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GAF-Hop 2011+ |OT3| Look out for OT4 before Detox (dat sh!t cray)

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Akai are just tryna catch up with NI's maschine.. they got caught slippin and they know it. And its not standalone, you need a PC or Mac to use (like maschine)... I'll wait to see how the software is, because the maschine has a pretty dope software.

The software that is shown in that vid doesn't look to impressive so far. And two, would they support this device with updates like the Maschine? It looks pretty, great inputs and outputs. But the price is the key. It has to match the Maschine in price, it has to. And with the Maschine Mikro on the market....It doesn't look good for Akai.


Being skinny shouldn't stop you from rocking a beard either.




will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Love how Kanye has move to more normal clothes (they're just extremely expensive and he knows how to make'em stand out a bit) where as Wayne is stuck in his own IAMANALIEN version of the South Park Kanye era with Drake's football gloves laying out his outfits for him every morning just before he wakes.


Neo Member
I listened to the Chronic 2001 for the first time tonight (Im still pretty new to hip hop)

blew my damn mind away. Cant stop listening. Shit, I didn't know music this good existed.


I listened to the Chronic 2001 for the first time tonight (Im still pretty new to hip hop)

blew my damn mind away. Cant stop listening. Shit, I didn't know music this good existed.

some dudes are gonna roll in here soon and say "if you liked chronic 2001 you're also gonna like (x)" and (x) is not gonna be as good as chronic 2001. just a heads-up.

*edit: unless they say o.g. Chronic and you somehow missed that. or Doggystyle. only caveats!


Neo Member
some dudes are gonna roll in here soon and say "if you liked chronic 2001 you're also gonna like (x)" and (x) is not gonna be as good as chronic 2001. just a heads-up.

*edit: unless they say o.g. Chronic and you somehow missed that. or Doggystyle. only caveats!

yeah, I already love those 2, for some reason slept on 2001 forever, I assumed it was going to be a disappointment compared to the original.
yeah, I already love those 2, for some reason slept on 2001 forever, I assumed it was going to be a disappointment compared to the original.

Stick to this thread, and you'll be fine discovering new music and old. Blackace does some awesome mixtapes on Weds. Go to the OP, and checkout the previous thread for music as well. A lot of great Gems have been posted there, and will surely continue.


Rap Group LMFAO Sells “Erotic Ghetto Chaos” to America’s Children
“Partying” has become a common refrain among young people today. They take the word to mean individuality, an ineffable freedom to express oneself and a testament to their enjoyment of life. How tragic is it, then, that these youths will grow up one day to realize the horrific consequences of their actions. From gonorrhea to marihuana addiction, from social ostracism to abject poverty, so many insurmountable challenges await. For now, one mindless urban music group profits scandalously by pumping out anthems to this foul lifestyle. Their name is LMFAO.

LMFAO is composed of two young men who stomp and shout their way all across YouTube. They do not sing, but rather yell harshly in a hip-hop slang beyond the comprehension of most. They do not dance, but rather bang their feet like inner city looters breaking into a Korean deli. They do not smile, but rather leer lustily at the gullibility of their sex-crazed fans. Where are the musical instruments? There are no instruments!

These are men hell-bent on corrupting our innocent children and their rewards are paid out in ounces, if not pounds, of warm, quivering teen flesh.

Parent’s Guide to LMFAO Songs

  • Party Rock Anthem: Loud techno beeps attempt to impose rhythm on this tragic tale as sultry ethnic hipsters gyrate themselves in and out of a narcotic haze. The lesson here: as society burns, take refuge in homosexual costumes and the muscled bosoms of your gangbanger friends.
  • Champagne Showers: Inspired by a radical sexual activity involving urination, this song teaches teens to “neck bump” and follow strangers to dark spaces. A Gothic Latina appears to entice the boys into an alcohol-fueled fornication orgy as symbolized by a poorly-executed disco dance complete with masturbatory fist pumps straight out of Jersey Shore.
  • Sexy and You Know It: With a fragrant nod to his famously homosexual audience, Redfro prances about in his favorite speedo. Sadly, diminutively-endowed SkyBlu was reluctant to do the same.
  • La La Land: Who wants to see those pale hairy legs rubbing against a shocked Oriental girl? For many tech geeks, the answer is apparently yes. Repetitive ballads and flamboyant CGI effects make this one a hit for the lonely basement dwellers of America. Clearly, they prefer a la la land of lawless Latino lechery to the real world where people have wives and jobs.
  • It’s a Miami Trick: Miami is famous for the disgusting acts its prostitutes will perform and this song could very well be SkyBlu’s attempts to pay off his hooker debts. He secretly acknowledges a penchant for orgies themed around anal sex and black men with the lyrics, “I’m feeling in yo’ ass, and I like all the niggas there.”
  • Yes: Unfortunately LMFAO does not know the meaning of the word, “No!”

Inspired by the recent trend of vampire movies, the LMFAO videos mentioned above take place in a post-apocalyptic world. There are pockmarked buildings and dark-eyed freaks, sudden dance parties and half-nude women. The two singers move like hapless wanderers in this harsh landcape, forcing young men and women into loud, obscene protests choreographed like a child’s Broadway musical. Imagine The Lion King performed by porn stars on Halloween.

Frontman Redfro dresses less like a man and more like a transvestite version of Latoya Jackson. With tight spandex, Elton John eyeglasses and excessive gold jewelry, he stares directly into the camera begging for you to excuse his ridiculous outfits. His sidekick, SkyBlu, is menacing like a backalley reefer dealer. He tries and fails to keep up with his faster peer as they celebrate their own hedonism, their own hatred of traditional values, with every gang hand gesture and sinister pedophile scowl.

