To be fair I like it sometimes. Heavy just looks perfect with tiny legs.
That's some matted fur.
...Which is probably going to be a thing, most likely.
Destitute hobofurs shall prey upon the barafurs as a food source, since barafur is made of meat.
Apparently Paddle Pop Lion is starring in some adventures
not inspired by kung fu panda at all
Destitute hobofurs shall prey upon the barafurs as a food source, since barafur is made of meat.
theyre probably made of air, like balloons
how about dem muscle birds
Can someone draw a non-anthropomorphised wizard rabbit?
I have read both your requests and will compromise with one image giving you not exactly what you desired~!
Bara-barian bird and Wizard rabbit. They are probably party members in a DnD campaign. XD
A swing in all ways~!is he taking a swing at the rabbit?
those are some trippy colours
CHEEZMO;45632657 said:Piercings <3
Snakebites <3
I wish she didn't have those piercings. She's super cute otherwise.
dat tail
Is that bear whose pigtails went super saiyan?
I thought it looked more like a dog with that collar..
'Barachan' you say?... >.>
CHEEZMO;45632886 said:This is the part where I post this
Mona Lisa from TMNT. Started the ep human, ended the ep like that, then was never seen again.Is she from that frog anime?
There are beings in the world that aren't 70% muscle.