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It's more civilized than Youtube. People can't disagree there without throwing insults at each other.
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We already talk about Outkast reuniting for Coachella?
How lazy will Andre be? Will Big Boi just slap him on stage? Will they even show up???
Only when country music makes songs that's basically 'fuck the black man' they have to be more...subtle about it.
Sparkmaster tape is the fucking truth. I was skeptical as hell, usually these dudes with weird names some of yall post on here end up being low quality amateur hour bullshit with elementary school lyrics and either generic trap beats or Casio keyboard "experimental" nonsense.
But this mixtape is so fucking good. Consider me a stan.
This needs to be an OT thread
Yeah yeah yeah, we've all read this before. The downfall of everything, private prisons, yadda yadda yadda. Let's keep it 100.![]()
1) Most of the best rap music is post 1991. So even if there was private and public manipulation of the genre, if it happened it created some of the dopest music ever.
2) Occam's razor; you can choose to believe in a worldview that embraces the notion of a giant complex shadow corporation/govt with nebulous, undefined goals or you can simply believe that art is reflective of the world that creates it. Crack, escalating violence, symptoms of Reaganomics,the cultural hangover from the 80s is what created the gutter 90s shit.
3) Judging from known results of our governments clandestine ops; they fuck up and fail A LOT. Almost every single coup the US funds ends poorly for them or installs people that end up being enemies (see: Al-Qaeda). Fidel is in our backyard and we still haven't caught that body. If these all powerful corporations and government are so adept, why are they failing so often (this includes the banking industry). It's clear that the corporate side of rap music is at all time flabby and sickness.
Sorry for the long response. I've just come to truly despise conspiracy theory these past couple of years, and I think most of it is poorly reasoned and evidenced bullshit. Except Kennedy. There was something weird going on there.
Stay in school![]()
His next project is shaping up to be the best yet based on the first two tracks. Think someone just recently posted Baseball Bat Boi, but Picture on My Cofffin is my shit.
Debating with a conspiracy theorist on literally any subject is agonizing. Any source or argument you use is either invalid because it was co-opted by some organization or whatever. And whatever sources they use are a-ok, not corrupted or whatever. it's always some long winded nonsense about why the government does and doesn't do this or that. The real truth of the matter is that if you read up on it enough, you'll realize that american black ops is kinda crap at anything not involving technology or dumping money at a political candidate in hopes it'll stick. Our track record when it comes to inspiring political grassroots/support in countries we want to manipulate is kinda hilariously bad. It didnt really work anywhere but the banana republic type countries early in the 1900s/late 1800s.just wanted to co-sign nearly the whole of esha's post; i think conspiracy stuff is fun to look into but he's dead-on about not only the historically impossible levels of competency required, but also of absolute silence from more than one man involved. i'd also like to add to his bit on incompetency with one of the many books on the laundry list of embarrassing CIA fuckups; old roommate of mine ate this shit up and used to share older books with cold war era shit where they'd sponsor the wrong side in a skirmish & frequently end up with tremendous civilian casualties, no degree of plausible deniability & a violent regime change resulting in even worse trade agreements for all that blood. the great part about my last sentence there is that students of history are likely trying to figure out exactly which central/south american, souteast asian or other country i'm referring to, because they're that numerous.
But the thing is in regards to that downfall of rap thing, even though I personally think it's a bullshit story just based on the fact the story's details, writing style, and tone reeks to high hell of bs, I also have no doubt there are rich immoral fucks out there who would do that kind of thing to make a profit, no matter how insane and fucked up or sounds.
Debating with a conspiracy theorist on literally any subject is agonizing. Any source or argument you use is either invalid because it was co-opted by some organization or whatever. And whatever sources they use are a-ok, not corrupted or whatever. it's always some long winded nonsense about why the government does and doesn't do this or that. The real truth of the matter is that if you read up on it enough, you'll realize that american black ops is kinda crap at anything not involving technology or dumping money at a political candidate in hopes it'll stick. Our track record when it comes to inspiring political grassroots/support in countries we want to manipulate is kinda hilariously bad. It didnt really work anywhere but the banana republic type countries early in the 1900s/late 1800s.
what the fuckNo joke, as someone who listened to exactly zero Country music, I could not stop laughing when I came across this video on some random channel in my hotel room in Arizona a few years ago.
The best part of that is how rhe author bigs up his decision to whistleblow and expose his former industry guys and then tells this tale naming no companies, individuals, locations, nothing.This is thinly veiled anti-Semitic bullshit, and another case of black people blaming white people for shit they have some control over.
This meeting allegedly happened in 1991. Too Short and Ice T found success with gangsta rap in the 80s. Straight Outta Compton came out in 1988. Livin' Like Hustlers came out in 1990. So before this alleged meeting gangster rap was well established, and dominate sales wise.
A lot of conspiracies seem to stem from people having next to no understanding of business principles. When something starts selling, everyone starts selling it. A recent example of this, in music, would be that Dr. Luke synth bass pop stuff that kind of started with Miley Cyrus' Party In The USA; Katy Perry has been dominating with that sound, Nicki Minaj's Starships and Super Bass, etc. It was "the" sound, and led to countless producers imitating it. Hip hop wise, trap music would be the obvious example.
