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Fun show alert turn on Fox

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They are doing a show where they take two different Moms and switch families. Anyhow they switched this white lady with this black lady. The women got in cabs that took them to there new "spouses" so the white lady gets to her destination and it's a black guy and she gets out and looks around like were is the guy I'm supposed to go with. After looking over the black guy like ten times she's like "Am I going with you." and he goes "Yeah." Then they cut to an interview of the white lady saying,” When I saw I was going to a family from another race I was so happy." I fucking fell out laughing; this bitch was so fucking lying.
The best part of the show so far is when the one mom is talking about how the most important thing is to learn how to speak correctly. Then she starts talking about her husband and says "You know it's not about money its about who you're. My husband is minor...Err a mino...Err what's it called? Yah minority.".


It also looks like they are shooting in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Wonder if they hit up any of my stomping grounds?


Oh shit the white lady is about to get beat down. "I bring positi..positivism to the situation." All the while bitching about not having lunch and having the fucking nerve to order them to go get lunch while she sat on her ass.


White lady think this is 1804 rather than 2004. "Omar zap this for 10 seconds. Omar stand in the closet and hit the circuite braker." Had that been me that bitch would have been sitting in the dark, witha cold cup of coffee.


This was hilarious...especially when she was going "carb-this" and "carb-that"...you can tell they don't give a damn about that. Nana kicks ass...72 and working out and doing crunches and shoulder presses.
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