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GAF-Hop |OTX| Long Live the Watcher

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By neckbeard; I mean nerd. Walt is the essence of zero to (anti) hero, and him being ultimately a science nerd at heart appeals to a lot of stereotypical STEM major type cats who take a lot of personal L's; being shit at sports, pushed around by your 'awful' significant other (see: Walt's wife), failing to advance in life despite smarts due to personal failings, etc. It all has a revenge of the nerds flavor to it. Of course I could be full of shit. I didn't pay that much attention to BB after a couple seasons. I got bored and never liked any of the characters. It's a good show though.

This is pretty spot on. You've been pretty good at summarizing my brain dump in a lot nicer format at words though. Not the first time this has happened in gaf-hop.


IT's less about them going ultraviolent and more about Walt not having some big redemptive arc when everyone else in his life has to suffer horrible bullshit after horrible bullshit...even at the very end. I undertstand as an adult you gotta claim responsibility etc etc but what they did to pretty much every character closely related to Walt, vs what they did to him is bullshit. At least in something like say Game of Thrones you know pretty much everyone is gonna get bent over at some point whether you like them or not. Walt suffers literally zero repurcussions for his actions besides "lol alone now w/e this is boring." He outsmarts everyone, gets away with everything until he pretty much decides he doesn't want to. The ultraviolent is my own rage at the show. I can't be here for people who sympathized with Walt, at all. He's been a piece of shit from jump but at least he seemed conflicted in those early seasons. He seemed to give at least a little bit of a shit.

Just not here for old white pieces of shit who fucked over and ruined the lives of everyone around him going out semi-peacefully on his terms to classic rock. GTFOH

Fair enough. Like I said I wasn't trying to finish the show, but in some ways I think a lot of men don't 'proportionally' receive punishment/justice/revenge for their sins in real life, so I don't necessarily think that it's necessary for a show to mete it out in kind. What is proportional punishment anyway? These are questions man has asked since the dawn of human consciousness.


Fair enough. Like I said I wasn't trying to finish the show, but in some ways I think a lot of men don't 'proportionally' receive punishment/justice/revenge for their sins in real life, so I don't necessarily think that it's necessary for a show to mete it out in kind. What is proportional punishment anyway? These are questions man has asked since the dawn of human consciousness.

I think more than anything for me is just to see it hailed up you know? I feel like we already champion enough of these stories.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
This is a terrible opinion. I'm disappointed in you WW.

Enzos bars were amazing

Breaking Bad is the worst kind of nerd/safe people wish fulfillment. It exists in this world where everybody is tucking retarded, so that the protagonist can appear to be brilliant and awesome and totally badass, except that he's not. It's the show people who love Starbucks and shop at Target because "it's higher class" than Wal - Mart love. It's the PT Cruiser with a spoiler on it of television. Breaking Bad is for people who like rap is a destructive force on the world, but their drugged up, aging rock stars are just the best.

Funk Breaking Bad.


Even though I also wanted Walt to die a gruesome death, it's pretty clear Gilligan always envisioned him to be some evil genius, and not purely evil. Seeing him die or get punished without some attempt to save himself would be jarring and out of character. Not that I support them choosing him to die on his own terms.
By neckbeard; I mean nerd. Walt is the essence of zero to (anti) hero, and him being ultimately a science nerd at heart appeals to a lot of stereotypical STEM major type cats who take a lot of personal L's; being shit at sports, pushed around by your 'awful' significant other (see: Walt's wife), failing to advance in life despite smarts due to personal failings, etc. It all has a revenge of the nerds flavor to it. Of course I could be full of shit. I didn't pay that much attention to BB after a couple seasons. I got bored and never liked any of the characters. It's a good show though.
I was just fucking with you, but this is pretty spot on. Interesting take.

Has no bearing on my enjoyment of the show or the characters. I rarely get into shows that heavy that I'd direct all that stuff. I watch to be entertained, it succeeded in doing that.

I will agree that the shield is better though. The shield was an amazingly underrated show.


I think more than anything for me is just to see it hailed up you know? I feel like we already champion enough of these stories.
Actually I think I'm gonna disagree with you a little. In most crime boss media the antihero watches his empire crumble around him and usually gets turned into a piece of swiss cheese by automatic weapons held by the law or competing syndicates or former allies. I'd say that a getaway or redemption is usually unlikely. The thing that throws you off is the glorification; not the lack of comeuppance. But the glorification always resonates with people, especially the spiritually weak. Power, material things, sex, respect.
Last thing I remember was the air traffic control scene.That was stupid and I judge people who say it's on the same tier as The Shield/The Sopranos/The Wire.

But the glorification always resonates with people, especially the spiritually weak. Power, material things, sex, respect.
Remember brehs, Scarface is one of the most iconic touchstones in Hip-Hop culture.
Shield had a way better finale than breaking bad.

