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Reluctant Member
One thing I remember about Redwall was that matters of scale weren't really settled at first.

Also that only a few books were actually worthwhile.

First six or so are great, after that they began to drop in quality. Still bought every single one of them though.

I preferred it when the scale was more like they were real animals in a human world. I thought it got a bit weird when it became clear the animals were the only ones in the world.

*waves to Emilie and pops out of the thread*


You're a citty.

Haly avatar is best avatar.

Also, I find a lot of furries to be incredibly irrational, so I don't find it to be a shocker when their worldviews don't reconcile nicely.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Hmmm I really want my tag to be furry related :(

I wonder if there are mods who visit this furry place.
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