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Funniest abuse of Sims2 yet

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
LOL, I love these Sims and Sims 2 stories, the funnniest thing that happened to me so far in the sims 2 was both my sims were gone to work and only the male maid, nanny and my toddler sim were in the house. One of my sims was cooking something in the oven before she went to work, but then forgot about it. So after a while there was a fire, and since I forgot to put a fire alarm, the fireman wouldn't come and I couldn't even call as I can't control the nanny or the male maid and obviously I can't get the toddler to call. So then the fire raged on burning everything in my kitchen. The male maid was just standing there screaming like a women the whole time and the nanny was in the back screaming and complaining about having to take a piss, she eventually pissed on the floor and took out some of the fire. It wasn't until one of my Sims came home and called the fire department that the fire had extinguished. LOL great times.
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