Wow. I'm a programmer, I can't be expected to get creative with names.
haha that's my specialty.
Wow. I'm a programmer, I can't be expected to get creative with names.
My game, STRAFE (!STRAFE!, x_-STRAFE-_x, S.T.R.A.F.E.), was just approved for XBOX ONE.
Oh universe, you juvenile bastard!
Today, right? Man I'm laughing so fucking hard right now. This is bonkers.
I'd call it a coincidence.
haha that's my specialty.
This is like a dumb reality show script, haha! Congratulations! Crazy day.
Hey Indie Dev Gaf!
I'm a music composer and producer and I want to write all original scores for video games. I've seen lots of talent and really cool games being worked on in here and I want to see if any of you indie devs are looking for a composer to work with.
Here's my portfolio website (I DO own my domain name, it just hasn't finished transferring yet)
I'd like to at least talk to a couple of the teams represented here and try to work out a deal.![]()
A little about my music: I write primarily hybrid orchestral/electronic cinematic music.
The genres I'm best at are Science Fiction Action/Adventure, horror, or mystery. However I'm diverse, as I write music for a library company that puts music in TV shows ranging from Jersey Shore to Nature Shows.
I hope some of you will listen, think about it, and send me a PM or email so we can get to know each other a little more. Thanks!
My game, STRAFE (!STRAFE!, x_-STRAFE-_x, S.T.R.A.F.E.), was just approved for XBOX ONE.
Oh universe, you juvenile bastard!
Today, right? Man I'm laughing so fucking hard right now. This is bonkers.
Hey Indie Dev Gaf!
I'm a music composer and producer and I want to write all original scores for video games. I've seen lots of talent and really cool games being worked on in here and I want to see if any of you indie devs are looking for a composer to work with.
Here's my portfolio website (I DO own my domain name, it just hasn't finished transferring yet)
I'd like to at least talk to a couple of the teams represented here and try to work out a deal.![]()
A little about my music: I write primarily hybrid orchestral/electronic cinematic music. The genres I'm best at are Science Fiction Action/Adventure, horror, or mystery. However I'm diverse, as I write music for a library company that puts music in TV shows ranging from Jersey Shore to Nature Shows.
I hope some of you will listen, think about it, and send me a PM or email so we can get to know each other a little more. Thanks!
Oh without a doubt. I'm just sad to have such a cool name slip through my fingers. But probably better off tho as Blizzard had pointed out
I'm not mad or anything. I find it comical. I will say tho that their game looks stupidly fun. Will support it, for sure.
On the subject of names, my game is/was tentatively titled Days of Ruin.
But, being someone who doesn't own a DS or pay much attention to handhelds (and is quite possibly an idiot for not using Google earlier), I didn't find out about this until late November:
So I've been hemming and hawing on what to do .
On another note, I've spent like 4 hours this morning answering emails from pixel artists, so if anyone is looking for ones that are available, just let me know and I'll forward some emails to you. I know how migraine-inducing scouring DeviantArt and Pixel Joint can be.
I would, but I'm not yet to the point where I'd be ready to make an artist decision, so I'll pass for now. Thanks for the very generous offer though!On another note, I've spent like 4 hours this morning answering emails from pixel artists, so if anyone is looking for ones that are available, just let me know and I'll forward some emails to you. I know how migraine-inducing scouring DeviantArt and Pixel Joint can be.
haha wow
Really sucks about the naming conflict. I know how that feels; there are several "Vertigo Games" companies and I really don't care for the name but I'm kind of too lazy to change it (plus I already have a state of corporation, Vertigo Gaming Inc.)
Kinda sucks whenever I get tech support asking about a game I didn't make or another company asking about licensing with another franchise I don't have involvement in. Bah.
had something similar happen. my first game idea was "mech runner" a couple years ago, I had aflash prototype, but more than that I just liked the name. the domain was even open.
now someone else has it for some other game.
On the subject of names, my game is/was tentatively titled Days of Ruin.
But, being someone who doesn't own a DS or pay much attention to handhelds (and is quite possibly an idiot for not using Google earlier), I didn't find out about this until late November:
So I've been hemming and hawing on what to do .
On another note, I've spent like 4 hours this morning answering emails from pixel artists, so if anyone is looking for ones that are available, just let me know and I'll forward some emails to you. I know how migraine-inducing scouring DeviantArt and Pixel Joint can be.
