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|G/A/F| Volunteer Firefighter Arrested For Starting Fires So He Could Fight Them

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Aomori Prefecture, Japan.


At about 4:30 a.m. on Nov 13, some people noticed smoke coming from a warehouse in Kuroishi City and dialed 119. The local volunteer fire department was assembled and rushed to the scene. Among them was the 32-year-old Kawasaki who lived only 300 meters from the warehouse and reportedly had a reputation of “enthusiastically rushing in to fight fires.”

Although there was some damage to the roof of the warehouse, the firefighters were able to extinguish the blaze without incident. Immediately afterward, Aomori police began an arson investigation and checked some surveillance cameras that they had installed at some point since suspicious fires had started occurring last May.

On the footage they could see a man whom they believe fit Kawasaki’s description piling flammable material such as cardboard on the floor of the warehouse. About 15 minutes before the original 119 call was placed, the man in the video started the fire. Seeing Kawasaki as the prime suspect they made their arrest on Nov 14.

Residents of the village were shocked both by the irony of a firefighter being arrested for starting fires, and by the fact that Kawasaki was widely regarded as a polite and valued member of his community. In a press conference a rep from the fire department bit his lip and said the only word he had to describe what happened was “unbelievable.”

Light me on fire if old.
A guy at my high school did the same thing years ago. Find an abandoned structure, start a fire, go to the fire department and wait for the call.

"Hey, Joe, ever notice when Simmons gets here, we have an emergency not long after."
"Say, Earl, come to think of it, Simmons does seem to always gets here right before the alarm."
"Yeah, that guy has some luck!"

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
This is literally the plot of a TV show episode I bet

Also goddamnit op, Japan isn't ANY of G/A/F!

It's like the episode of Powerpuff Girls where there was the one superhero who always set up crimes so he could stop them.
Something happened like that here in the Los Angeles area around 10 or 12 years ago, I believe. A firefighter started a fire so her could get overtime and he ended up killing someone because it got very big.


I think it's a (rather) common situation actually, there is a much higher rate of arsonists among firefighters. Sounds logical that the fascination of fire attracts them to the job.
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