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Gaf-Hop |OTXII| Avocado Booty Appreciation Thread

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I don't see how you can stan a videogame company tbh, unless i guess that involves going to events and buying a lot of memorabilia, none of which i'm interested in

i will say that before WoW ebola infected the company Blizzard was the GAWD for me though, and same with Capcom before they started releasing remakes over and over and over again
is RTJ2 going to be GafHop's AOTY?

I'm gonna lol when Eminem is in the top 10.

I plan on re-listening to a lot of albums this week, and also listening to some new ones I missed. There's still a lot of time for things to change but I'm pretty sure my top 2 are set.



the implication being that the rest of us plebeians are subject to peer pressure and thus are going to arrange things not how we like them, but how publications and other posters have arranged theirs and HRD won't because....... he's special, the master of his own taste, completely unbiased of course anti-'lamestream' contrarianism aside
HiResDes the type of nigga who make sure none of his favorites end up on Pitchfork's AOTY list

and then he can complain about the results afterwards


tagged by Blackace
So the Cassidy vs. Dizaster card (#ETHER) is this weekend.

Lush is on twitter pretty much confirming that one of the two mystery battles will feature Bizzy Bone. No idea who his opponent is.
I don't see how you can stan a videogame company tbh, unless i guess that involves going to events and buying a lot of memorabilia, none of which i'm interested in

i will say that before WoW ebola infected the company Blizzard was the GAWD for me though, and same with Capcom before they started releasing remakes over and over and over again

WoW didn't ruin shit. If anything it shined a light on some really good developers at Blizzard, specifically the raid creators for vanilla and BC WoW who created some truly amazing gameplay. It's hard to take WoW hate seriously from people who didn't do raids at that time. The game is repetitive and boring now, but back then those raids were the real deal.

Blizzard has been ruined by losing talent. Many of the guys who made StarCraft 1, Brood War, D2, WCII, and early WoW etc great are no longer at the company. What has followed is a rather casual approach to design. Anyone could play and have fun with those classic games, but the skill ceiling was high. So one player could have a blast casually playing Big Game Hunter maps in Brood War while a professional player could play the game at its highest skill levels, making 200+ actions per minute.

SC2 relies less on micro and more on simply attack-moving big units who do major damage. Current WoW rehashes a variety of old boss techniques and design. D3 is...well, D3.

Another issue is the way Blizzard hides important game mechanics behind what are essentially pay walls. BNet had more features in 2000 than it does right now - and Blizzard has decided to "update" it with each expansion of a game. So the first SC2 expansion featured various online improvements over the standalone that SHOULD have launched with the standalone. And the next expansion will add in even more improvements that should have been out years ago. Likewise it took D3 nearly forever to get rid of the auction house despite universal complaints.
Exclusive review from Hires

Nothing tastes authentic on this plate. The fried rice on the plate taste like sad parodies of the original chefs he's emulating. The quotes people cite as being memorable are these simple, shallow one liners that seem like plain characterizations of the Asian food culture. They're like chinese tropes being written in a serious manner. People gave Panda Express shit for cashing in on the Chinese food hype and yet whenever someone tried to make the comparison to this place people got really defensive because it seems to be okay to be a damn hack as long as you remind people of the artists they miss. Everyone was clamoring so much for a good quality Chinese meal that they'd willingly except the first edible product that filled the void. My yelps surfing and overall steady food intake shouldn't be used as a detractor from my credibility, but rather as a solidifier.


tagged by Blackace
Blizzard's TF2-like is the most interesting thing to come out of them since Warcraft 3 TBH. Probably because it looks slightly more unique than other TF2-likes.

There are few devs worth stanning without significant blemishes on their records. I guess you can make a decent case for Platinum or Valve, but I haven't been interested in IPs from either for a minute.
so where do we stand on egg nog here?

pretty good in moderation

How is an album made up of a third recycled old ass tracks you're AOTY especially given how fantastic this year has been for both R&B and Bass music.

since I have no immediate standouts like in previous years, that designation is based heavily on playtime
what's your AOTY? (if it's not a rap album...i'll let you save that for your list haha)

All I know is that for album of the year, I'm torn between So It Goes and Banco

From those two, So It Goes, but Banco is up there for sure. Both very enjoyable records.


Exclusive review from Hires

Nothing tastes authentic on this plate. The fried rice on the plate taste like sad parodies of the original chefs he's emulating. The quotes people cite as being memorable are these simple, shallow one liners that seem like plain characterizations of the Asian food culture. They're like chinese tropes being written in a serious manner. People gave Panda Express shit for cashing in on the Chinese food hype and yet whenever someone tried to make the comparison to this place people got really defensive because it seems to be okay to be a damn hack as long as you remind people of the artists they miss. Everyone was clamoring so much for a good quality Chinese meal that they'd willingly except the first edible product that filled the void. My yelps surfing and overall steady food intake shouldn't be used as a detractor from my credibility, but rather as a solidifier.



Des should review that Chinese food. Sounds shitty
Orange chicken:

Tasting notes: saccharine, dark, industrial orange, sesame, abstract, chilli oil


Tasting notes: porcine, scallion, moody, miami bass, chewy, crispy

Fried rice:

Tasting notes: oily, vegetal, swag, sticky, trill, glutinous

Poop i took afterwards:


Pooping notes: runny, high fiber, slight burn, two wipes

What a frustrating breakfast/poop. You can tell how Panda Express was influenced by the cuisines of Sichuan and Guangdong province but the actual product and the ensuing bowel movement fail to live up to their culinary predecessors. The entire meal was executive produced by Luis Espinoza managing the kitchen, and you can tell in the small touches. Scallions kissed lightly by heat, a light dusting of sesame seeds on the orange chicken and just enough sesame oil in the fry substrate to ensure a clean, yet nutty taste.The light dusting of flour and resultant crispiness in the Orange Chicken was excellent, far above what one would expect from the labors of unenthused chain restaurant workers on Dilaudid.

Yet for all the talk of 'small touches' and 'punching above the weight' of its station, Panda Express fails to establish dominance in a new culinary paradigm of ironic fast food consumption. The resulting long bathroom breaks from this meal betray weaknesses in preparation. My ass is running like the Yellow River, and I attribute that to mediocre handling of raw chicken meat on the boards, possibly resulting in food poisoning the likes that haven't been seen since The Great Leap Forward. The potstickers were a bit soggy, implying a careless attitude toward steaming. It's often been said that the best of chinese cooking is meant to balance the 5 elements in the body; metal, wood, fire, water, and earth. Yet i sense no delicacy, no care with respect to the consumer, no, the patient's well being. I came with the expectation of having my spirit, my 神 uplifted, but all I left with was mudbutt.

Strong 6
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