Why does this music exist? Has our culture become so desperate that any affirmation of sin, no matter how reckless and untalented, is embraced by teens who simply need an outlet for rebellion? The United States of America that I know and love is far better than this. Our children deserve far better than this.

Ultimately, the party must end and it must end right now for another party awaits those who move to the rhythm of a righteous spirit, who know the hallowed cloud of profound love and the beatific embrace of that wonder far greater than ourselves. Yes, I will not dance, I will not shout, I will not my arms deliriously about. I will not do any of this until that very moment when I pass the Pearly Gates and enter upon the greatest party of them all. I hope to see you there.
I'm not a fan of them, but this is... something.


lol i will say that the few times i've seen LMFAO perform, it's been baffling to say the least. i wonder what their concerts are like.


Ohh shit. This is brilliant.

You guys have to read this:
In Mass Erect, an otherwise good Christian man is sent to defend humanity from the “Rapers,” a race of massive dildo machines intent on fornicating with every man, woman and child. In fact, all life is being raped in order to continue their species. It’s no coincidence that they keep mentioning species. The plague of the evolution lie is filled throughout the series.

There is nothing in the Holy Bible about aliens. The entire game is about defiling the Bible and preaching nonsense and evil. The makers of the game, “Bioware” (which sounds like a CONDOM company), are located in a SOCIALIST Scandinavian country of sin, Canada. It’s no surprise Canadians would make such a disgusting game to insult us believers.

Worse still, the oldest and “wisest” aliens are a race of blue lesbians who stick their tentacles into everything they can to try and sinfully pleasure themselves. They control almost everything and represent Europeans. The “Ass-R-E” are unsurprisingly a race of only women, given that women are the weaker gender. Mass Erect is trying to undo traditional family gender roles! These Ass-R-E should be raising their half-breed children while their manly “Turian” husbands work. Instead, they fornicate wildly with anything they can get their hands on to reproduce on their own. This is an insult to the virgin birth. Only a man and a woman can make a child. NOT A WOMAN ON HER OWN!

After interviewing some of the girls at my camp, I found out this type of a “gayme” is called an RPG. This both stands for “Role Playing Gayme” and conveniently, “Real Phallic Gay.” I found out that worse still, the player can CHOOSE WHETHER TO BE GOOD OR EVIL. The problem is that both choices are really evil! CHILDREN SHOULD NOT BE TAUGHT IT’S OKAY TO CHOOSE TO BE EVIL! For that matter, I don’t understand why they allowed the player to create a female character. A woman’s place is not in space!

Finally, the player is taught to explore the “Queerian Floatilla.” It’s a race of overprotected liberal children who live in spacesuits because they can’t stand human germs. Like Eve after touching the forbidden fruit, the Queerians made an artificial intelligence that revolted against them. Life can not create life. Only God and His infinite wisdom can! The Queerians bit the apple of sin and are thankfully banished to the outskirts of the galaxy. The Queerians are a bunch of freeloading liberal communist hippies who ravage any planet they touch. They all live in communal quarters and do everything “for the common good.” This is communist indoctrination at its worst, and I for one will not stand for it!


What did Common ever do to you? Thats like your second dig at him this week.

Turned into a mad rapper. I didn't throw shots at him when he became an Ambien rapper. Didn't throw shots at Electric Circus, but being salty at young cats is WEAK.


Complex Shadow

Cudi Lame™
Turned into a mad rapper. I didn't throw shots at him when he became an Ambien rapper. Didn't throw shots at Electric Circus, but being salty at young cats is WEAK.


The old will always hate young and the young will always hate the old. Aint nothing for you to get salty about.


The old will always hate young and the young will always hate the old. Aint nothing for you to get salty about.

Bun B says no. He shows support for every new southern artist. Raekwon says no, he supports a lot of new acts. Same for a lot of artists. Only a few get old and salty. The thing that shocked me about Comm, is I thought he'd be above that. I guess he's still a little tender from the whippin Cube gave him back in the day.


Really? People don't know how to smoke weed now? No wonder why they need like 18 Blunts to get high, motherfuckers don't inhale at all, jesus. I'm tired of seeing people with chunks of weed on their videos as well. Were's the cocaine at? Can't wait for that shit to happen.

Most rappers/black dudes stay away from the white pony unless they're selling. Coke ruins lives man (and no one trusts a coke head)...But yea, I'd like to get to a point where I can waste bud. I can make an eigth last me like two weeks...

Complex Shadow

Cudi Lame™
Bun B says no. He shows support for every new southern artist. Raekwon says no, he supports a lot of new acts. Same for a lot of artists. Only a few get old and salty. The thing that shocked me about Comm, is I thought he'd be above that. I guess he's still a little tender from the whippin Cube gave him back in the day.

:lol yea. But just cuz a few arnt salty doesn't mean others arnt. That's one of the reasons I like bun. That's also why I like krit. He aint salty at older rappers.
Most rappers/black dudes stay away from the white pony unless they're selling. Coke ruins lives man (and no one trusts a coke head)...But yea, I'd like to get to a point where I can waste bud. I can make an eigth last me like two weeks...
The day I become rich, is the day I will fill my swimming pool with bud.


An eighth lasts me a month or more these days since i don't smoke much... I'm at that onehitofgoodgotmeasleep tolerance level.


Really? People don't know how to smoke weed now? No wonder why they need like 18 Blunts to get high, motherfuckers don't inhale at all, jesus. I'm tired of seeing people with chunks of weed on their videos as well. Were's the cocaine at? Can't wait for that shit to happen.

That's called tolerance and it's shitty. 18 is an exaggeration though.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
Drake supposedly responds to Commons "Sweet" diss on Ross' RichForever mixtape .

drake dissin common on his verse

and ross dissin jeezy on this tape for the this ones 4 u

this isnt a rumor this is a fact
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