company that has space in grocery stores. I was stocking the shelves, with product from a cart my company owns. It was pushed up next to one side of the aisles I was working on. I was doing just as I had been trained to do, the same that I had been doing for 4 years. This manager approaches me as I am merchandising the self and I had product in my hand and asked me to move the cart. I said give me a minute. The manager screamed at me to do it now. I gave her the "Whatever, you ain't running nothing here bitch look,” and finished placing my product on the self, which took like 10 seconds. When I stood up the manager told me to leave the store and asked for my supervisors name and number. I kindly pulled out his card and gave her the number and left the store. I talk to my supervisor later on and he tells me the manager claimed that I cussed her out, and that there was no way I would be allowed back into the store.

Company policy states that if a person is kicked out of a store for any reason they are immediately terminated. It didn't used to be that way, you could get with another Sales member and trade a store if you got kicked out, but they changed these 2 years ago. Since then 2 other people have been fired because of the policy over the same sort of incident. One guy was with the company 20 plus years when he was fired.


Hollywood Square
HalfPastNoon said:
This is why women shouldn't be in the position of power. They let their emotions control their decisions.


"So what happened after you demanded he'd move the cart?"

"Uh, he cursed at me and lunged at me with a knife! And called all managers liars and [queer folk]! Yeah, that's the ticket!"


Ripclawe said:



hunt around that first link, you are bound to find some government agency that you can at least file a complaint with, or call your head office.

Whoa Rip helping a brother out, you might actually be black like you claimed after all. WTF anyhow thanks for the links but I don't think it will get me my job back. Plus again it's he said she said and I wouldn't be able to prove it in court.


Hollywood Square
ShadowRed said:
Whoa Rip helping a brother out, you might actually be black like you claimed after all. WTF anyhow thanks for the links but I don't think it will get me my job back. Plus again it's he said she said and I wouldn't be able to prove it in court.

You have nothing to lose by checking those links out.
Thats a pretty fucking lame policy that your business has. Go back to that store and punch that bitch in the face "Way of the Gun"-style.


First tragedy, then farce.
Dude, thats bullshit. Whether or not you blame the company, unless they have proof that you did something to that manager they cant just fire you. They cant say that you cussed this women out, or even that you talked to her while you were in the store. They cant prove anything at all happened. What if this women just called them and told them you cant come in the store anymore because she doesnt like you. Would they still fire you then based on policy?

Sue them for wrongfull termination, you can get a shitty lawyer who will work of commision. If they are a big company like you say they are (it will help if you are a minority here, pretend to be gay if need be) they will want to keep this out of the press. they will shovel money your way to shut you up.

I once worked with someone who was caught, by 4 different video cameras and two people lifting a large amount of money from my workplace (I wont say who, but a fortune 500 company). A month later we found out she got a 6 figure settlement on a wrongfull termination suit. They had her completely own3d, they just didnt want the press.


Maybe he just doesn't want to go to court, because lawyers would start digging up dirt on him and realize he had sex with a 17 year old girl.


Hollywood Square
=W= said:
Maybe he just doesn't want to go to court, because lawyers would start digging up dirt on him and realize he had sex with a 17 year old girl.



"Dude, thats bullshit. Whether or not you blame the company, unless they have proof that you did something to that manager they cant just fire you.

Sue them for wrongfull termination, you can get a shitty lawyer who will work of commision. If they are a big company like you say they are (it will help if you are a minority here, pretend to be gay if need be) they will want to keep this out of the press. they will shovel money your way to shut you up."

Honestly I don't have a problem with my company, the policy is what it is. Also I live in Texas which is a work at will state, which basicly means they can fire you because you put too much starch in your shirt. I know this may come as a shock to a few people but I'm not interested in getting money I don't deserve. Now I would have no problem sueing the bitch that got me fired, but again it's he said she said.

"I once worked with someone who was caught, by 4 different video cameras and two people lifting a large amount of money from my workplace (I wont say who, but a fortune 500 company). A month later we found out she got a 6 figure settlement on a wrongfull termination suit. They had her completely own3d, they just didnt want the press."

When I got hired I replaced this guy who left just up and stopped coming to work. He didn't call anyone nor returned calls from the company. A month later he returns and demands that he get his job back and when they didn't he sued them and got it back. He claimed he went to take care of his sick grandmother, yet neglected to tell anyone he was leaving. Then right before he was about to get fired after a very bad evaluation, he claimed he feel off a latter and sued both the company and the store that he supposedly fell off the ladder at. He ended up getting a year severance pay from the company and 10,000 from the grocery store chain.


First tragedy, then farce.
I live in Texas.. work at will simply means that you are not under contract, not that they can fire you for any reason they want.
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