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G4: "EA came back this year and took the Stanley Cup of video game hockey"


Gold Member
Judgement Day just did a head-to-head between NHL 2005 and ESPN NHL 2K5 and trashed 2K5 and praised NHL as if it was the second coming.

How much crack do you have to do before NHL becomes good? I would really like to know.


works for Gamestop (lol)
G4: "Thank you for the moneyhats, EA."

Scalemail Ted said:
This is G4. I have yet to hear one credible report come from them. They rank about as high as Spong in my book.

But...Zelda is a rumored Nintendo DS launch title!


Gold Member
They said 2K5's graphics are almost "cartoon" like because they are so colorful. And they oozed over NHL's motion capture.




works for Gamestop (lol)
Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
Tommy Tallarico said on the forum for Judgement Day, in defense to being accused of not playing the games, that they play each game for at least 3 Hours before reviewing it. :D

I think we need to make more Tommy hate threads to provoke him in joining this forum
example of a Tommy post from Judgement Day forum:

Originally posted by: Tommy Tallarico
I've been watching and listening over the last few weeks.

First let me say thank-you to all of my supporters out there! Even though a lot of people don't sometimes agree with my reviews they still understand that I can say whatever the hell I want and still find it entertaining and enjoyable to watch the show.

So lets get right to it then...

FooFlex, do you realize you have posted over 1,100 times over the last 2 months to the G4 forums?? You post an average of 22 times a day!! I'm thinking that maybe your taking this all a little too seriously! You don't exactly post one-liners either!! Your basic comments are that I should judge games based on what the majority of gamers think... not what I myself thinks. Let me explain how STUPID and RIDICULOUS your statement is!!

First of all, if I did what you wanted me to all the GameCube games would get a lot lower score than what I'm giving!! Time to wake up and smell the coffee my friend!! PS2 is outselling the GameCube 10 to 1 in the world!! X-Box is outsellling the GameCube in North America. So, if I judged my reviews based on what everyone thought than PS2 games would all get higher scores because people in the world obviously think the PS2 has a helluva lot more to offer than the GameCube.

So lets talk about why your REALLY upset... You want me to review games that agree with YOUR opinions!! You argue up and down about how I didn't give such and such game a good score but every other kiss-ass magazine or website did. SO WHAT!!! Judgment Day isn't a democracy!!! Judgement Day is OUR opinions! How dare you try and tell me how I should or shouldn't review games! Maybe you like Nazi Communism, but I sure don't! How dare anyone say that I'm not qualified to be reviewing games!! I've been in this industry MAKING games for over 12 years! I've worked on over 200 titles including games like... Tony Hawk Pro Skater, Spider-Man, Bond, Time Crisis, Unreal, Blitz, Pac-Man, Twisted Metal, Test Drive, Knockout Kings, Maximo, WWF, Munch's Oddysee, Earthworm Jim, Mortal Kombat, Aladdin... Convinced yet?? Cause I could keep going. I think I know what it takes to make a great game.

You want us to get other reviewers for game genres we don't like?!?!? That's great for YOU because then all of the games you disagree with me on would get higher scores. STOP BEING SO DAMN SELFISH!!! I think that my scores reflect more of the "every day gamer" as opposed to Vic's who represent more of the hardcore gamer. Once again, if you really did get your wish of me taking the majority rules theory than games like Super Smash Bros and even Final Fantasy would get TERRIBLE scores!! NEWSFLASH!!! These games are not crossover mass media games! You know which games are... Tetris, Myst, Who Wants to be a Millionaire, Deer Hunter, Barbie whatever. These are the biggest selling games of all time! Do you think that Deer Hunter deserves a 10??? According your theory it does! I'm suppose to judge games based on what everyone else likes right?? I thought Deer Hunter was a weak pile of crap!! I'd give that game a 1 (and that's being generous) No, No!! According to you I should get someone in there who loves those kind of mindless hunting games and get them to review it and give it a 10!! Give me a break!! I hope you realize how dumb this would be!

I do not want to start a war here with anyone and I'm not here to debate this issue so I don't want to hear a counter-point from you. My views on how the show is put together WILL NOT CHANGE!! Maybe you can take a look at what you have been saying and start to have a more open mind and open opinion.

