I was looking at that Substance Painter sale too. I've been out of the loop with 3D for awhile though so I have no clue what all these new programs are.
I'll reiterate I'm not an artist and don't come from an art background, but I'll cover what I can figure out from my use of the following;
Substance Painter / Designer / Bitmap2Material - these are all for texturing I take it.
- Substance painter = "Direct paint" onto a model, with a bunch of useful generators like being able to load a higher resolution model to generate your AO, curves, normals and stuff, so you can texture lower-poly models using a higher poly version as a reference
- Designer = procedural texture generator (so unsurprisingly works really well in tandem with Painter). Again, lots of useful texture generator effects that can use a reference mesh to add finer details, and is particularly useful for Unity as
Unitys solution to procedural textures is Substances, so you can do things like realtime colour changes or add grunge or dirt effects to a texture procedurally either in the editor or via script
- BMP2Material = Crazy Bump ++ basically; lets you take an existing BMP texture, then tweak the shit out of it to create all the maps you would need for modern workflows.
Of the three, I've used this the least, but I have proper artist friends who love the shit out fo this and call it witchcraft, so I guess it does what its supposed to pretty damn well
3D Coat - retopology & texturing? also a sculpting app?
- 3dCoat = poor mans Zbrush / Mudbox basically.
Its a voxel based modeller, so basically sculpting, but it can do more traditional hard surface modelling too, and has a bunch of nice features like auto-retopo and texture directly onto the model either via UVs (with auto UV mapping) or via vertex painting, as well as supporting PBR material use and creation.
It's pretty nice and pretty cheap for what it is, but you cant use it for anything commercial outside of DOTA / TF2 items at all without the pro version.
As a "one stop shop" its really nice and very actively supported IMO.
As for GeoVox, I haven't tried it, but just assume everything by the AGF guys is a borderline scam of just being training wheels for using Unity when you would just be better off using Unity in the first place
Probably worth mentioning while I'm shilling for the Substance Indie Pack;
- you can attach your steam purchases directly to an account on the allegorhytmic homepage via Steamauth and it will give you standalone licences and executables (which I wish more apps did)
- They have a really cool "Rent to buy" type subscription deal, where you can pay a monthly fee to get their apps, but the money you spend 'renting' is taken off the cost of buying new, and you can buy in full at any point.
and your Steam purchases go towards this which is pretty cool of them in my book