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GAF Indie Game Development Thread 2: High Res Work for Low Res Pay

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Now did you use any like... 'rendering' things if that makes sense for any of it. Or did you go in by hand and drew everything?

Hand drawn. I used an eyedropper to grab colors you were already using, then used a single-pixel pencil tool (at various transparency levels) and the selection marquee to copy some bits.

That's not normally how I'd draw something, mind you. That was just my PhotoShop analog for MS Paint or similar rudimentary program. I wanted this to still have something of a pixel art feel. But normally I don't like working with pixel art, so I'll do vector stuff or hand-painted.
I posted earlier about a game I was going to start working on, but I decided it would be better to start getting back into actual development with something small and goofy.

So, I've been on a bit of a 'concept' roll lately. I've been writing down every high concept I can come up with and fleshing it out to a basic idea and then moving on. I'm slowly building a list of games I can work on in succession. The idea is that I'll always have a project to work on, and in turn that will keep me somewhat motivated.

The first one I'm going to actually tackle, since it's the simplest and something I think I can complete with reasonable speed features this thing as the main character.


The idea is I'm going to draw and animate him big like this and dramatically shrink him down for gameplay's sake. As for the genre of game, I'm going to affectionately refer to it as "stupid platformer."


Thanks for the tip.

What do you mean by "not that big of a deal anymore"?
Edit: If you meant that it's not as hard/difficult to get greenlit. I think I understand what you mean.
Yes, both that it's gotten way easier to get greenlit (you'll get through even without any marketing if the game looks good enough) and sadly that selling a game on Steam through Greenlight isn't a guarantee for good sales anymore. If you have any concrete questions, ask away!


Game and trailer both look great. Found it hard to read the quotes and focus on the gameplay simultaneously. Don't think that's too much of a problem though since it convinced me to watch it twice.
Haha, thanks, unintended side effect. I feared that it could be a problem, and I tried out placing the quotes on separate, empty backgrounds. That increases the teaser length too much though and placing them in the gameplay looks better, too. Not sure what other option I'd have. Any ideas?

I dig it. The combination of the art style, music, gameplay, and reaction quotes is working for me. I feel like some of the shots in the first half maybe run a little long, though. It might play a little better edited down to an even 60 seconds.
I put a few longer shots in the first half because I thought that my last teaser - though having a good flow - didn't show enough cohesive gameplay: The shots where too short to understand what really happend (besides having a ball rolling from A to B). Also, the viewer should have enough time to read the quotes. I'll try to get it a few seconds/beats shorter though, thanks!

Very nice trailer! But one of the quotes stands out like a sore thumb to me: "Roll Playing Game is one letter from becoming an RPG." That doesn't tell me anything other than the fact that the author noticed the obvious play on words in the title. Is the quote meant to be funny? Am I missing something?

Other than that, the trailer's great. :)
Thanks! Hm yeah, now that you say it.... I don't think it's the best quote, too. Guess I'll remove it then and save a few precious seconds here.

I don't have anything constructive to say but I really love the look of this game.
Hey, that's really good! Nothing to critique here.
Thanks! :)

Ranger X

Is any of you guys having trouble starting Game Maker: Studio?

Apparently Yoyo Games is having some server issue (caused by that last humble bundle) which keeps user from accesing and validating their license keys.

If you happen to update or reinstall GMS (as I did), and you're asked your license key, then you're fucked.

Yes they had problem with the lastest patch. I wrote them an Email and they said they will announce the next time they will push it. They apparently had MUCH MORE traffic they thought they would there.


It's great to see it! As someone who's trying to emulate the style of platformers found on the Mega Drive/Genesis, I'm loving to see some of these older feeling games. Which shmup's exactly inspired you?
Thanks again! :)

I have the luck to have played most shmups on practically every platform (coin ops, consoles, home computers), but I am very fond of PC Engine / TurboGrafx-16 shmups: GunHed/Blazing Lazers, Super Star Soldier, Soldier Blade and Final Soldier to start.