Heres another Newsflash for ya... Most of the magazines and websites out there who you cherish so much make their money by selling advertising to the companies whose games they are reviewing. There is a lot more influence over what people write and don't write than you'll EVER KNOW!! I commend G4 for having the balls to keep our show on air when SOME companies out there would love nothing more than to take us off or have us CHANGE OUR REVIEWS!! You should be commending us for sticking by our guns and NOT being influenced by anyone!! It would be a sad day if you turned on G4 and 2 other hosts were reviewing games "more to the liking" of the game companies. You don't realize how good you have it that 2 guys are up there telling it like it is with their OWN opinions!! NOT the opinions of what YOU THINK is the majority! Numbers speak louder than words... bottom line is that more people think PS2 has more to offer than GameCube. Oddly enough, if anything it could be said that I'm following your system to a tee based on popularity and numbers!! But of course I"M NOT!! I will NEVER judge a game based on what I THINK others like!! NEVER!!!!!!!! So please get used to it!

And other thing FOR THE LAST FREAKIN' TIME!!!!!!!!!!! I have NOTHING AGAINST the GameCube!!! Did any of you take the time to read Vic's post on this subject??? I AM NOT BIASED!! GET OVER IT!!!! Just because I give a low score to a game that means I'm biased?? Just because I give a low score to a game that someone else likes and I don't that means I'm biased??

Are you people INSANE?!?!?! I've given a lot worse scores to PS2 games than GameCube games!!! How come no one ever mentions that?? Does that mean I'm biased to the PS2?!?! NO!! I find that Nintendo fanboys get so worked up if a Nintendo game gets a low score... Um... er, a.... WHOSE THE ONE BEING BIASED?!?!?!! The most biased people in the entire world are NINTENDO FANBOYS!! And they are the ones calling me biased!?!?! Hilarious!!! I DO NOT give all GameCube games a low score!! I don't give a flying fart which system a game is on or not on!! I judge a game based on THE GAME!!! NOT THE SYSTEM!!!! duh!

Enough rambling I'm going to go outside and play now... You should think about doing the same. I'm not here to make enemies and would rather have people like FooFlex and BlowHum as someone who disagreed with my reviews but at least respected me for telling it like it is. Hope you can get by this and start enjoying the show for what it is... Entertainment!!!

It's not the end of the world!

Thanks for listening,

Tommy Tallarico


works for Gamestop (lol)
I wish tv shows, magazines and websites would stop giving scores to game reviews. I don't really care what scores Tommy gives, but the reasons why he gives those scores is just ridiculous. Didn't he mark down Viewtiful Joe cause the title of the game sounded silly?
Wario64 said:
I wish tv shows, magazines and websites would stop giving scores to game reviews. I don't really care what scores Tommy gives, but the reasons why he gives those scores is just ridiculous. Didn't he mark down Viewtiful Joe cause the title of the game sounded silly?

Yes. He also marked down Silent Hill 3 because he didn't like the footstep sound. I'm not sure if he is actually reducing the game's scores because of these points, or whether he thinks he is being funny. Either way, the guy's hard to take seriously.

And this part of his rant:
"You want us to get other reviewers for game genres we don't like?!?!? That's great for YOU because then all of the games you disagree with me on would get higher scores. STOP BEING SO DAMN SELFISH!!!"

is stupid, because he is acting like it isn't a common practice to get the sports fan of a magazine to review madden, or the rpg fan to review Disgaea. When Tommy starts his review of Silent Hill 3 with "I hate this genre! It sucks!" I think it might be helpful to have a more intelligent analysis than that.
Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
example of a Tommy post from Judgement Day forum:

Originally posted by: Tommy Tallarico

So lets talk about why your REALLY upset...
Tommy Tallarico


its You're...as in 'You Are'

Not 'your' as in possessive.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
example of a Tommy post from Judgement Day forum:

Originally posted by: Tommy Tallarico
I've been watching and listening over the last few weeks.

First let me say thank-you to all of my supporters out there! Even though a lot of people don't sometimes agree with my reviews they still understand that I can say whatever the hell I want and still find it entertaining and enjoyable to watch the show.

So lets get right to it then...

