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G/A/F: 2 Men Call Police Over Road Rage, One Follows Other Home, Gets Shot and Killed

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Honestly not sure what to think of this one. Doyle (the shooter) is currently charged with second degree murder and is out on bond.

If it is true that Gonzalez was retreating when shot, then Doyle is in the wrong, but otherwise it's difficult to fault him. Especially if you believe his wife's account as reported. And it's probably going to come down to conflicting witness statements and the 911 recordings.

I can easily see a jury finding that a reasonable person would fear for his or her life if they were confronted on the road by an aggressive driver who then followed them home, stopped and came up to the house as they were going inside.

Robert Doyle is accused of shooting and killing Candelario Gonzalez during an alleged road-rage incident on Thursday night, deputies said.

Both families called 911 during the altercation. Gonzalez had called police and reported that Doyle was “driving like an idiot.”

“We’re going to follow him right to his house,” Gonzalez told the 911 dispatcher. The dispatcher urged them to go home, but they insisted on stopping at the house to get Doyle’s address.

Doyle, who was on the phone with 911 at the same time, told a dispatcher Gonzalez was trying to “run him off the road.”

“They’re following me to my house… and the guns are already out,” Doyle told the dispatcher, adding he had his gun “cocked and locked.”

As the cars continued down the road, both cars stopped in front of Doyle’s home. Seconds later, Doyle reached his driveway and Gonzalez exited his truck, according to WATE.

An eyewitness said Doyle shot Gonzalez as he was backing up. Doyle’s wife claims Gonzalez was charging her husband.


Doyle seems to realize that Gonzalez intended to follow him to his home. He tells 911: "They're following me to my house ... and the guns are already out," apparently referring to his own firearm or firearms.

When Doyle arrived back at his home, Gonzalez allegedly parked and got out of his truck. In a panicked voice, Cathy Gonzalez is heard telling the dispatcher that Doyle has a gun.

"Get somebody here now!" she said

Police said Doyle shot Gonzalez in front of the house. A witness said Gonzalez was backing away, but Doyle's wife said otherwise.

"We were in our yard and he stopped in the middle of the road and came after my husband," she told 911.

Cathy Gonzalez can be heard wailing, "He killed my husband! Oh my God."

Police said Doyle pointed his gun at Gonzalez's wife, daughter and grandson and forced them out of the truck until police arrived.



A witness said Gonzalez was backing away, but Doyle's wife said otherwise.
Y'know, I think I'll go with the witness on this one.

Don't shoot people. Definitely don't shoot people that are backing away from you.
Don't follow people home

I don't see the issue here

This. What kind of fucking idiot chases someone home? You get the plates and call it in.

If the guy was indeed backing up Doyle was obviously in the wrong but Gonzalez made a bad call regardless and paid dearly for it. Use some sense, people.


Tagged as I see fit
Y'know, I think I'll go with the witness on this one.

Don't shoot people. Definitely don't shoot people that are backing away from you.


On the other hand, don't follow people home that you don't know. Especially with your wife and child in tow. What was he going to do???

Hyun Sai

Common sense people, how does that work ?

With the percentage of guns per house there, following US resident at his home after a beef is some Darwin award material.


This. What kind of fucking idiot chases someone home? You get the plates and call it in.

If the guy was indeed backing up Doyle was obviously in the wrong but Gonzalez made a bad call regardless and paid dearly for it. Use some sense, people.

His entire family in the car, and he still decided it was important to follow someone to their house to tell them off for supposedly driving badly.

Neither of these people should have had guns.

Based on just this article, I'd say that's a given.

At this point, "Whatever Florida Man does, never do" seems like sound advice for my children.
I have been reading up on this for 2 days and the saddest part to me is that they were both on the phone with 911 at the same time, both 911 operators told them not to confront the others but both completely disregarded sound advice and chose to give in to their fear and machismo. Now one family has lost a father and grandfather while another person is absolutely going to jail for murder.

Also, the dude holding the wife and child and grandchild at gunpoint and ordering them out of the car all while she is still on the phone with 911. Shit is crazy man.

Those poor kids are going to be traumatized for life...
The guy FOLLOWED HIM to his own home. I think it would be fair to say he had every reason to be afraid. The guy that died is the one that escalated the situation for absolutely no reason.

Cause shooting somebody dead is an appropriate response to somebody following you
Can I kill somebody if they call me a bitch too ?
It is crazy how much parts of America have reverted to full wild west attitude. But with better guns.

Someone cut you off in traffic? Maybe someone texting during the previews of a movie? Pull out your gun and execute them on the spot and then wait with dignity for the hangman's noose or to be fully vindicated.
Shouldn't have followed him home. If he only wanted to get the address, why did he get out of his car? Don't shoot people over dumb bullshit. If he was really backing up then charging the shooter is the right thing to do. Not to mention he also held the guys wife and kids at gunpoint. I have no reason to believe the shooters wife that he charged a guy who had a gun so visible that the dead guys wife saw it from the vehicle.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
If someone is following you, don't drive home. Just drive to a police station or doughnut shop.

Some idiot followed me once from a parkinglot issue (not sure what pissed him off). I drove to the national lab I worked at, the ones with guards with assault rifles. He didn't follow.


Never follow someone to their house due to road rage - for all you know you're being baited by a serial killer.

Stranger danger!


Yeah you probably shouldn't follow a road raging psycho home.

Except Gonzalez was road raging himself. You don't pursue a man to his home with your wife, mother, and children in your vehicle unless your judgment is clouded by emotion. The correct course of action is always to let it go; call the police and report the plate if you have to, but please don't endanger yourself and your loved ones.

Fucking stupid to follow them home but sounds like he wanted to kill him for it.
Based on the 911 transcript, he fully intended on shooting him - I don't think he was counting on Gonzalez following him home, however.


Cause shooting somebody dead is an appropriate response to somebody following you
Can I kill somebody if they call me a bitch too ?

Just following? So are we completely ignoring the 911 call the shooter made saying the guy was trying to run him off the road? If you had someone following you in that matter and then following you all the way to your house and probably bolting out of the car, do you think he just wanted to say "Hi!"? :p


Shouldn't have followed him home. If he only wanted to get the address, why did he get out of his car? Don't shoot people over dumb bullshit. If he was really backing up then charging the shooter is the right thing to do. Not to mention he also held the guys wife and kids at gunpoint. I have no reason to believe the shooters wife that he charged a guy who had a gun so visible that the dead guys wife saw it from the vehicle.

Police would have had the address just from the license plate. No need to follow someone home for that.

Why the fuck would you lead a crazed gunman to your house?

Doyle (the shooter) was the one at home. Gonzalez (the deceased) was the one that followed Doyle home. Gonzalez got out of his car to confront Doyle (on Doyle's front lawn) which is where the shooting occurred.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Y'know, I think I'll go with the witness on this one.
Depends. If the witness is his neighbor, I could understand them wanting him out of the neighborhood if he is bringing problems where people get shot.

Doyle (the shooter) was the one at home. Gonzalez (the deceased) was the one that followed Doyle home. Gonzalez got out of his car to confront Doyle (on Doyle's front lawn) which is where the shooting occurred.
I know, but you pull out your gun when you think the other person is posing a deadly threat. Why would you lead such a person to your home?


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