Boss Doggie
all my loli wolf companions are so moe
They're still pony-related.
Play wonderboy III and see which animal you identify with most.can be my furry coach.. i want to be a furry but i don't know where to start.
CHEEZMO;33399616 said:That Dash suit is sweet - they sold it on Ebay but I'm not sure what the final price was.
The kemono stuff is pretty cool
CHEEZMO;33400644 said:
I want to lick them.CHEEZMO;33402840 said:Dunkleosteus style!
Serious question: Do furries have a single thing that every furry worships or something. Like is Sonic or Tails or something "THE" thing among the furry-scene?
Serious question: Do furries have a single thing that every furry worships or something. Like is Sonic or Tails or something "THE" thing among the furry-scene?
Canids seem pretty popular I guess? That's not very specific though.
But Holo isn't a furry =/
Serious question: Do furries have a single thing that every furry worships or something. Like is Sonic or Tails or something "THE" thing among the furry-scene?
One of the common mistakes is that people associate anything remotely anthropomorphic to furry (e.g. Sonic and My Little Pony). They're their own fandom which even furries feel reviled.
ponies have become huge in the art scene
i dont think its up to you to decide if its part of the fandom or not
Being huge doesn't make one part of the furry fandom. o_o
Sure there can be overlap, but that's more because of one being a fan both rather than associating them in the same fandom.
CHEEZMO;33411722 said:I love iPoke's stuff[IMG]
Wow, I really like all of those. Perhaps I should start following their art...
Perhaps I should start following their art...
CHEEZMO;33411722 said:I love iPoke's stuff[IMG]
My favourite of ipoke's stuff.. :(
Serious question: Do furries have a single thing that every furry worships or something. Like is Sonic or Tails or something "THE" thing among the furry-scene?
Not that I've seen. There are peaks, as was mentioned earlier, around wolves, also dragons and foxes . Though it would vary based on geographical location or just plain random preference.
Everyone tends to approach the fandom for their own reasons. I've seen the arguments made that "furries watched too much Disney/Dinosaucers/Biker Mice From Mars/Roger Rabbit/Whatever X Hyper", but people like to argue about a lot of things. I don't think there's any one major reason people approach or incorporate into/with the furry fandom, other than the tenuous encapsulation of anthropomorphic animals. Which must make people who like the Arbiter from Halo a little too much, feel weird, because where then do they go if they want more alien porn?
the alien aspect is more appealing than animal imo
animal = too close to home and is more illogical
I don't think one can haphazardly say which is more logical or illogical, since argument could take it either way.
Im talking in terms of multiple races of intelligent life
which is why im ok with cat-like creatures, not bipedal cats that are supposed to be able to somehow talk with a facial structure that has no cheeks/lips
The problem is that its near impossible to create something relatable and still look foreign
which is why mass effect (and moreso, startrek) is a tad disappointing because they all look like people (apart from the squid things)
What were your thoughts on the prawns from District 9?
What were your thoughts on the prawns from District 9?
Anyway, as a cartoonist, I don't really care overly about the real-world physical viability of a creation, just that recognizable for what it is. I guess that's the thing about working in symbolism, versus realism/hyper-realism. I see where you're coming from thought.
Besides, all good fiction can explain how walking talking English-speaking animals can get away with having Australian accents even though their facial structure couldn't form a vowel. It's Magic!/Nanomachines!/Element Zero!/Telepathy!/A small fish in your ear!/
Sometimes you just gotta go with it, for the sake of the story.
Even though I was never overly fond of Afrikaans as a language, I'll always have a soft spot for the swearwords. There's something elegant about them, and how they tend to use single or double vowels.
im pretty sure that movie broke some kind of record for the use of the F word
Even though I was never overly fond of Afrikaans as a language, I'll always have a soft spot for the swearwords. There's something elegant about them, and how they tend to use single or double vowels.
im pretty sure that movie broke some kind of record for the use of the F word
As long as there is Tarantino, that will be a tough challenge.
Personally I don't really care for significant realism. I rather see furry as a cartoony kind of world, and that allows for a fair amount of suspending belief. As long as it's somewhat internally consistent, that's all I ask.
CHEEZMO™;33411722 said:I love iPoke's stuff
Uchip's stuff on the other hand...
If they just look like recoloured humans to me, they fail as anthro art. >___>
I agree that they can be cute if done right (Horo's cute--but kind of awfully moe in style... but I digress), but there is so much fail or superficial "animalness" in the designs that it irks me. A human girl with cat ears in a "kitty" pose, like licking paws or nuzzling stuff, just looks.. NO.
I lot of the stuff Uchip likes on the other hand...
anthropomorphism doesn't have to be purely aesthetic
and its closer to Japanese folklore than Playboy mansion bunnies
your disdain for anything even resembling human features seems to stem from misanthropy more than artistic merit
also seems kind of hypocritical considering your avatar
I cant win can I
this is why there are no straight furries
I cant win can I
this is why there are no straight furries