FooFlex, do you realize you have posted over 1,100 times over the last 2 months to the G4 forums?? You post an average of 22 times a day!! I'm thinking that maybe your taking this all a little too seriously! You don't exactly post one-liners either!! Your basic comments are that I should judge games based on what the majority of gamers think... not what I myself thinks. Let me explain how STUPID and RIDICULOUS your statement is!!

First of all, if I did what you wanted me to all the GameCube games would get a lot lower score than what I'm giving!! Time to wake up and smell the coffee my friend!! PS2 is outselling the GameCube 10 to 1 in the world!! X-Box is outsellling the GameCube in North America. So, if I judged my reviews based on what everyone thought than PS2 games would all get higher scores because people in the world obviously think the PS2 has a helluva lot more to offer than the GameCube.

So lets talk about why your REALLY upset... You want me to review games that agree with YOUR opinions!! You argue up and down about how I didn't give such and such game a good score but every other kiss-ass magazine or website did. SO WHAT!!! Judgment Day isn't a democracy!!! Judgement Day is OUR opinions! How dare you try and tell me how I should or shouldn't review games! Maybe you like Nazi Communism, but I sure don't! How dare anyone say that I'm not qualified to be reviewing games!! I've been in this industry MAKING games for over 12 years! I've worked on over 200 titles including games like... Tony Hawk Pro Skater, Spider-Man, Bond, Time Crisis, Unreal, Blitz, Pac-Man, Twisted Metal, Test Drive, Knockout Kings, Maximo, WWF, Munch's Oddysee, Earthworm Jim, Mortal Kombat, Aladdin... Convinced yet?? Cause I could keep going. I think I know what it takes to make a great game.

You want us to get other reviewers for game genres we don't like?!?!? That's great for YOU because then all of the games you disagree with me on would get higher scores. STOP BEING SO DAMN SELFISH!!! I think that my scores reflect more of the "every day gamer" as opposed to Vic's who represent more of the hardcore gamer. Once again, if you really did get your wish of me taking the majority rules theory than games like Super Smash Bros and even Final Fantasy would get TERRIBLE scores!! NEWSFLASH!!! These games are not crossover mass media games! You know which games are... Tetris, Myst, Who Wants to be a Millionaire, Deer Hunter, Barbie whatever. These are the biggest selling games of all time! Do you think that Deer Hunter deserves a 10??? According your theory it does! I'm suppose to judge games based on what everyone else likes right?? I thought Deer Hunter was a weak pile of crap!! I'd give that game a 1 (and that's being generous) No, No!! According to you I should get someone in there who loves those kind of mindless hunting games and get them to review it and give it a 10!! Give me a break!! I hope you realize how dumb this would be!

I do not want to start a war here with anyone and I'm not here to debate this issue so I don't want to hear a counter-point from you. My views on how the show is put together WILL NOT CHANGE!! Maybe you can take a look at what you have been saying and start to have a more open mind and open opinion.

Heres another Newsflash for ya... Most of the magazines and websites out there who you cherish so much make their money by selling advertising to the companies whose games they are reviewing. There is a lot more influence over what people write and don't write than you'll EVER KNOW!! I commend G4 for having the balls to keep our show on air when SOME companies out there would love nothing more than to take us off or have us CHANGE OUR REVIEWS!! You should be commending us for sticking by our guns and NOT being influenced by anyone!! It would be a sad day if you turned on G4 and 2 other hosts were reviewing games "more to the liking" of the game companies. You don't realize how good you have it that 2 guys are up there telling it like it is with their OWN opinions!! NOT the opinions of what YOU THINK is the majority! Numbers speak louder than words... bottom line is that more people think PS2 has more to offer than GameCube. Oddly enough, if anything it could be said that I'm following your system to a tee based on popularity and numbers!! But of course I"M NOT!! I will NEVER judge a game based on what I THINK others like!! NEVER!!!!!!!! So please get used to it!

And other thing FOR THE LAST FREAKIN' TIME!!!!!!!!!!! I have NOTHING AGAINST the GameCube!!! Did any of you take the time to read Vic's post on this subject??? I AM NOT BIASED!! GET OVER IT!!!! Just because I give a low score to a game that means I'm biased?? Just because I give a low score to a game that someone else likes and I don't that means I'm biased??