When I saw the PCE it was love at first sight: a very little piece of hardware with credit card sized cartridges, very comfortable gamepad and, mostly important, games that were really fun to play and very well packed (gfx, sfx, coding, gameplay); and that's without even considering Duo CD-Rom "extension" for CD quality soundtracks, "anime cinematics", etc.

I tribute the NEC console and its games behaving likewise according to its hardware limitations, ie using a similar resolution, a comparable palette (512 colors), 16 colors per sprite, no transparency, no sprite rotation (just h/v mirroring), etc. I took the liberty of exceeding the amount of handled gfx (ie in the backgrounds) while keeping the number of sprites "on screen" at similar level (original hardware ws limited to 64 sprites on screen at once). Let's say the final game would have played on a "beefed up" PCE/TG16. Obviously, since I use Game Maker SP, I won't code it to the metal like programmers did, and that's the bigger difference in terms of "fidelity".

I'm pretty far from it, but for the music I've decided to have similar sounds to those games too, likely mid-late 80s Japanese rock/fusion style, and I'm considering using Sunvox for it. I'd like to make it myself (I did a bit of tracking on Amiga, so I just need "a bit" of warming-up), but I could consider to ask someone else, according to how development proceeds - and it's very very slow.

Uh, probably I've been a bit too talkative, sorry! :D

Hi GAF! I've been lurking in this thread for years, and I figured I should jump in and join the conversation at some point.

Quick introduction: I'm a mostly-solo dev, ex-AAA-gone-indie, founded a company (Minor Key Games) with my also-mostly-solo brother a couple years ago. I'm a coder first and everything else by necessity; I roll my own tech because I enjoy it, and recently I've been on a retro pixel art thing which is awesome because no one else is doing that.

I'm working on two games at once right now, in a sort of a Ground Zeroes / MGSV or P.T. / Silent Hills configuration with a standalone prequel game that will lead into something bigger.


My elevator pitch for Gunmetal Arcadia is "Zelda II but as a roguelike." I'm taking the core gameplay mechanics of a game like Zelda II (or Faxanadu, or the Battle of Olympus, or Castlevania, or...you know, pretty every NES game was an action platformer with melee combat, wasn't it?) and marrying that with roguelike or roguelite elements like randomized levels, permadeath, and short 20-30 minute sessions. The hook is, even when you die and lose your progress, decisions you made and actions you took during your last session will carry forward into your next session. I want every run to feel meaningful in some way, even when it ends in death.

I'm about a year into this project, and I've been maintaining a weekly devlog the whole time, so there's a ton of content here now if you're curious: http://gunmetalarcadia.com/
It's adorable, good luck! :)
On the subject of GM and just authentication, in general, online auth on boot can absolutely blow for any number of issues on both ends. If authentication is absolutely necessary I would prefer it to be handled differently.

I have hardware I use for development which requires authentication on a regular basis. It doesn't require you to be online at all times, though. It gets out of the way and gives you time to re-auth. It warns you ahead of time by a few days so you never lapse.

I recall GMS destroying complete projects when they mistakenly tagged several as pirated versions. For a development platform that's scary as fuck.

New title? I like that a lot. The site is clean and simple, which appeals to me a lot. It reflects well on the game.
Thanks dude! I appreciate you taking the time to look and give feedback.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
I'm currently thinking about developing my game not solely for Wii U, but also for Xbox One, as it seems the additional investment needed for that is relatively small and there are not many SRPGs on Xbox One anyway. However, due to the talk about a parity clause, I am in a bit of a difficult situation here, since as I understand this, I either release the Xbox One version and the Wii U version at the same time, or I cannot make an Xbox One version. Since Unity - from my experience with Wii U - allows for very easy porting, and should in particular be unproblematic with going from Wii U to Xbox One (as long as I don't concern myself with the level editor), I'm thinking of applying to the Indie program now and develop for Xbox One concurrently, however I have a few questions to you guys:

1. Do I understand the parity talk correctly in that I should decide this now instead of when the game is done, if I don't want to keep the finished game from releasing until I get through all Microsoft policies and the porting?