No one told me independent game development involves plumbing. I'm redoing an entire toilet tank today, so yeah...If any of that didn't make sense I'm going back and forth from finishing my bathroom remodel today and I'm all full of paint fumes and sugar free Red Bull. My glucose is also low - I need to eat so there's that haha.
No one told me independent game development involves plumbing. I'm redoing an entire toilet tank today, so yeah...
Sucks since STRAFE stood for Subnetwork Trojan Removal And Framework Encapsulation.
Yo. I would like in on that one.
Wow, this is some great stuff manHey Indie Dev Gaf!
I'm a music composer and producer and I want to write all original scores for video games. I've seen lots of talent and really cool games being worked on in here and I want to see if any of you indie devs are looking for a composer to work with.
Here's my portfolio website (I DO own my domain name, it just hasn't finished transferring yet)
On the subject of names, my game is/was tentatively titled Days of Ruin.
But, being someone who doesn't own a DS or pay much attention to handhelds (and is quite possibly an idiot for not using Google earlier), I didn't find out about this until late November:
So I've been hemming and hawing on what to do .
On another note, I've spent like 4 hours this morning answering emails from pixel artists, so if anyone is looking for ones that are available, just let me know and I'll forward some emails to you. I know how migraine-inducing scouring DeviantArt and Pixel Joint can be.
Holy crap, your music is fantastic! I'll definitely keep you in mind for when I need a soundtrack guy. And when I get money. Yeah, definitely need a budget...
This is great stuff!
Wow, this is some great stuff man
In a different part of the spectrum (more electronic, not as professional ;-)) there's my tracks, for example:
Peléo;148348601 said:"Nights of ruin", "Days of despair"
What´s the game about?
Hmm, always a tough question to answer concisely
To be completely blunt about it, the name essentially comes from the fact that the world's gone to shit from fighting a protracted war. And then it gets worse.
Welp. I really have been listening to the TRON soundtrack too much:
Because Reasons
Whoa.Every Tron soundtrack is great. The original movie, the game, Tron Legacy, and Tron Uprising. All great.
Tonights work (nice and easy after hitting it really hard the last couple of days). This is the first part of level 6 which has a bunch of puzzles themed around Chess boards. There may or may not be some mild Resident Evil REmake influence in here since I've been playing that a lot over the last day.
I do actually plan to recreate the Mansion hallway in my game (with my game's aesthetic naturally) as one of the more detailed environments. Pencilled in for the end of Level 10 infact.
So when will you let me play this? How much do I have to beg?
That is actually a pretty dope name, IMO. Sucks someone else has it but it is pretty sweet.
I'm probably just dumb, but I don't understand how the dash works in this. In some cases I was able to chain dashes multiple times in midair just by pressing the button repeatedly. In most cases, pressing the dash button again does not do anything. Is there a trick to it?The name was better than the game.Here's the prototype I made -- keep in mind it was pretty much the first thing I ever programmed in stencyl. It was intended as a simple running game, but the dash combo mechanic is osmething that lives on in ghost song.
uploaded 3 years ago!
I'm probably just dumb, but I don't understand how the dash works in this. In some cases I was able to chain dashes multiple times in midair just by pressing the button repeatedly. In most cases, pressing the dash button again does not do anything. Is there a trick to it?
The name was better than the game.Here's the prototype I made -- keep in mind it was pretty much the first thing I ever programmed in stencyl. It was intended as a simple running game, but the dash combo mechanic is osmething that lives on in ghost song.
uploaded 3 years ago!
One, you seem very cynical, or perhaps that's just my mental association with anyone who starts talking skinner boxes.
It's weird what is and isn't fun in games.
Totally blew my lid. I will need to get an oculus for thisNot much at all. Check your PMs.
The name was better than the game.Here's the prototype I made -- keep in mind it was pretty much the first thing I ever programmed in stencyl. It was intended as a simple running game, but the dash combo mechanic is osmething that lives on in ghost song.
uploaded 3 years ago!
The cool thing about making games is that we get to be really pigheaded and make games that are fun to us, and kinda just see if people tag along. But for what it's worth, I've not really paid much attention to what's "fun" with my game. I'm a little self-centred I guess, I care more about what's fun to program. If I end up with a game people like to play, that's more or less coincidence.
