I guess I'm confused as to the desired final result. Can you post a mockup or MS Paint diagram?I just don't know how to properly make the window object.
I guess I'm confused as to the desired final result. Can you post a mockup or MS Paint diagram?I just don't know how to properly make the window object.
I have a question for everyone:
If you are presented with a myriad of weaponry, are you the type to find one you really like and use it 90% of the time or are you the type that will use them all equally?
I'm going over boss weapons at the moment. Part of me likes having multiple weapons available to the player but the other part of me thinks the concept is an exercise in nothing more than switching to the best weapon and hitting the same button again to produce the same end result (usually).
Would you prefer one-off powerups that make you feel strong or the always available weapon swap with balanced weapons that aren't OP?
Personally, I hate complication in games. So, if I had the choice, I'd prefer a single weapon with power ups. In games with several weapons, either it is obvious which one is the best and then I'll always just switch to the best, or it is not obvious and then I just stick with whatever I have because I don't want to deal with this stuff.I have a question for everyone:
If you are presented with a myriad of weaponry, are you the type to find one you really like and use it 90% of the time or are you the type that will use them all equally?
I'm going over boss weapons at the moment. Part of me likes having multiple weapons available to the player but the other part of me thinks the concept is an exercise in nothing more than switching to the best weapon and hitting the same button again to produce the same end result (usually).
Would you prefer one-off powerups that make you feel strong or the always available weapon swap with balanced weapons that aren't OP?
Fully through! Should be out very soon!
I have a question for everyone:
If you are presented with a myriad of weaponry, are you the type to find one you really like and use it 90% of the time or are you the type that will use them all equally?
I'm going over boss weapons at the moment. Part of me likes having multiple weapons available to the player but the other part of me thinks the concept is an exercise in nothing more than switching to the best weapon and hitting the same button again to produce the same end result (usually).
Would you prefer one-off powerups that make you feel strong or the always available weapon swap with balanced weapons that aren't OP?
I guess I'm confused as to the desired final result. Can you post a mockup or MS Paint diagram?
That looks great! I'm glad I could help.
So far, I think this one looks the best, too. Good job!
I want the rocket to fly off, but you can only see it in that box. And without having to design it so that the rocket flies "behind" something.
My first thought was having it fly behind something. What is the outside of the box going to show in your game? Sky, space, clouds, foreground objects?![]()
I want the rocket to fly off, but you can only see it in that box. And without having to design it so that the rocket flies "behind" something.
I want the rocket to fly off, but you can only see it in that box. And without having to design it so that the rocket flies "behind" something.
Yeah, this could work. I'd have to setup one camera to render to texture, then another camera to render the quad (to draw the renderTexture) correct? Or maybe I can mess with the culling masks and what not and do it with one camera...Maybe use a RenderTexture (pretty much a RenderTarget) to get a texture representing what the camera is drawing and then crop the result?
I don't have pro, so I can't use the new features unfortunately. With that shader, I'd need to pass in the masking texture to everything that's inside the box right?I've been linked to this kind of shader when I looked into this before. Never did end up trying it though...
Also, if you happen to have a Pro license, you can use their "early access" 2D features, which include cool-looking masking functionalities.
It's another background image outside the box. I saw that unity forum thread, but got scared away since I don't know much about shaders. =/ If I'm not mistaken, if I go that route, everything that's "inside the box" needs to be rendered with a shader that does the stencil test? Would that mean I'd have to use a custom shader for everything?My first thought was having it fly behind something. What is the outside of the box going to show in your game? Sky, space, clouds, foreground objects?
This page has some discussion that might give ideas. Maybe the camera parent idea would work, though I don't quite understand what they mean when they mention a mesh mask.
*edit* For the mask stuff, it sounds like they're talking about similar techniques to what one would use for a minimap: http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/20676/how-do-i-create-a-minimap.html
I feel like a meme image or something.
- Refactor code
- Code works perfectly the first time, behaving the same as before
- Stare at code suspiciously, and add a trace printout to make sure the refactored code was actually running (it was).
I'm not entirely sure how it would work, unfortunately. I know that it should be possible, but I've not had to resort to using RenderTextures yet.Thanks for the help guys!
Yeah, this could work. I'd have to setup one camera to render to texture, then another camera to render the quad (to draw the renderTexture) correct? Or maybe I can mess with the culling masks and what not and do it with one camera...