Gangster rap made white kids stop buying rock and metal albums exclusively. It made record labels tons of money, was easily producible, quickly manufactured, and the quality level started at such a high level that saturation wasn't an issue. If ATCQ was selling like Tupac, there would have been more ATCQ artists than Tupacs. End of story.
Voting thread is a go.
I mean. Do big companies headed by whites (including jews) exploit various cultures to make money. Of course; theyre corporations. their primary objective is profit uber alles. Its the framing of a conspiracy by the music industry(who are in conflict amongst each other) get young black men in jail that is ridiculous. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. The american entertainment industry has always exploited minorities or depictions of minority life (especially blacks). That's in plain sight. But the rest? Cmon.White people did kinda fuck shit up though.
I mean.
Ice, Ice Baby broke records and YBT were still doing shit in the late 90s.
brehs we fucking with the realPic avatar thing?
The best part of that is how rhe author bigs up his decision to whistleblow and expose his former industry guys and then tells this tale naming no companies, individuals, locations, nothing.
And I agree with you on the the antisemitism thing. Its so close to teetering over and saying something about rich label jews or whatever but manages to hold back. Just like Kanye West.
I mean. Do big companies headed by whites (including jews) exploit various cultures to make money. Of course; theyre corporations. their primary objective is profit uber alles. Its the framing of a conspiracy by the music industry(who are in conflict amongst each other) get young black men in jail that is ridiculous. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. The american entertainment industry has always exploited minorities or depictions of minority life (especially blacks). That's in plain sight. But the rest? Cmon.
Thought we already were.
HDR is SpaceGhostPurp
WanderingWind is some creepy statue
Toku is a white chick with her throat slit.
Siddx is a little howler monkey with a top hat and a monocle.
Peterboy is that Kanye teddy bear
Enzo is the fake Ironman
BlackAce is a little baby cub
Esch is whatever hipster image is popular that week
Irish Ninja is a bad rendition of Strider with some other nerd shit sprinkled in
yeah. I'm Reggie Noble
The only people who didn't know we were under surveillance heavy since 9/11 at least were morons. I have a copy of Wired around here from 2012 talking about the big call center in Utah. None of that shit surprised me, and neither does the private prisons. I just need that evidence.I mean, absolutely, crazy people will believe crazy shit. But in my lifetime, it's gone from crazy people believing the government was watching us to being a verifiable fact. We've had literal hip-hop police exposed. We've seen judges sell fucking kids to private prisons for misdemeanors.
Some shit is absolutely off the wall, but sometimes, there is really some insane people running certain aspects. Rap was absolutely taken over by people not giving two shits about any semblance of 'culture' or 'pride.' It's crazy to assume it was for the sole purpose of keeping black folks down, but I'm telling you, the crazy fucking shit some white people believe when there isn't anybody with a tan around would curdle your blood. Some of that old money involved with the music, and I could see some of the people involved doing some shit just to fuck with minorities.
This stuff is quite prominent, too, it's not regulated just to the internet. I've heard people at the barber shop claiming Lyor Cohen is invested in bringing the black man down. Lyor is probably a snake, but that applies to MOST people in the industry. Russell Simmons, Diddy, Steve Stoute, etc etc etc. Yet him and Iovinne get the most hate.
Music is business. That's why the Grammy goes to whoever sold the most.
That actually hits the spot. I remember clicking a link to a video for a song off the album he did with that other guy and it being good. Gonna check out Fried Turkey.
I'm Kool A.D.'s Neogaf account.
Seriously though, I know I bitched about there not being any captivating new hip hop in a while, HDR said there was but didn't mention anything specifically.
What's should a dude like me be listening to right now? My audio consumption for the past two months has been Less Than Jake, A Perfect Circle and the Joe Rogan Experience. I could use some hip hop to break it up a little.
I don't fuck with Bones or Ethelwulf. Marci is meh to me (in a way that I appreciate the quality, but also know it's just not for me right now). I'm at a loss.
When I downloaded MMLP2 I thought I download a fake....""iTunes file"""![]()
until I got to the second song. Hot damn that album is garbage.
I was just thinking now is probably the best time for conspiracy raps with Snowden and Bradley Manning gate
That Sparkmaster is fun. Is there a way to download the whole tape?
That Sparkmaster is fun. Is there a way to download the whole tape?
Which tape exactly?
I guess I mistook his soundcloud avatar for the cover of the mixtape the sound grzi linked.
I liked the song. I'm kinda burnt on trap right now. ASAP popularity burnt up my passion for old 3-6 sounding shit. The trap explosion kinda overplayed that genre to me. Maybe that's why I've been on a Less Than Jake kick. I'm 99.9% certain that crappy punk ska will never make a comeback. I hate to go all "grumpy old music hipster man who only listens to The Who on original pressed vinyl", but I hate when I subgenre I'm into gets burnt the fuck out by modern artists.
bout to trade in that caddy for a sedan huh