I'm drunk and feel like filling this shit out so I can post here........
First name? Oleg
Where'd you get your username? it's the name that I used for my xbox live back in the day.
Age? 22
Where do you live? Chicago
Where are you from? Kiev, Ukraine
How'd you end up where you are?i dunno. smoked a'lot of weed?
Top 5 movies? Lost in translation, There will be blood, Mulholland Drive, Zoolander, Eternal Sunshine on the Spotless Mind.
Top 5 Video games? Okami, Tomba, Tomba: Return of the evil swines, MGS3, GTA: Vice City,
What did you read last? Currently I'm reading East of Eden which is really awesome
What did you watch last? Just started watching season 2 of King of the Hill.
Favorite non hip hop album? Fleet Foxes- Self tittled LP.
Favorite Drink? Rum and Coke
Play any sports? Soccer
How was your high school life? A good ass time. I miss it from time to time
Bad habits? Cigarettes, booze, weed
Employment? nada for now.
Hobbies? Gaming, getting high, any type of entertainment.
If you could slap one artist in the face with a sock filled with quarters? Chris Brown
Why'd you end up on gaf? only message board worth visiting IMO
Other threads you frequent? w/e is interesting.
Threads you avoid like the plague? none
Most significant hip hop album to you (note not best or greatest, just most significant)? Nas- It Was Written
Best thing about hip hop? It's some good ass music.
Worst thing? Can't think of anything.
Shittiest thing you've ever done? Made people feel like shit.