Should pretty much be a non-issue if you're using Unity 5.I don't have pro
Previous "pro features" are available in personal for Unity 5, but beta builds and features are still pro license holders only I believe.Should pretty much be a non-issue if you're using Unity 5.
Previous "pro features" are available in personal for Unity 5, but beta builds and features are still pro license holders only I believe.
What beta feature are you using that isn't in Unity 5? With 5.1 I'm pretty sure all 4.6+ patch features are up-to-date in 5 now.
I'd like to use the masking feature. These new 2d features. I haven't checked out 5.1 yet to see they've been released, but I don't think they're in 5.0.What beta feature are you using that isn't in Unity 5? With 5.1 I'm pretty sure all 4.6+ patch features are up-to-date in 5 now.
I'd like to use the masking feature. These new 2d features. I haven't checked out 5.1 yet to see they've been released, but I don't think they're in 5.0.
I feel like a meme image or something.
- Refactor code
- Code works perfectly the first time, behaving the same as before
- Stare at code suspiciously, and add a trace printout to make sure the refactored code was actually running (it was).
I'd like to use the masking feature. These new 2d features. I haven't checked out 5.1 yet to see they've been released, but I don't think they're in 5.0.
One-off powerups.
For some reason it really bothers me in a game where I have too many guns that just simply kill in a different way (Axiom Verge for example, or Bioshock with the vigors). I prefer it when the enemies are designed around the weapons, sort of a "right tool for the job". Many enemies lunging at you from different directions? Pull out the shotgun. Enemies keeping their distance and trying to pick you off? Pull out the sniper weapon.
Thats just me though, I dont like having different weapons that all basically do the same thing, but just "look cool".
Having separate ammo for each gun is sort of a happy medium perhaps. Out of pistol ammo? Pull out the shotgun.
Personally, I hate complication in games. So, if I had the choice, I'd prefer a single weapon with power ups. In games with several weapons, either it is obvious which one is the best and then I'll always just switch to the best, or it is not obvious and then I just stick with whatever I have because I don't want to deal with this stuff.
Generally I find "my" weapon and stick with that for as much as I can. I'll try other weapons as they come and then quickly either revert back to my favored weapon or start favoring the new one. The only time I'll switch between weapons regularly is if combat design makes it impractical (or impossible) otherwise.
That said, the control scheme also factors into this. Consider a game like Jak II or Jak 3, where you have melee moves on square and circle and gun moves on the right trigger, and d-pad changes which gun you're carrying. In those games, I switch between melee and gun attacks constantly because it's immediate and it's practical, but about the only time I ever switch which gun I'm using is if I run out of ammo for my preferred gun.
So I think wanting players to use multiple weapons concurrently means adding separate attack buttons for each of them. Similar, I think, to the right- and left-handed weapons in Castlevania and Dark Souls, except I haven't actually played either of those games properly.
I'm making my game's website. I'd love people to see it and give me opinions on how I can improved it. Either reply or pm so I can send you the link.
I'm making my game's website. I'd love people to see it and give me opinions on how I can improved it. Either reply or pm so I can send you the link.
void stretch_line_bhm(img *imgSrc, img *imgDst, int widthSrc, int widthDst)
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
int dx = widthDst;
int dy = widthSrc;
int e = 0;
// determine iteration direction
if(dy < dx)
e = 2*dy - dx;
// iterate over x (scale up, widthSrc < widthDst)
while(x < dx)
// setpixel(x,y)
imgDst[x] = imgSrc[y];
if(e > 0)
e -= 2*dx;
e += 2*dy;
e = dy - 2*dx;
// iterate over y (scale down, widthSrc >= widthDst)
while(y < dy)
// setpixel(x,y)
imgDst[x] = imgSrc[y];
if(e < 0)
e += 2*dy;
e -= 2*dx;
The 90% thing.I have a question for everyone:
If you are presented with a myriad of weaponry, are you the type to find one you really like and use it 90% of the time or are you the type that will use them all equally? ...
Do you think it's a bad idea to start a Greenlight campaign during a Steam Sale? Or maybe it's even a good thing, because more people browse the Steam website... I wanted to start mine tomorrow and now I read that the Summer Sale will start today.
I have a question for everyone:
If you are presented with a myriad of weaponry, are you the type to find one you really like and use it 90% of the time or are you the type that will use them all equally?
I want the rocket to fly off, but you can only see it in that box. And without having to design it so that the rocket flies "behind" something.
Take the window,Sorry if I've asked this before (I feel like I have...)
