Prax, that's cheating!
Which part? >___>
Where am I cheating?
Just because I'm winning doesn't mean I'm cheating.
Prax, that's cheating!
I am straight! Mostly! XD
Does that count????
I am straight! Mostly! XD
Does that count????
depends what you mean by mostly
and im just saying that in every situation where people post mostly sexually ambiguous art (from a human aesthetic) every time they tell me that my tastes are "not furry enough" like im supposed to fix it or gtfo
it does seem to be a mostly elitist community that seems to be composed largely of either bisexual or misanthropic tendencies
im gonna go cry in the corner because I dont belong anywhere brb
I'm trying to understand why this appeals to people. Can anyone give me an idea? I have a few theories off the bat, but I wanted to get the input of people who find this material appealing first before I began spouting uneducated hypotheses.
depends what you mean by mostly
and im just saying that in every situation where people post mostly sexually ambiguous art (from a human aesthetic) every time they tell me that my tastes are "not furry enough" like im supposed to fix it or gtfo
it does seem to be a mostly elitist community that seems to be composed largely of either bisexual or misanthropic tendencies
im gonna go cry in the corner because I dont belong anywhere brb
Well, I like it because I think animals are super cool. Cool abilities. Cool looks. They are like superheroes!I'm trying to understand why this appeals to people. Can anyone give me an idea? I have a few theories off the bat, but I wanted to get the input of people who find this material appealing first before I began spouting uneducated hypotheses.
I'm trying to understand why this appeals to people. Can anyone give me an idea? I have a few theories off the bat, but I wanted to get the input of people who find this material appealing first before I began spouting uneducated hypotheses.
You just like exotic looking humans more than you like human-like animals.
Plenty of people like the stuff you're into, which is why I have to wade through all of it to find stuff I like.
I'm trying to understand why this appeals to people. Can anyone give me an idea? I have a few theories off the bat, but I wanted to get the input of people who find this material appealing first before I began spouting uneducated hypotheses.
I don't think one can haphazardly say which is more logical or illogical, since argument could take it either way - and in the end it's a personal thing anyway. I've seen people treat their dogs better than their family, which may seem illogical from an external perspective, but it has logical consistency for the person in question.
And in side-thought, aren't animals as alien to us as aliens would be? Or has familiarity just give us an excuse to easily disregard them as anything other than 'animals/pets/fluffycutethingsonYoutube'. Does our "dominion" over animals change their status in the human social gestalt, to the point where we actually carry a weird kind of guilt about what we're doing to other creatures?
Thinking about it, looking into the eyes of an alligator is every bit as alien as I would imagine looking into the eyes of a space-faring alien would be.
As I said before, the furry fandom (or should I rather say, applied anthropomorphics), is an idiosyncratic event that's entirely personal. I guess comparable to taste in music (why X over Y, instead of Z?), or more interestingly, one's taste in art. Art remains difficult to quantify, and thus people's personal attraction to certain types of art are even more ambiguous to define.
For instance, for me anthro art is why I'm peripherally interested in the fandom. I've always preferred to draw animals over people (examples: though my style is far more simplistic and cartoony compared to much of the fandom's art output. I've just always had a soft spot for simple black and white line drawings, m'self. Then there's the obvious tricks of using animals as ciphers in art, representative of personalities and traits (kemono does this), for the sake of making the character part of a greater context. Or just to easily get out of mary-sue setups, who knows.
Bearing in mind I'm not talking about anything sexualized here - I've long since gotten over the fact that human beings are capable of sexualizing anything. Cars, are designed to trigger the same kind of attraction we have for other humans. Plenty of books are written daily about the psychology behind designing things to trick our lizard hindbrains into thinking "damn, that thing looks attractive" and thus we purchase.
When it comes to the sexualization of animals through anthro art, I'm assuming the attraction factor is also entirely individual-dependant. Perhaps someone gets turned on by six mammary glands, or perhaps it's the caricature-traits (domination factors, submission factors, etc). Then again, some people draw rabbits with huge tits, the tits bigger than the rabbit - which makes me think the rabbit part is entirely incidental, in that case.
There is much conjecture on the topic of why, less on the why not, and plenty of "lulz" inbetween. Personally I think the matter of sexualization in furry art, is really just a symptom of the much larger question of why we, as a species, are so prone to sexualizing things period, biological impulses to procreate aside.
I'm trying to understand why this appeals to people. Can anyone give me an idea? I have a few theories off the bat, but I wanted to get the input of people who find this material appealing first before I began spouting uneducated hypotheses.
that's a very cute one Ookami, that a comic?
I dont think you are eligible to make that call considering you only like Japanese style "kemono" and only the buff versions
That is how I feel a lot of the time. People jump to sexual connotations and bestiality conclusions too quickly (also happens in sexualizing every relationship between 2 or more people, doesn't matter what age, gender, or compatability issues!). Human nature to have sex on the brain though.something like this
No it's not..thats complete bullshit![]()
No it's not..
(stupid joke story summary: they made a machine to disguise themselves as humans, but it obviously doesn't work that great.
More Mayhem
I'm trying to understand why this appeals to people. Can anyone give me an idea? I have a few theories off the bat, but I wanted to get the input of people who find this material appealing first before I began spouting uneducated hypotheses.
I'm trying to understand why this appeals to people. Can anyone give me an idea? I have a few theories off the bat, but I wanted to get the input of people who find this material appealing first before I began spouting uneducated hypotheses.
This argument, which is one that gets thrown around often, could not be more unsubstantiated.I think It's an easy way to fulfill a beastiality fetish without catching some funky animal disease.
I wouldn't equate bestiality to furry, but not sure if that was a serious reply.
I enjoy furry art up to a certain level (25%-50%), but I can't tell you why I do (because I have no idea why I enjoy this stuff), which is why I didn't elaborate.
how does that even work
Voila.where's the original?
Did I mention I'm also into BDSM? Artwise anyway, I've never tried it out in real children with collars is ok? Haly i am disappointed
the best characters arent even remotely sexualized[IMG][/QUOTE]
Tony Tony Chopper is perhaps the best anthro character of all time.
Tony Tony Chopper is perhaps the best anthro character of all time.
I'm trying to understand why this appeals to people. Can anyone give me an idea? I have a few theories off the bat, but I wanted to get the input of people who find this material appealing first before I began spouting uneducated hypotheses.
some people will argue that mickey mouse is the most important
but Tezuka was the first to make them cute and not just silly looking
Wasn't Tezuka directly influenced by Donald/Scrooge McDuck?
most animators/comics were influenced by disney in some way
I'll grant you that Disney has had quite a wide range of influence, but not every illustrator has sent Christmas cards to those who gave them inspiration.
I never said that Disney animators should send a card back, I'm just saying that when the father of anime sends you a yearly Christmas card there is some significance there.of course disney never sent them a card when they straight ripped Leo the Lion into the Lion King
I never said that Disney animators should send a card back, I'm just saying that when the father of anime sends you a yearly Christmas card there is some significance there.
jeez firehead
why are they crying every pic?
I'd assume it's because the pics he'd post where the subjects are happy aren't appropriate for GAF.