gelatinous wall walking thing I was working on on-stream.
That's is great...and also gross.
How did you animate that after building it? Do you chop it into sections and then animate the frames?
gelatinous wall walking thing I was working on on-stream.
It's still #attentiongrabmonday for a few minutes over here, so here's the latest development in the Chronicles of the Daughter of the Sun, which is about as far as I should take this for now, or else I'll start working on it for good.
If anybody has other color ideas, I'm listening
We'll be back to our regular Honey programming next, with some new animation soon!ish
Three quick mockups.
Alice will have an unique animation for each object she interacts with!
It's still #attentiongrabmonday for a few minutes over here, so here's the latest development in the Chronicles of the Daughter of the Sun, which is about as far as I should take this for now, or else I'll start working on it for good.
If anybody has other color ideas, I'm listening
We'll be back to our regular Honey programming next, with some new animation soon!ish
Hey Indie GAFers,
cards on the table: I'm a lurker with some posts interspersed here and there, mostly to admire Jobbs work and I know it is somehow frowned upon and has been discussed on some earlier pages to only post to do "promotional" stuff, but:
My game - PixelBoom! - is finally done and will be released worldwide this Thursday. I did post some infos about it a few month back, but in short: It is a picross-like puzzle game only for iPads.
Here are some screenshots:
And I have also prepared a release trailer, which you may watch here:
PixelBoom! Release Trailer
Also if someone is interested: The mandatory twitter page
I am planning to extend the game with further updates and here is an idea, i always had in my mind:
Why not do some cross promotion with other Indies out there. The idea is to let Indies design a level for PixelBoom! which will be provided in a free future update of the game. After the player has beaten such a level, a notification will pop up, showing some addional infos about the "sponsor" of the level. Something like this:
What do you think about this. Is someone interested in this kind of cross-promotion?
I love Picross and thus I love your Game! Was this made with Unity?
Wow I see you are a fellow Münsterländer, nice![]()
Three quick mockups.
Alice will have an unique animation for each object she interacts with!
looks pretty nice to me![]()
These are super clean looking and the designs are good. Is this representative of the type of in game sprite you'd like to have, or would that be a bit simpler?
Haha I must say Münsterland is not really (digital)technology friendly, at least when it comes to games.A Münsterländer with some interest in game-development.. rarely we meet![]()
PixelBoom! is made with Cocos2d (Obj-C). The choice was made many years ago; Unity wasn't as big as it is now. (PixelBoom's development last almost three years, but to my defense: I predominantly worked on the game on Tuesdays)
Your Unity-stuff looks really impressiv. I still have not looked into Unity and decided to go with impactJS for my new game, but sometimes I have a feeling, I may regret that decision sometime in the future.
I agree with your opinions here. The whole "find the blue upgrade that allows you to break the blue blocks" thing is getting stale.
I'm leaning more and more towards some sort of open world where limitations are presented as very difficult challenges instead of invisible walls.
For example, this guy:
You can find him very early in the game. He's strong, he has 1800 HP (with your initial stats you'll deal him 5-10 damage points each time you hit it), and he uses his only arm to block most of your attacks. Also he deals around 35-40 damage, so 3 hits and you're done for.
The small platform over him, which leads to an upgrade, can be accessed if you jump on his head.
However, you're not able to jump that high at the moment, so if you want to get that upgrade so badly, you'll have to spend 5 intense minutes fighting him.
Since he's trapped inside the wall, he won't chase you if you decide to leave after engaging him. He was designed with this disadvantage in mind, making the player think "meh I can do this better, it'll be easier".
Three quick mockups.
Alice will have an unique animation for each object she interacts with!
So I wanted to wait a little longer, get a trailer ready, and introduce everything gradually, but I suddenly found out I won the PAX Australia Indie Showcase so my hand is forced I guess
My current game is called Lupinball. I really enjoy simple fast-paced couch multiplayer titles so I'm making my own. The characters are all wolves (they were chibi knights but I couldn't resist the pun in the title) and the aim is to knock all your opponents out using power shots (basically hadoukens that ricochet everywhere)
I'm excited but at the same time woefully unprepared. I don't think I have enough visual sexiness yet to make a good-length trailer, and I haven't got a good marketing or PR strategy in place yet. I'll at least try to use Twitter more: @MikeVentnor
Why is this stuff so hard guys.
I'm liking the look of this!
Go for it! Though I hope you won't regret that decision later on, when you try to fit all these animations in memory as you're animating your nth unique stuff, and wail to the stars "whyyyyy" :-D How many backgrounds are there in the game, and how many unique animations do you expect there to be per background?
Absolutely love the room and Alice's poses.
Ufff. I'm expecting more than 100+ Backgrounds (around 50 per world). About the animations... I'm going for a "Manga" Style type of animations:
I'm not crazy enough to do full animations haha.
Wow, that sounds like a LOT. I've got 30 BG's for Honey, with about 10 being variations and already I thought I went a bit overboard and maybe could've cut that by about a third.
Don't most VN's usually average around the 20-30 unique BG's mark?