I'm trying to mask an area of my gameplay off in Unity, but I can't figure it out. I have a rocket ship on a background that I want to appear inside a "box" or a window, and then have it "take off" so it disappears as it moves outside of the mask/window area. How would I approach this? Stencil buffer? Render textures? Something else?
I'd generally have to dabble with shader right? I don't have too much experience with shaders.
Do you think it's a bad idea to start a Greenlight campaign during a Steam Sale? Or maybe it's even a good thing, because more people browse the Steam website... I wanted to start mine tomorrow and now I read that the Summer Sale will start today.
I want the rocket to fly off, but you can only see it in that box. And without having to design it so that the rocket flies "behind" something.
Thanks, you both had help me out a lot!
New screenshot and pose, just because:
Do you think it's a bad idea to start a Greenlight campaign during a Steam Sale? Or maybe it's even a good thing, because more people browse the Steam website... I wanted to start mine tomorrow and now I read that the Summer Sale will start today.
Unfortunately they're not UI elements.If you can do this as a UI element rather than as a game element, Unity UI already has sprite masking functionality
I get the concept. Would this be done in a shader?Take the window,
take the bounding box of the rocket,
if intersection not empty,
draw rocket inside intersected region.
I want to see a part of the rocket when it leaves the box, not disappear as a whole.Can't you make a box collider and when your object is inside it you turn on the sprite and/or other necessary scripts of it and when it moves outside do the opposite?
I know unity is working on masking like you are wanting. No idea on when its going to be part of a public release, but it is in the pro only beta build along with their tilemap editor.Unfortunately they're not UI elements.
I get the concept. Would this be done in a shader?
I want to see a part of the rocket when it leaves the box, not disappear as a whole.
Thanks again for the help guys!
Outside of games that use forced hard-typing (eg "you must use fire weapons to kill the red guys" or whatever) I'll stick with the weapon that fits my playstyle for that game for the entire duration of that game, and reluctantly swap to a secondary if I run out of ammo for my favourite.
Note this isn't necessarily the 'best' weapon, just the one that fits how I like playing the game most. In games with huge weapon variance like Borderlands, I'll often use lower powered weapon type of the type of weapon I like (shotguns in Borderlands case) even if I have stronger / better alternative weapons I have looted (eg a sniper rifle)
^ I also agree with what the others said about using one main weapon.
I asked this in the iOS gaming thread, but I may as well ask here too. Which do you guys think would be a better option for releasing a new game on the app store?
1. A paid version, and a separate ad-supported free version OR
2. An ad-supported free version with an IAP to remove the ads.
Any thoughts?
^ I also agree with what the others said about using one main weapon.
I asked this in the iOS gaming thread, but I may as well ask here too. Which do you guys think would be a better option for releasing a new game on the app store?
1. A paid version, and a separate ad-supported free version OR
2. An ad-supported free version with an IAP to remove the ads.
Any thoughts?
I'd go with 2 as well. Just simpler all around.I asked this in the iOS gaming thread, but I may as well ask here too. Which do you guys think would be a better option for releasing a new game on the app store?
1. A paid version, and a separate ad-supported free version OR
2. An ad-supported free version with an IAP to remove the ads.
Any thoughts?
Is that a gun shield? Awesome!Exceptionally small time like everything else shown so far. The good stuff will be saved for later after we announce but this is enough for now to get a feel for the art and animation![]()
^ I also agree with what the others said about using one main weapon.
I asked this in the iOS gaming thread, but I may as well ask here too. Which do you guys think would be a better option for releasing a new game on the app store?
1. A paid version, and a separate ad-supported free version OR
2. An ad-supported free version with an IAP to remove the ads.
Any thoughts?
You don't have to. In the end you need the visible pixels of your rocket andI get the concept. Would this be done in a shader? ...
Cool stuff, bro! Your game will perhaps serve as an ideal example for some ofExceptionally small time like everything else shown so far. The good stuff will be saved for later after we announce but this is enough for now to get a feel for the art and animation
Can't you have both? If someone wants to purchase the game anyway, he can right away (and then option 1 is more convenient), if someone wants to try it out beforehand, option 2 is more convenient. Does it cost extra to offer both options?
That looks really cool and once again a lot of personality in just few pixels. I really like the way it's pixel art, but the individual pixel movements aren't constrained to the same grid, makes it look really hypnotic and fresh.Exceptionally small time like everything else shown so far. The good stuff will be saved for later after we announce but this is enough for now to get a feel for the art and animation![]()