2. Do I even have a chance of being accepted as ID@Xbox developer if this is my first commercial project and thus the only things I can show to Microsoft (they explicitly ask for work samples) are either copyright breaching fan games I developed solely for me (and would feel better not sending to them) and an early prototype of the game I am developing right now? Considering they seem to be quite generous wrt their dev kits, I fear they would most likely not be interested in me becoming an ID@Xbox developer

3. They require a studio-mail adress, though until I announce my game officially, it does not make sense for me to set up a website for me or my game. Can I apply with an @[name of the studio].de.vu email adress for now or do they expect a toplevel domain (which, as I said, would for now just lead to an unused URL on the internet, solely for getting a toplevel-domain email adress)?

4. Finally: I have built a level editor for my game in Unity which works quite well on the GamePad, so I might be tempted to give players of the Wii U version the option to build their own "challenge maps". However, this feature wouldn't make much sense on Xbox One, at least without using Kinect or Smartglass, because using a standard controller for level editing seems to be quite a bad experience to me. Would I be allowed to launch the game on Xbox One, even though Wii U has an exclusive feature?



Hector, the bounty hunter. He's hundreds of years old, kept alive by his prosthetic parts and his suit. He came out of retirement for a special bounty and an old score to settle.

His ship was shown in the trailer (briefly) and plays a role in the story. I'll finally be putting him in the game soon.


Thanks for the tips everyone! I started work on my Greenlight page and will make it live later on. I'm having a new nice icon/logo being made to help get good attention. Going to work on the PC interface a little and make it look better, as well as it will help show how the game is played etc. After all that I will make it public.


2. Do I even have a chance of being accepted as ID@Xbox developer if this is my first commercial project and thus the only things I can show to Microsoft (they explicitly ask for work samples) are either copyright breaching fan games I developed solely for me (and would feel better not sending to them) and an early prototype of the game I am developing right now? Considering they seem to be quite generous wrt their dev kits, I fear they would most likely not be interested in me becoming an ID@Xbox developer

We didn't have any commercial experience, or previous products but we had a solid game that was far along in development. I believe that along with your content plan has a lot to do with it.
I'm currently thinking about developing my game not solely for Wii U, but also for Xbox One, as it seems the additional investment needed for that is relatively small and there are not many SRPGs on Xbox One anyway. However, due to the talk about a parity clause, I am in a bit of a difficult situation here, since as I understand this, I either release the Xbox One version and the Wii U version at the same time, or I cannot make an Xbox One version. Since Unity - from my experience with Wii U - allows for very easy porting, and should in particular be unproblematic with going from Wii U to Xbox One (as long as I don't concern myself with the level editor), I'm thinking of applying to the Indie program now and develop for Xbox One concurrently, however I have a few questions to you guys:

1. Do I understand the parity talk correctly in that I should decide this now instead of when the game is done, if I don't want to keep the finished game from releasing until I get through all Microsoft policies and the porting?

2. Do I even have a chance of being accepted as ID@Xbox developer if this is my first commercial project and thus the only things I can show to Microsoft (they explicitly ask for work samples) are either copyright breaching fan games I developed solely for me (and would feel better not sending to them) and an early prototype of the game I am developing right now? Considering they seem to be quite generous wrt their dev kits, I fear they would most likely not be interested in me becoming an ID@Xbox developer

3. They require a studio-mail adress, though until I announce my game officially, it does not make sense for me to set up a website for me or my game. Can I apply with an @[name of the studio].de.vu email adress for now or do they expect a toplevel domain (which, as I said, would for now just lead to an unused URL on the internet, solely for getting a toplevel-domain email adress)?

