Haha, roger that :-D Posted the news around to spread the cheer! Again, thanks a lot, love how it turned out :-D
I just saw that. Thanks!
Haha, that's amazing!
But do you have to kill them?
Right now, they're each one of the common enemies that can spawn in the secret final stage (out of about 20 characters that will be there). In many cases, you can run right past them, but there's a chance that gates will close around you until one or the other is defeated.
Maybe this is obvious... but when you guys began working on your games... did you get basic sprites and basic maps and simply work out all of the systems (assuming your working alone and therefore don't have another to work on other things) and then worked on the fine details? I don't even have a menu in my game yet or even a UI. I'm merely attempting to get the FF Tactics/Disgaea movement/combat system to work before doing anything else.
I tend to work on whatever most interests me at the time or what seems to be the most important thing to be done. At the very beginning, I like to work on a lot of art assets. They don't necessarily have to be final, but it's the easiest way for me to get a handle on what kinds of things will be in the game and what art style the game will have. So I'll draw a version or two of the player character, one or two of the enemies, a small amount of environment art, a couple items, and maybe a little more.
Then I go into the game engine and program the basic functionality, the core mechanics that the player will be performing at the base level throughout the game. In a platformer, that's all of player's movement controls and physics, plus the hooks and methods for various types of things the player is going to interact with (movement of platforms, platforms that can be passed through, breakable things,
et cetera. During this process, I usually refine some of the first art and animation as it goes in. I might realize something is impractical to develop, or not as fun as I thought, or doesn't look as cool as I imagined, so I'll go change it.
Then, until the game is done, I pick whatever is most interesting or most important to be completed next. There are no strict rules about it, except that generally I like to have preliminary or final art done for something before I program it, so I can have visual feedback during testing without wasting time setting up stand-in "programmer" art. Sometimes, in teams, it's more efficient to temporarily use stand-in art, but ideally the workflow is set up with as few extra efforts as possible.