More balls too. I get the sense he wanted to end breaking bad with that ozymandias episode and just wussed out and gave us that wack finale instead

It's not even mad men tier. Which is below sopranos and wire the gods

New ab soul :(


tagged by Blackace
Riff Raff - Versace Python (ft Wiz Khalifa)

If Neon Icon sells under 100k first week I will eat the CD


As one of the founding members of GAF-Hop, I hereby call an emergency meeting to discuss Ab-Soul.

Ab-Soul - Closure

I vote to put the amendment on the floor to officially designate Ab-Soul as a permanent member of the Flabby n Sick Coalition for the following fiscal year.

TBH this is one of the better songs we've heard from the album,but it's still sort of corny. Feels kind of pander-y.


This is pretty spot on. You've been pretty good at summarizing my brain dump in a lot nicer format at words though. Not the first time this has happened in gaf-hop.
I guess, haha. That's why I feel like we can always get along despite having different opinions on a lot of shit and worldview. Must be the heavy metal milk we were raised on. Jakefromstatefarm and wenis too.
I don't think Breaking Bad idealized Walt. IMO the fact that a certain demographic of men idolize him says more about them than the writers of the show. He's rather sympathetic for much of the first season but you really see his true colors in S2, and things get worse from there. His mental, emotional abuse of Jesse is disgusting, and yes the way he treats his wife is often ugly.

Typically, viewers tend to cheer for the success of protagonists, and this carries over even if the "protagonist" is a morally neutral or dark character. People cheered for Tony Soprano, even though many wanted to see him get blown away in the last episode. People cheer for Don Draper, Vic Mackey, Walter White, etc. And any characters that stand in the way of that success and likely to draw the ire of these fans - specifically the wives of said characters. And I think that obsession with seeing these characters "win" often leads to people justifying morally reprehensible behavior.

While I definitely think the finale of Breaking Bad felt like another brilliant Walt plan going (nearly) perfect, overall it become QUITE clear that he was a piece of shit from very early in S5. Granted as I said, I thought it was obvious from S2 if not earlier, but even those who cheered for Walt until the end were caught off guard by his "change." Remember all those posts from GAFers complaining about Walt "turning" into a bad guy?


I don't endorse Grindcore, that's all on you and wenis.[/SPOILER]

I'm not a grind fan like that? I do like a lot of stuff influenced by it though, like the New York DM scene and some of the deathgrindy weird vaguely jazzy technical euro bands like !T.O.O.H!, Lykathea Aflame and Demilich.

Pretty much sums up how I feel about punk in general; I don't really like it but I'm happy that it existed to give creative fuel to metal.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
I endorse Grindcore.

Let's throw on some Anal Cunt or Carcass and do this shit right.


That Soul :(

I wonder what other TDE members think when they hear that trash. I thought Soul was smarter than that. It's gotta be the lean or some other shit.


that lupe track was neither a jam nor booty, it was just forgettable for me

What happened to Stringer in The Wire, is what Walt deserved but worse.

yeah, BB went soft on Walt in the end, but i still thought shit was brilliant. not to indulge the hyper-liberal side of OT gaf but i did think people who hated sklyar in S05 were flirting a bit with misogyny when framing her as a villain, she was more compelling at times for me then walt was.

Also fuck AMC in general for dragging out the final seasons of both their best shows because they literally have nothing else going for them. Entire last half of BB dragged it's fucking feet and was still bullshit.

yeah this mad men shit is killing me, and that's exactly what they're doing.

The Shield > Breaking Bad

at times i thought BB was slightly better paced, but Shield hit a lot harder. also, the issues you guys are pointing out with Walt becoming a huge d-bag, Shield did that thing where they pretty much let you know Vic was irredeemable in the pilot, then worked their way backwards, pushing the envelope more & more while watching you rationalize shit & half-cheer for him at times. i thought it was come compelling shit that much lesser shows like Dexter aspired to do.

I just think torture, and hyper violence is unpalatable and crude. That's why I Saw The Devil is my favorite revenge movie maybe. You know when you read a gaf topic about some child molester doing some unspeakable shit, and posters baying for blood start listing various petty physical retributions they want to give back to the guy? That movie follows those revenges to their emotional exhaustion. Yea, some people need to die, like Shekau, because everything they do is evil. But would I torture him piece by piece or want anyone to? Nah, that's soul poison to me. You're right about Breaking Bad idealizing Walt for all the neckbeards that think he's cool though.

on a related tip, this is what that mid to late aughts dominance of torture porn over the horror genre pretty much brought home...yeah, Hostel 1 was fun at the moment but soul poison is an apt way to describe what cheering that typa shit becomes.

Shield had a way better finale than breaking bad.

More balls too. I get the sense he wanted to end breaking bad with that ozymandias episode and just wussed out and gave us that wack finale instead

It's not even mad men tier. Which is below sopranos and wire the gods

the endings aren't even comparable: shield was an absolute gut-punch that i don't think any other show has dared to do since, for me.

sopraons is high tier but it was obvious in that last season the writer was pissed. i might personally sub in deadwood (my girl would push for rome).