4. Finally: I have built a level editor for my game in Unity which works quite well on the GamePad, so I might be tempted to give players of the Wii U version the option to build their own "challenge maps". However, this feature wouldn't make much sense on Xbox One, at least without using Kinect or Smartglass, because using a standard controller for level editing seems to be quite a bad experience to me. Would I be allowed to launch the game on Xbox One, even though Wii U has an exclusive feature?
1. Talk to Microsoft.
2. Depends on the project, its scope, how much you have to show, etc. I wouldn't personally worry too much if you have a solid game plan.
3. A couple of bucks per year is nothing for a bit more professionalism. You don't have to announce the game you are making - make it your studio's devblog. There's a LOT you can do to generate mindshare without announcing your game.
4. See 1.

That's about all I can tell you. Getting into the ID program isn't as difficult as a title agreement. Get in, talk to them about your project and see what happens. The worst that can happen is nothing.

Good luck!



I do think the outline works. :)

Still working on the actual bar itself. I'm unsure how many small objects I wish to add overall. Like I was thinking about chairs but I feel like in a game like this, it would start to add too many obstacles.

i fixed the ground tile... It was originally only using 2 variants but I changed it to 3 so it looks more natural.


Neo Member
Oh, good! Well, I think some of Guacamelee's animation looks better, perhaps as an artifact of the different animating methods (puppet here instead of the flipbook that Guac does), but the actual art style is on the level.

Please do keep posting and sharing updates! I'm excited to see more.

Will keep you posted for sure - for know I'm in crazy Greenlight mode, but afterwards I will share some updates with you guys and hopefully some insights into the whole Greenlight process if anybody's interested.



3. A couple of bucks per year is nothing for a bit more professionalism. You don't have to announce the game you are making - make it your studio's devblog. There's a LOT you can do to generate mindshare without announcing your game.

Very cheap and easy to do this. I've been using hostgator for my game's website for a few years, it's like $9 a month and it works nice with very few problems. I think they even have cheaper plans than that, too.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
1. Talk to Microsoft.
2. Depends on the project, its scope, how much you have to show, etc. I wouldn't personally worry too much if you have a solid game plan.
3. A couple of bucks per year is nothing for a bit more professionalism. You don't have to announce the game you are making - make it your studio's devblog. There's a LOT you can do to generate mindshare without announcing your game.
4. See 1.

That's about all I can tell you. Getting into the ID program isn't as difficult as a title agreement. Get in, talk to them about your project and see what happens. The worst that can happen is nothing.

Good luck!

First of all thank you. I have just written them a mail, I was just worried that if I apply and they decline that I will have a much harder time if I try again later.

Regarding the mail: The money is not so much of an issue there, especially as a .de url can be had for ~2€ per month. But I'd prefer not to make an empty site - or an empty site plus the legal stuff I'm obligated to put on there. I'd rather make a website when the game is ready to be announced, i.e. almost done.



From left to right... Marlow, Lyrolia, Tyler, Svevoth, Masara, Kekiro.

I updated Tylers design and Masara's (original seen here), put back the colors that mStudios helped me with Marlow. Somehow I had them in some image of the sprite and then not in others. I also added some more shadows to Lyrolia, added more variation in the Svevoth color schemes. I also made Marlow's, Tylers, and Masaras arms going in.

Thus far the two redesigns look a lot nicer than they did before. In Masara's design I made her hair blue due to it standing out more than the blackish grey I had before. I also made her... um... 'bust' more notable. Since unlike Kekiro, her clothing still shows her bust. Before you could barely tell due to the green being so dark and there being less room from the chest to the head.

I've actually updated various of the sprites WHILE I was writing this post... lol...

Edit: Going to make Masara a bit slimmer... She came out looking a tad bit 'bigger' then intended, and also fixed Kekiro's arms so they don't look like stubs.