Totally blew my lid. I will need to get an oculus for this![]()
I don't know when "levels" hit but I made it past the winding pit you showed earlier my first try with jumping haha.Yeah. I can relate, since my game is just a pet project I don't need to succeed or fail... but I'll be honest, I've been through rough reactions to other stuff I've made and I do sometimes wonder if making this free and all that is just to somewhat firewall my expectations and emotions. I don't think of myself as an indie developer, and I likely never will unless I ship something I'm prepared to put a price tag on.
I greatly respect all of you who are investing a lot more than just time.
I wouldn't talk anyone out of getting an Oculus, but no, Primitive is not a reason to spend hundreds of dollars on hardware. It's hopefully going to be a fun free experience people who buy an Oculus for other reasons will check out. Buy an Oculus for how awesome VR is going to be, and while you're waiting on deep experiences spend a couple of hours bouncing off the walls in Primitive.
Out of interest, how far did you get?
I don't know when "levels" hit but I made it past the winding pit you showed earlier my first try with jumping haha.then the area with gray walls, a little bit past that. I believe I left off a little bit has that gray walled area.
Good stuff. Oculus is a want right now. But I think your game is the one that would have the biggest impact on me when coupled with the right music.
Hey Indie Dev Gaf!
I'm a music composer and producer and I want to write all original scores for video games. I've seen lots of talent and really cool games being worked on in here and I want to see if any of you indie devs are looking for a composer to work with.
Here's my portfolio website (I DO own my domain name, it just hasn't finished transferring yet)
I'd like to at least talk to a couple of the teams represented here and try to work out a deal.![]()
A little about my music: I write primarily hybrid orchestral/electronic cinematic music. The genres I'm best at are Science Fiction Action/Adventure, horror, or mystery. However I'm diverse, as I write music for a library company that puts music in TV shows ranging from Jersey Shore to Nature Shows.
I hope some of you will listen, think about it, and send me a PM or email so we can get to know each other a little more. Thanks!
It's not flashy, but I'm starting to get things done off the TODO list again. Today I finished implementing a settings file that gets loaded on startup, so adding more user-configurable settings in the future should be simple. It's a small thing, but it's oddly satisfying to be able to change things like colors or health overlay opacity without recompiling.
Youtube trailer here
Hey guys, I guess it's time for me to be officially part of this thread.
I cofounded a small indie studio a few months ago, and we're announcing our project today.
It's a 2D city builder, a tribute to games like Caesar & Pharaoh.
Youtube trailer here
I already spent half of my day sending emails, and the past week has been completely crazy. Setting up our greenlight page and our presskit{} was really time consuming but now it's on and I'm really happy with this milestone.
I don't know how you guys can handle communication when you work alone on a game, or maybe I'm juste really terrible at it.
I can go back to work on the game now. Core gameplay works weel enough, still need some balance but we now can start adding some more cool features and see where we are going.
Couple of times yeah, last night I was still going over my upcoming pitch (even though it didn't really matter, just some good practice) and then all the GGJ organizing has been stressing me a lot. Just trying to calm down with something that takes the mind off the things (movies, some games) and some physical exercise helps me, but still sometimes there's just too much on mind and that happens. Usually I just try to get that particular thing done the next day so I don't have think about it anymore.So I got insomnia again last night. It's been happening about once a month. My brain gets fixated on design issues, or bugs, or coming up with new puzzles and even when I drift off to sleep I wake back up shortly later wrestling with some other element.
Does anyone else struggle with this? It's partially my own fault, because I had a couple of caffeinated soda's late last night... but yeesh that was rough.
Hey guys, I guess it's time for me to be officially part of this thread.
I cofounded a small indie studio a few months ago, and we're announcing our project today.
It's a 2D city builder, a tribute to games like Caesar & Pharaoh.
Youtube trailer here
I already spent half of my day sending emails, and the past week has been completely crazy. Setting up our greenlight page and our presskit{} was really time consuming but now it's on and I'm really happy with this milestone.
I don't know how you guys can handle communication when you work alone on a game, or maybe I'm juste really terrible at it.
I can go back to work on the game now. Core gameplay works weel enough, still need some balance but we now can start adding some more cool features and see where we are going.