Are you people INSANE?!?!?! I've given a lot worse scores to PS2 games than GameCube games!!! How come no one ever mentions that?? Does that mean I'm biased to the PS2?!?! NO!! I find that Nintendo fanboys get so worked up if a Nintendo game gets a low score... Um... er, a.... WHOSE THE ONE BEING BIASED?!?!?!! The most biased people in the entire world are NINTENDO FANBOYS!! And they are the ones calling me biased!?!?! Hilarious!!! I DO NOT give all GameCube games a low score!! I don't give a flying fart which system a game is on or not on!! I judge a game based on THE GAME!!! NOT THE SYSTEM!!!! duh!

Enough rambling I'm going to go outside and play now... You should think about doing the same. I'm not here to make enemies and would rather have people like FooFlex and BlowHum as someone who disagreed with my reviews but at least respected me for telling it like it is. Hope you can get by this and start enjoying the show for what it is... Entertainment!!!

It's not the end of the world!

Thanks for listening,

Tommy Tallarico

Um, but you DID give SSBM a terrible score....

And yes, you ARE biased, Tommy. Everyone is biased. But you're VERY biased.


They dont really go along with the crowd like most of the magazines and internet sites do. He doesnt rate games any higher because someone else might like it. I appreciate that. He gives his opinion, nothing more.


Unconfirmed Member
Tommy Tallarico said:
Maybe you like Nazi Communism, but I sure don't!
Nazi...communism? Wow.

That comment alone is more than enough to show why I don't hold Tommy Tallarico's opinion in high esteem: I don't respect the opinions of people who I can legitimately and empirically say are dumber than myself.

Though I will readily admit that the soundtrack to Earthworm Jim is totally awesome. So Tommy's not all bad. Just a bit of a dolt, that's all.

Tommy Tallarico said:
Once again, if you really did get your wish of me taking the majority rules theory than games like Super Smash Bros and even Final Fantasy would get TERRIBLE scores!! NEWSFLASH!!! These games are not crossover mass media games! You know which games are... Tetris, Myst, Who Wants to be a Millionaire, Deer Hunter, Barbie whatever. These are the biggest selling games of all time!
Hold up. Did he just say that any random Barbie or Millionaire game sells on the level of Super Smash Bros. or Final Fantasy? What a complete moron.

Can somebody PLEASE tell Tommy that just because he's in the industry doesn't mean he's informed?


Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
PS2 ESPN NHL 2K5 96,566
PS2 NHL 2005 20,490

Are those numbers real? If so that`s fantastic.
Just too bad EA has the entire European market to themselves basically. Sega hasnt released NHL2K5 here yet. Plus it will be ofcourse be full price when they eventually release it. :/


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
m0dus said:
It's funny, in the real world, he honestly seems like the kind of guy who's alwayse on the verge of getting popped in the mouth whenever he opens it. Like one of those customers who won't shut the fuck up about how he hated game A, despite never having gotten past the tutorial stage (as if playing 3 hrs of a game that can simulate entire SEASONS offers you anything close to a realistic assessment of its depth? Fucking please. Tommy, I played T2 on the Sega CD, I hated the music on the first stage, so the game sucked ass, bud. Seem logical to you? probably not, I hope) He seems to have some sort of complex. I truly have to pity his co-host. Just look at the excerpt from "mein Kempf" he wrote. Good lord, I'd think I'd shoot myself before being subjected to standing next to the guy just to listen to him pontificate (IE, bitch) about shit he knows absolutely NOTHING ABOUT for 25 minutes. Did anyone see his review of Capcom Vs Snk 2 (I believe)? He dug it a grave, because the graphics "sucked" and it had "no skill involved" or something to that effect (I was honestly too pissed off to commit it to memory). Seriously. Somebody else must have seen it . . .

The man is an excellent composer, let that be said. but having him do reviews is like having self-serving movie stars commenting on social issues: completely devoid of merit.

I think his music is OK. He has a few good games, like Earthworm Jim, but for the most part, he's average.

Probably why Nintendo fired him from Retro >_>

And that's probably why he's so biased against Nintendo. <_<
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