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Mm, I suppose I could try again with another post later - though I've had lack of motivation as of late. Maybe my net is not cast as wide as previously thought (currently sitting on lots of suan-cat, but little else).


ive been drawing a lot lately
partially because I want to get good at drawing, and partially because nobody draws shit the way I want them to
so I said fuck it, ill learn how to do it myself


Sucks at poetry
They're imaginary characters. My "orientation" for them is real as Loch Ness.

Great post. I think that more people need to understand that when it comes to art, our "attractions" don't necessarily have real world implications. Nor do our desires in the real world, and those in of the art world, need to have any strong correlations for us to sort them.


Great post. I think that more people need to understand that when it comes to art, our "attractions" don't necessarily have real world implications. Nor do our desires in the real world, and those in of the art world, need to have any strong correlations for us to sort them.

I dunno
I think they have a significant bearing at the least
for instance, straight people will generally not be interested in gay porn

and someone posting exclusively buff animal men with bulging crotches is more indicative than simply enjoying anthro art that features male characters


Sucks at poetry
I dunno
I think they have a significant bearing at the least
for instance, straight people will generally not be interested in gay porn

and someone posting exclusively buff animal men with bulging crotches is more indicative than simply enjoying anthro art that features male characters

Sure, but my point was that it isn't always the case. I have in my hentai collection various yaoi doujinshi and art. I find them to be incredibly arousing. I don't, however, have any interest in men in the real world. This also extends to several other things I find interesting within erotic forms of art - which for me have no correlation in reality.

For certain people, some things might, and some things might not. My overall point is that it is never a good idea to make assumptions or draw conclusions about anyone based on what kind of fictitious things they are attracted to. Unfortunately, I see people doing this all the time.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Great post. I think that more people need to understand that when it comes to art, our "attractions" don't necessarily have real world implications. Nor do our desires in the real world, and those in of the art world, need to have any strong correlations for us to sort them.

This kind of confusion is at the heart of people being unable to comprehend the "furry" thing in the first place.

Generally speaking, my experience has been that people who like animal people are attracted to exotic humans - especially when the attraction has some degree of sensuality involved. (And further, sensual does not automatically equal sexual.) The fans are human. What attracts them to the so-called furry character is the idea of a humanoid with exotic textures and qualities. As I remarked somewhere else a long time ago, furry fans generally don't imagine their dog characters have icky dog breath or anything else about the real animal that would turn you off. (In the case of the pr0n, that includes weirdly shaped stickshifts and the wrong number of breasts. On the other hand, furry fans do seem to have something of a hangup for exaggeration...)

This idea is sufficiently alien to the average whitebread person however. They have a great deal of trouble with it, even though it is really pretty simple. Many observers cannot help but equate attraction to a character which has a part resembling an animal they know, with attraction to the literal animal in real life. This seems to be why you see less "OMG furry" freak outs when nerds have the hots for "aliens". The alien may have five tentacles, a tail, horns, and four breasts, but as long as it doesn't look like a fox we're still "wholesome" ;)


Obsidian fan

Happy New Year, creeps.


Sure, but my point was that it isn't always the case. I have in my hentai collection various yaoi doujinshi and art. I find them to be incredibly arousing. I don't, however, have any interest in men in the real world. This also extends to several other things I find interesting within erotic forms of art - which for me have no correlation in reality.

For certain people, some things might, and some things might not. My overall point is that it is never a good idea to make assumptions or draw conclusions about anyone based on what kind of fictitious things they are attracted to. Unfortunately, I see people doing this all the time.

i dont think anyone said it was always the case :)
nothing is ever set in stone, and to assume makes an ass of u and me!
that said, this is pretty explicit case of specialization!

I mean, if you knew a guy that was only interested in yaoi manga, then theres a veeeeery high possibility that he swings that way


Sucks at poetry
I mean, if you knew a guy that was only interested in yaoi manga, then theres a veeeeery high possibility that he swings that way

I still wouldn't assume. I also wouldn't care :)

I general I've learned not to make assumptions about anyone, and to avoid any unnecessary arguments. Instead, I've chosen to enjoy the things that I do to the fullest while allowing others to do the same. Rather than to be divided by our differences, which are minute and unimportant, I want to be united by what we do have in common - our passion.


Obsidian fan
I still wouldn't assume. I also wouldn't care :)

I general I've learned not to make assumptions about anyone, and to avoid any unnecessary arguments. Instead, I've chosen to enjoy the things that I do to the fullest while allowing others to do the same. Rather than to be divided by our differences, which are minute and unimportant, I want to be united by what we do have in common - our passion.

El pervertidos unidas jamás serán vencido!

Probably a botched translation but fuck it


I still wouldn't assume. I also wouldn't care :)

I general I've learned not to make assumptions about anyone, and to avoid any unnecessary arguments. Instead, I've chosen to enjoy the things that I do to the fullest while allowing others to do the same. Rather than to be divided by our differences, which are minute and unimportant, I want to be united by what we do have in common - our passion.

so you're a furry now? :p


CHEEZMO™;45962536 said:
Just 'cause it's not a flat-faced catgirl doesn't mean there're no signs of femininity.

just looks like someone put mascara on a dog tbh
oh and some indication of cleavage i guess?


Still without luck
went back to the old avatar instead of joining real-pic-jan or making a new one, eh?

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