Ranger X

I'm getting pretty much the same results on both. Mostly between 450–580, but a few brief spikes up to ~900.

Something odd though is that sometimes when playing the framerate will inexplicably drop to 59–61fps. When this happened in the stable build, it didn't go back up until I went back to the main menu. When it happened in the YYC build, it went back to normal after I died and returned to a check point, and it never dropped back down again. For what it's worth, I've witnessed similar behavior in my own game, so I know it's a bug in GameMaker somewhere, but I don't know where. Also, because 59–61fps is still perfectly playable, I haven't ever thoroughly investigated it.

That sure is wierd. Tks for the test. Maybe its a bug with the v-sync. I'll try and disable it when the game runs under 60.

First one was just all over the place. Lowest was 300 something for a split sec, while highest was above 2,000. Kinda averaged around 700-900. It was really inconsistent.

Second was much more consistent. Averaged around 600. Lowest was 400 but it reached that a fair amount of times. Highest was around 1,100.

So the yyc was slightly slower but much more stable for me. I have an Intel CPU and an NVIDIA GPU if that matters to you.

Another interesting result. In overall am not sure what to do but I file your experience there. If ever its that type of happening that decides the outcome, I will choose stability over max FPS.


Started testing with NW.JS, since my main games are programmed in HTML5. Wow, this thing runs pretty well. I already got a test version of my game running. Got a lot of work to do to clean it up of course, mainly since it's currently rendered at 480P. lol (The Wii U's GamePad resolution, which is where my game main action takes place)
I posted earlier about a game I was going to start working on, but I decided it would be better to start getting back into actual development with something small and goofy.

So, I've been on a bit of a 'concept' roll lately. I've been writing down every high concept I can come up with and fleshing it out to a basic idea and then moving on. I'm slowly building a list of games I can work on in succession. The idea is that I'll always have a project to work on, and in turn that will keep me somewhat motivated.

The first one I'm going to actually tackle, since it's the simplest and something I think I can complete with reasonable speed features this thing as the main character.


The idea is I'm going to draw and animate him big like this and dramatically shrink him down for gameplay's sake. As for the genre of game, I'm going to affectionately refer to it as "stupid platformer."

I don't know what this is, but I love it! Ha. It's so funny. ♥


Hector, the bounty hunter. He's hundreds of years old, kept alive by his prosthetic parts and his suit. He came out of retirement for a special bounty and an old score to settle.

His ship was shown in the trailer (briefly) and plays a role in the story. I'll finally be putting him in the game soon.

Sounds like you're getting to do a lot of the story content right now. Fun!
William Chyr posted a really cool video of 10,000 screenshots through Manifold Garden's development: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6HHap6pM7k

After watching I personally felt compelled to set up a similar screenshot feature for my game. If anyone wants high quality bullshots with just one key press, here's the code.

if(Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.F5){
	String screenshotname="Bullshot "+System.DateTime.Now.ToString ()+".png";
	screenshotname=screenshotname.Replace("/", "_").Replace(":", ".");
	Application.CaptureScreenshot("Screenshots/"+screenshotname, 2);
	print (screenshotname+" Saved");

Just make sure you add a "Screenshots" folder to your project.

The "2" refers to a supersampling factor. Good for when you're working in a window instead of fullscreen. Can be set to whatever you want. Here's the documentation.
William Chyr posted a really cool video of 10,000 screenshots through Manifold Garden's development: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6HHap6pM7k

After watching I personally felt compelled to set up a similar screenshot feature for my game. If anyone wants high quality bullshots with just one key press, here's the code.

if(Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.F5){
	String screenshotname="Bullshot "+System.DateTime.Now.ToString ()+".png";
	screenshotname=screenshotname.Replace("/", "_").Replace(":", ".");
	Application.CaptureScreenshot("Screenshots/"+screenshotname, 2);
	print (screenshotname+" Saved");

Just make sure you add a "Screenshots" folder to your project.

