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FurryGAF |OT| They should have sent a veterinarian

GW2 is one of these games I keep hearing about but I never got around to actually buying and playing it. Should I?

It's currently on sale for $20. It has no subscription fee.

I'd say yes, but it really depends if you like how it plays or not. But for the current price, it's a steal regardless. You're getting an entire MMO.


GW2 is one of these games I keep hearing about but I never got around to actually buying and playing it. Should I?

I've played it since beta, and I think I've rounded the 2500 hours of play time a few months ago. I've now stopped playing, but I think it's very much worth the money I paid.
Aside from a few things which made the game worse than at release, overall it's an incredible MMO, that doesn't feel as restrictive or time-waste-y as most does. For a solo player like myself, GW2 is a wonderful game, and I can only imagine how much better it feels if you love partying up and doing dungeons.
After doing solo content in XIV:ARR and suddenly hitting a wall that said "NO FURTHER YOU HAVE TO BE IN A GROUP NOW", GW2 is incredibly smooth in scaling content up and down for players.

If you love the WoW and XIV stat progression MMO's, then I'd say no, don't buy it.
If you love the casual exploration experience and very loose group play (as in players doing content side by side without needing to group up), then I'd say yessss.

The Charr armor's are horrible, though. I don't think I had touched my Charr in a year or more when I quit.

anyone wanna help edit a santa hat on him?

Wow, I am glad no one's hurt. I wonder who the perpetrator is though.
Love the avatar, those eye's are just soooo cute

As for what happened, yeah I'm really happy no one was hurt that badly, very happy since I knew one of the people who was went to the hospital due the incident, a local fursuiter, she's doing fine and back home safely.
As for the perpetrator it's really up in the air as to who did it, there has been lots of speculation of it being either some crazy anti-furry, some furry who did this due to some drama, or as a prank. I'm hoping we can catch the person who did it, but that may not happen due to a bevy of reasons surrounding where and when it happened.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe

I suck at this, pls help :(

Love the avatar, those eye's are just soooo cute

As for what happened, yeah I'm really happy no one was hurt that badly, very happy since I knew one of the people who was went to the hospital due the incident, a local fursuiter, she's doing fine and back home safely.
As for the perpetrator it's really up in the air as to who did it, there has been lots of speculation of it being either some crazy anti-furry, some furry who did this due to some drama, or as a prank. I'm hoping we can catch the person who did it, but that may not happen due to a bevy of reasons surrounding where and when it happened.

I just hope the person/s get caught.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
People being taken to hospital for being gassed is funny, apparently :/ Good old US media.

To be honest, I think the talking heads were more overcome by seeing something so outrageous compared to their vanilla culture and just lost it. Unprofessional, but I suspect they didn't get as far as "ha ha, those losers deserved to be gassed, let us laugh".

That line of thinking is reserved for the suburban America internet tough guys in the comments.
To be honest, I think the talking heads were more overcome by seeing something so outrageous compared to their vanilla culture and just lost it. Unprofessional, but I suspect they didn't get as far as "ha ha, those losers deserved to be gassed, let us laugh".

That line of thinking is reserved for the suburban America internet tough guys in the comments.
Yeah, I didn't really get any malicious intent from them in saying that they deserved this. Was it unprofessional in a way, sure. But I'm willing to give it a pass, mostly because I think if I we were in their shoes I may do the same thing, because even from insider, you do have to admit in a way that what we do looks absurd to people outside looking in.
This news report on the incident from Inside Edition on the other hand....


Still without luck
I have some very very rage filled anger toward the excuse for life that tried to harm others enjoying themselves. Saying I hope whoever did this would only get caught and tried would be an unbelievable nice way of putting how I hope this ends.

But anyway, here's a tale from a friend about their experience there.

Well, how's this for a first con tale? I was at MFF the night everything went crazy. It was my first con, and I only knew one person there. While they were busy somewhere else, and I was waiting for them, I grabbed some air. On my way to the back, I saw flashing lights, a couple emergency vehicles. I didn't think much of it, figured someone had partied too hard. I reached the smoking area out back and cooled down. Someone came by and started smoking, saying that it smelled terrible around the 8th floor. We chitchatted a bit before I went back inside. Shortly after, the alarms started going off across the hotel. Everyone was confused at first, but it quickly became apparent something was very wrong as staff started screaming at people to evacuate immediately.

At this point I'm freaking out, trying desperately to get a hold of my friend and make sure he made it out of the building. It's cold and windy outside, maybe below freezing. People in all states of dress are ushered outside, including someone wearing only booty shorts and a harness. People begin huddling together for warmth as the place swarms with emergency vehicles. Being dressed in layers, I take off my coat and cover up a guy in a short sleeve shirt who is cuddled up to other people to warm up. Everyone was looking out for each other and banding together to fight off the cold. Fursuiters were making wind shields to protect people who were underdressed. There was a lot of confusion and anxiety, but people still had a sense of humor. "This is why furries can't have nice things," someone said, and "It wouldn't be a furry convention without something going horribly wrong."

It takes over an hour to locate my friend and meet up with him, due to the hundreds, maybe thousands of people outside. Maybe 45-60 minutes into this, they open up a nearby convention center so they can get people out of the cold. The convention center is holding a dog show, at the time; the jokes wrote themselves.

By this time, I see more emergency vehicles in one place than I've ever seen before. Dozens, easily, including a number of vehicles from nearby towns. No one knew what was going on still, at this point. I'd later hear the nearby airport was shut down due to this incident.

Inside the convention center, the mood lifted as people warmed up. People sat around talking, people brought out food and booze and passed it around as needed, and tried to make the best of it. My friend and I managed to meet up with people he knew, and we confirmed everyone from that circle of people was safe.

It's now been several hours, and we're exhausted. At 3 or 4 in the morning, with the hotel still off-limits, we left for the night.

The whole day at the con was a surreal, overwhelming experience; a sensory overload that I could barely process, for reasons that are deeply personal and I have no interest in sharing. This was just the bizarre capstone to an already strange day. But, to someone closeted, being open about my sexuality and my interests in a welcoming, safe environment felt... well, it felt liberating, and I no longer felt so alone.

I guess, at least, when people ask what my first con was like, I'll have a hell of a story. Certainly, it will be a day I never forget.
I think more likely he's just very attuned to what's going on around him, culturally. Even though Japan has had the kemono culture for a long time, it's growing over there as well likely due to the growth of western/european furry tropes, and their incorporation into Japanese kemono concepts.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
He could be kemono... or he could just like the aesthetic.

It's not like everyone at Disney or Warner Bros in the 80s/90s were also furry.
Part of me wants more dragons in here.

Part of me is afraid of my sucky Google-fu.


Maybe I should fix that. (To me, there can never be enough of them.)
CHEEZMO™;143269837 said:
Tried on a suit head for the first time last night. Man that shit is warm.

Yeah, proper ventilation and knowing your limits are very important. If in a full suit, you are literally covering your entire body with foam and carpet. Some fursuit heads also aren't designed that well, which can be very dangerous.

And to think, people attend conventions in those things, in summer, *and* get drunk in them. Talk about living dangerously.
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