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GAF-Hop |OTXV| Afterlife

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Yo this site

5 Rappers Who Died In 2015



Thundercat: That strong-a** rhythm with banging drums and bass was created by me and Sounwave watching "Fist Of The North Star" while eating Yoshinoya. It's funny because a lot of this album was created eating Yoshinoya and watching cartoons. It was so funky and so black.



Wait. That is the new title!? Ehh, wack. Let's make bets on what it could mean. I have a few ideas I'll post later.


FWIW my real guess is The Life of Pablo
Wait, wasn't that even the name of a rumored track from the album? I really think that's it :O

EDIT: Ahh, lol, no. It was just a line from No More Parties or Real Friends. “I feel like Pablo...“ or something like that.


Can't take credit for this as I saw it on reddit but..

T - The
L - Last
O - Official
P - Project

Say it ain't so Yeezy. Say it ain't so.
Not even gonna lie...I really want SremmLife 2. I just want to hear the full version of this shit, the rest can be wack as fuck and I won't even be mad.

too early for this, man

I'll take the L on that. :(

Is this the first diss in hop hop delivered via Power Point?

Edit: Still watching, why can't pro wrestling deliver like this anymore?

Cause Vince/HHH don't know how to scout anyone with charisma or stage presence. All these dudes in there now are struggle tier as fuck.
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