duckroll said:b) a completely original side story that takes place during the series, supervised/written by Arakawa ala Cowboy Bebop/One Piece Strong World.
It better be this, it better be.
It better be.
duckroll said:b) a completely original side story that takes place during the series, supervised/written by Arakawa ala Cowboy Bebop/One Piece Strong World.
Prax said:Well, I want more Mustang action.. so.. hopefully the movie focuses on that!
mello said:I really don't. We've had a fair bit on him throughout the series, and I want some focus on other character like the Rockbells or more so Winry. Perhaps a history look at Hohenheim and Trisha too. That would be EPIC for me. All kinds of droll.
X-Frame said:Also, I'm contemplating whether or not I want to go back and watch the original FMA series after this one is done - at the risk of somehow affecting how much I enjoyed Brotherhood.
What do you all think?
And the soundtrack. Don't forget about the soundtrack. Brotherhood is nice but whoever composed the first series did a wonderful job with the music. Far more memorable for me.Dresden said:I liked the first FMA anime's ending. The movie was bad, but the anime's ending itself was enjoyable stuff.It had a nice hint of bitterness to it.
I think it's definitely worth watching if you liked Brotherhood, just to see what's different. There are some things that the first series pulls off really well.
duckroll said:
Irie has confirmed on twitter that he will not be involved with the movie which was just announced.
duckroll said:Honestly, there are probably only two real possibilities:
b) a completely original side story that takes place during the series, supervised/written by Arakawa ala Cowboy Bebop/One Piece Strong World.
Jangaroo said:And the soundtrack. Don't forget about the soundtrack. Brotherhood is nice but whoever composed the first series did a wonderful job with the music. Far more memorable for me.
B.K. said:So there's hope for it?
It's really not that epic. I had the same wrong memory though, so I can't blame you if you're remembering it better than it was.Blader5489 said:I also remember an epicshowdown. I can't really remember any details from the fight :lol but I do remember it being epic!Mustang/Bradley
duckroll said:Yes, there's hope that it could indeed be a live action adaptation by M Night Shyamalan.
I didn't like that either but it will be interesting if the American VA does the same.watervengeance said:Quite strange to see Alphonse all grown up, yet retain a feminine voice.
Kaijima said:I was really satisfied with the final answer to the alchemy / Truth puzzles in the series and Ed's realization. I was happy with a relaxed ending to the whole affair and appreciated the sweetness of what was done for the various characters too.
Still, I have to admit that I find it a toss-up between the ending of the original anime and this one. Mind you, I consider the FMA movie to be /part/ of the ending of the original series; it can't be separated.
I'm a sucker for a good alternate world story and I actually loved the ending of the first anime - because the "weight" of the story remained with Amestris and our Earth ended up feeling like a strange alternate dimension... not the other way around. I found the final fate of the Elric bros' to be intriguing and mysterious, leaving the imagination to work with a lot of things. I greatly enjoyed how the first anime Wrath ended up giving Izumi such tremendous closure after her own death, plus revealed the hint that Dante was lying or deluded about the Homunculii having no souls, since it was shown Wrath's soul did exist as a whole person in the gate dimension to meet Izumi.
By contrast, I couldn't really get behind Greed being the humanized homunculous in the manga/brotherhood version; he just wasn't as empathetic a character. Father was a little too wacky super-saiyan for my tastes, and dare I say it, the final showdown was a tiny bit more stereotypical of anime and manga than most of FMA tends to be.
Brotherhood is overall the better told and paced story, using more of the characters in better ways and including the full panoply of characters from the manga. But even so, the original anime isn't gutter trash the way many fans make it seam, and it came up with a few things that I thought were really good ideas that expanded the scope of the FMA universe dramatically.
Lazy vs Crazy said:Part of the end that didn't make a lot of sense is
Ed can't use alchemy so he is going West so he can learn more about alchemy?
Fimbulvetr said:I hope he changes the pronunciation of Alphonse and Selim.
I thinkStoOgE said:I love the hint that Mustang and Armstrong are going to be fighting to become fuhrer.
duckroll said:I hope an Indian guy plays Mustang!
Lazy vs Crazy said:Part of the end that didn't make a lot of sense is
Ed can't use alchemy so he is going West so he can learn more about alchemy?
Jinaar said:Ok, I need to ask something about BROTHERHOOD. regarding Roy and Riza Hawkeye (Spoilers):
Noted from the Wiki -
Riza bears the final notes to her father's work on Flame Alchemy, and his legacy as an alchemist and Mustang's teacher. After seeing what Mustang was capable of during the Ishbal War, Riza begs Roy to burn the tattoo, fearing the damage another flame alchemist could cause.
So my question is, was Mustang already capable of the alchemy that was on her back, or was it something even more powerful then what he was already capable of?
For whatever reason, I kept on thinking thru the whole story that this would have been another key to helping Team FullMetal to win against Father and the other Homunculi. But in the end it was just some side story that was just for Roy and Riza alone.
duckroll said:When he told her that he wanted to rise to the top eventually to change the world for the better, she believed in him and showed him the completed circle. That's how Roy became the Flame Alchemist, because Hawkeye realized that with that sort of power, he could easily become a National Alchemist and gain power and rank much faster to meet his goals.
StoOgE said:I picked that up from the anime as well. Didn't think it was that hard to follow.
In most shounens, the side characters exist to advance the main character's/characters' plot. That's what they did with the first anime too ,really.Blader5489 said:Episode 21
Started off a bit stupid (all these explanations for what's going on with Al's body are not just ridiculous on their own, but really unnecessary) but the cliffhanger was FUUUUUUUUCK! Finally, Ling might do something that justifies his existence.
One thing about Brotherhood so far that's different from the original anime, and I'm not sure I like or dislike this, is that the story is really more about Mustang's political ambitions and the war against the Homunculi; it doesn't really seem to be focused on the Elrics or their journey for the Philosopher's Stone anymore. On the one hand, I'm enjoying this story and glad they aren't just retreading the original anime's plot (since when they did do that in the past, the results were pretty awful), but it just feels like it's lost focus of what the story was originally about.
Arthrus said:Since I just finished watching Brotherhood, I might as well give my take on it.
Where it shined:
- Strong story
- More variety in characters than the original anime
- Scale of conflict (not that bigger always means better)
- Good villain and ending
- Hohenheim
Where it sucked:
- Character development was terrible
- Pacing was terrible. Crunched toward the beginning, dragged out at the end.
- Ed and Al weren't much more important than anybody else
- Minor characters introduced later on were annoying and one-dimensional
Personally, I prefer the original (excluding the movie, which was godawful). I can see why people wouldn't, but each his own.
Plywood said:I felt it closed it off very nicely, though I thought Ed was going to propose to Winry, not spill his guts terribly on how he wanted to be with her. Though it was funny when she reciprocated. :lol