Honestly I don't mind that Mad Men is stretched out. I wasn't ready for it to end.

agreed, the transition to the 70's if pretty fascinating, and i love the character stuff - like how at times Stirling seems more prepared for the transition than Don.
and im not gonna call bullshit unless there's obvious fluff eps in the final half - BB didn't make me feel as though there were - but i still think toku's right that putting it off a whole year to stretch the hype/hope for future shows to get on that level is kinda crap.

with GoT neatly tied up for the moment, there's fuckall for me to watch right now. which is okay, i need to get back to some movies/etc backlog anyway, thinking ill finally watch Stray Dog (mifune belongs in the top 5 of all time greats/pimps)


Fuck torture porn.

Good horror needs no blood.

man, i love me some psych & lovecraftian horror all day. there's this line in this animu garden of sinners that i dig, says that real monsters need 3 elements:
1) invisible
2) unintelligible
3) inevitable (doesn't even need to be in a hurry)

monkey's paw = root of high horror for me


overcast is out there somewhere wandering my neighborhood

its a shame they never let guillermo make that mountains of madness movie

there is no good straight up lovecraft movie


i know who i am, i know overcast got no interest in a late night coldvein meetup. shit.

this neon icon though. sounds like eazy on the first track


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
man, i love me some psych & lovecraftian horror all day. there's this line in this animu garden of sinners that i dig, says that real monsters need 3 elements:
1) invisible
2) unintelligible
3) inevitable (doesn't even need to be in a hurry)

monkey's paw = root of high horror for me

I can't take any horror seriously if I could just shoot the bad guy. Slasher flicks and torture porn doesn't work on me because of that. I just get mad at their lack of preparation. Give me some unknown horror from beyond human imagining any day.

Or ghosts. As long as the solution isn't "move out of the haunted house dummies."


Or ghosts. As long as the solution isn't "move out of the haunted house dummies."

FUCK i hate myself for watching every paranormal activity

i really did enjoy the first one, but it pushes the line of believability - as someone who prides himself as being the dumb white guy who goes up in the attic because fuck it, PA1's check-out time for me was when dude would've reviewed the tape & saw a ouija board spontaneously move itself then light on fire. like, at that point? even if the mythos in your world is that some demon thing might follow you, it's time to roll the bones & try sleeping at a church or even a fuckin' motel 6. everything after that was a deathwish.

and every movie after that was even dumber - rather than slowly amping up the incidents, they just followed the same terrible formula of
1) weird shit happens
2) kids look up weird shit on internet, find strong correlation between incidents & terrible past
3) adults are shown evidence of incidents & history, but basically say here's 52 channels of american gladiators; go back to bed & wait to be eaten kids
4) everyone dies and no fucks are given, get ready for the sequel

i used to quietly judge my coworkers years back who watched every Saw movie in order & went on about them, but i'm clearly no better because my hunger for good paranormal/supernatural shit has led me to justify hours of my finite existence wasted on this shit franchise and i never learn

tl;dr watch shitty horror movies & continue downloading their sequels against your own better judgment brehs
This tinder thing is crazy.

So some girl starts talking to me all filthy and shit. Really filthy right off the bat. I knew something was off, just had a feeling. So I go along with it and she's asking for dick pics. I ask does she have snapchat, I'ma need some proof before we get into all that. She tells me her shitty ipod can't support it. Red flag.

Starts sending me pictures of her body and her fingering herself and shit. Telling me to make the 60 mile trip to come fuck her that night. I'm in my boys house laughing because this is obviously bullshit. Took her name and ran it on Facebook, profile turns up with the same photos and only like 100 friends, all dudes.
Second red flag.

Google image search her pictures and nothing turns up. So we start fucking with her. I'm saying I'm gonna drive down to her that night. Then say I'll only drive down if she sends me a photo of her face and four fingers held up. She responds saying I must watch that catfish tv show. Tells me it's really her and her pics are real. Tells me to trust her because she just really wants to fuck. Hell nah.

Then she asks me have i ever been blown by a guy. I say no and tell her to just admit she's a guy. Still maintains her story that she's real. At this stage there's a couple of us over and we're having beers along with this entertainment.

So I tell her, if you really are a guy, I'd be cool with you blowing me and to just be honest with me now. Again sticks to her story. Now I was determined to get a confession. So I tell her that even if she is a guy I'll still fuck, but I'd only do it if she told me the truth. Turns out to be some gay guy, surprise surprise hahaha.

Shit is crazy, but the whole thing was a little depressing to think people actually sit at home and do shit like this. Mental issues is an understatement. So I didn't start hurling insults like my boys were telling me because I felt they obviously were fucked up in the head enough to do it, and what would insulting the dude achieve. Just blocked him and moved on.

Got me wondering how those dumbasses on that tv show say they talking over text for years without ever seeing or hearing the other person and how they still love them.

People are fucking stupid.

However I did meetup with a girl at the beach last night and got my first tongue ring assisted blowjob. So tinders still cool with me.

Felt like sharing this with gaf hop.

Be careful out there brehs.

Edit: would I catch a ban If I post the Facebook profile?
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