So i revamped my current wind and particle system so they can work together. They were previously decoupled and only my rain was affected by wind velocity. Now the particles react to wind, as well.
So here's a quick section of our Memory Bus:
NOTE: I removed environment geometry and other effects from thisThis section is pretty bonkers and I'm saving it for the trailer so I removed much of the sprite work and removed some train-specific enemies as not to show it before the trailer.
So depending on the speed of the train - the wind velocity can change and alter how much the particles are affected. Here we are at the very beginning of the Memory Bus where we are moving but not super fast. I have lots in the way of explosive eye-candy and one-off stuff that looks great when it goes boom - so adding wind changes to my particle system seemed like the right thing to do - especially on a fast moving train. Looks way nicer with the rest of the sprites up and higher speeds
I can now use my wind system globally and set parameters as needed for changes, fluctuations, etc by using simple triggers. I don't know how much "wind" will be in the game other than for shit like eye-candy but I figure small details like this, if only noticed and appreciated by a small handful, are worth it.
Ooh, nice. Is that different from the conveyor you accidentally left in the demo I tried? Because it doesn't look like it affects the player at all.