As for animations, I'm not sure I understand: do you mean static pose with a vibrant line effect as in Hotel Dusk, so static poses with two frame animation? Or do you mean longer frame by frame animation to obtain a vibrant line effect? In both cases, that already spells hundreds of drawings, since even if you're going for the two-frame kind, that doubles your basic workload! That's quite a big time and energy commitment already to me. If you're ready for it, though, then I got nothing to say, go for it :-D
In other news and to encourage more posting of sketchy thing and wild ideas:
I said I wouldn't be working any more on that idea, so of course I did. Here's another "just one more sketch, call it research" thing, yet even more classic and derivative, but... it's fun, I guess :-D
Design's getting more detailed, too. I've even started some mockup animations... I'll just use those to transition back into my Honey work pipeline and pretend it's all going according to plan. Yup.
(Seriously, it is. Script is coming along just fine. Nothing to worry about. Honest.)
My waterfalls and rivers can now be painted:[img]
You have to get them somewhere by painting and choosing the right branches. The distortion fx is pretty extreme there because of the low resolution.
I'm also currently experimenting with spline meshes that get actually generated at runtime. Problem is that spline mesh collision is currently bugged in UE4. Tried random generation and going towards the player here which turned out to be pretty scary:
This pipe got me high:
At this point it got slow:
Man, this looks insanely fun.
Remember, most room has around 3 background:
This top room is missing its left and right side view of the room (Still sketching), while the bottom one it's only one screen/background.
So this highly increase the number of backgrounds in the game.
Plus, there are two worlds (Which are totally different).
As for the poses, most of them are statics with two frames. But some of them such as event animations (when you kill a boss and animated scene appears on screen), are fully animated.
Yeah, I'm going ham. haha
I don't know what style you're aiming for so this is very non-specific advice, but it may help -If I do this will the lighting engine in a 3d environment create glare across the 2d planes making it look like a tv screen playing videos instead of like a 3d background illusion? Could use some lighting advice here in Unity on what sort of features I need to check into to try and work around this worry.
Dude your backgrounds are gorgeous. I'm jelly.
Haha, thanks!
Here's Alice the in-game/final picture of Alice resting on the chair:
I've been intrigued by this thread, and interested in learning how to make a game. I know that I want to create a 2D point and click adventure game. I've been researching Apple's Swift 2 and Adobe's Gaming SDK. I use to program with visual basic, but it has been over 12 years since I last looked at code. I am familiar with Adobe Premiere and have a slight familiarity with Photoshop. Where would a good place for me to start?
So I wanted to wait a little longer, get a trailer ready, and introduce everything gradually, but I suddenly found out I won the PAX Australia Indie Showcase so my hand is forced I guess![]()
Haha, thanks!
Here's Alice with the in-game/final picture of Alice resting on the chair:
Haha, thanks!
Here's Alice with the in-game/final picture of Alice resting on the chair:
Working on a new trailer that's to be launched very, very soon. Anyone wanna give some quickfeed? Just PM and I'll link it to you.
Really excited that I'll be leaving for GDCEU/Gamescom on early Sunday and that two of our programmers will be at coxcon presenting the game. Hopefully we'll get some great feedback for the push towards release.
I've been intrigued by this thread, and interested in learning how to make a game. I know that I want to create a 2D point and click adventure game. I've been researching Apple's Swift 2 and Adobe's Gaming SDK. I use to program with visual basic, but it has been over 12 years since I last looked at code. I am familiar with Adobe Premiere and have a slight familiarity with Photoshop. Where would a good place for me to start?
Sounds super exciting, here's to good luck!Wish me luck today, all. The past week or so I've been playing President Business (havent engaged much) trying to move a few last pieces into position and I send my pitch in today to company A. Hope as fuck they say yes. Will be beyond huge and I'm sweating it.
Another AI Test, I've added avoidance to the front and T-split behavior:
Still some problems as you can see. When 2 cars turn at the same time they tend to stick next to each other. Already got some solutions how to fix that (hopefully).
I've also changed it so that cars use the waypoints to determine their speed, instead of checking if the waypoint is a corner/t-split/etc which makes the behavior tree a mess.
Happy with the way the cars always seem to "fix" themselves if they get stuck or bumped out of the route.
Wish me luck today, all. The past week or so I've been playing President Business (havent engaged much) trying to move a few last pieces into position and I send my pitch in today to company A. Hope as fuck they say yes. Will be beyond huge and I'm sweating it.
That looks good. The background is gorgeous, of course, but the flickering animation helps it feel slightly alive, keeping away the boredom that can creep in when staring at a static picture.
Oh my! thats gorgeous!
This is so beautiful. Not sure what type of gameplay you are aiming for, storytelling seems to be a huge part of it?
Not sure what your issue is. Looks like any city driving I have seen in real life.![]()
I think Lilith was banned for arguing against the metric system?![]()
I'm not sure if anywhere is familiar with copyright law and that stuff. but are these two images dissimilar enough to avoid any problems? If not, how much more would I have to change things?
I think Lilith was banned for arguing against the metric system?![]()
Is the troll face copyrighted? I thought it was in the public domain. If it's not, no, that's too similar.
nope, the artist is actually pretty litigious, lol.
thanks for the advice, ill change it up more.