The "2" refers to a supersampling factor. Good for when you're working in a window instead of fullscreen. Can be set to whatever you want. Here's the documentation.
I'm going to steal this because its a great idea :D


William Chyr posted a really cool video of 10,000 screenshots through Manifold Garden's development: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6HHap6pM7k

After watching I personally felt compelled to set up a similar screenshot feature for my game. If anyone wants high quality bullshots with just one key press, here's the code.

if(Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.F5){
	String screenshotname="Bullshot "+System.DateTime.Now.ToString ()+".png";
	screenshotname=screenshotname.Replace("/", "_").Replace(":", ".");
	Application.CaptureScreenshot("Screenshots/"+screenshotname, 2);
	print (screenshotname+" Saved");

Just make sure you add a "Screenshots" folder to your project.

The "2" refers to a supersampling factor. Good for when you're working in a window instead of fullscreen. Can be set to whatever you want. Here's the documentation.

Been using that screenshot function for a while but had somehow missed there was a super-sampling option. Neat.


William Chyr posted a really cool video of 10,000 screenshots through Manifold Garden's development: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6HHap6pM7k

After watching I personally felt compelled to set up a similar screenshot feature for my game. If anyone wants high quality bullshots with just one key press, here's the code.

if(Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.F5){
	String screenshotname="Bullshot "+System.DateTime.Now.ToString ()+".png";
	screenshotname=screenshotname.Replace("/", "_").Replace(":", ".");
	Application.CaptureScreenshot("Screenshots/"+screenshotname, 2);
	print (screenshotname+" Saved");

Just make sure you add a "Screenshots" folder to your project.

The "2" refers to a supersampling factor. Good for when you're working in a window instead of fullscreen. Can be set to whatever you want. Here's the documentation.

I will steal that as well. I implemented Photomode for my 3rd person RPG, but I was just capturing screenshots using Print Screen button.


Neo Member
Here's some random stuff I've been tweeting since my last post-

Added a shadow trail effect to special moves


New background art and a preview of the mechanic for that level


Added throw animations and dash attacks to the rest of the first 4 playable characters




Started working on new playable characters again, here's Clockwork Gladiator Lex


Love everyone's work <3

Been a while but happy to pop back in. Currently building and nearly complete intentionally broken quote generator. I have a public build that will be projected at a local bar in a few weeks (even programmed a big ass led push button for it ^_^ ) and am currently optimizing an iOS/Android build.

Just recently began getting social network quote + image share working within the app.

Here is a shot of it using the built in share feature (still working on some interface design):



William Chyr posted a really cool video of 10,000 screenshots through Manifold Garden's development: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6HHap6pM7k

After watching I personally felt compelled to set up a similar screenshot feature for my game. If anyone wants high quality bullshots with just one key press, here's the code.

if(Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.F5){
	String screenshotname="Bullshot "+System.DateTime.Now.ToString ()+".png";
	screenshotname=screenshotname.Replace("/", "_").Replace(":", ".");
	Application.CaptureScreenshot("Screenshots/"+screenshotname, 2);
	print (screenshotname+" Saved");

Just make sure you add a "Screenshots" folder to your project.

The "2" refers to a supersampling factor. Good for when you're working in a window instead of fullscreen. Can be set to whatever you want. Here's the documentation.

Awesome! thanks for this. Doesn't seem to play nicely with canvas text elements though.



Here's some random stuff I've been tweeting since my last post-

Added a shadow trail effect to special moves


New background art and a preview of the mechanic for that level


Added throw animations and dash attacks to the rest of the first 4 playable characters




Started working on new playable characters again, here's Clockwork Gladiator Lex



This totally looks like a game made for me!


Love everyone's work <3

Been a while but happy to pop back in. Currently building and nearly complete intentionally broken quote generator. I have a public build that will be projected at a local bar in a few weeks (even programmed a big ass led push button for it ^_^ ) and am currently optimizing an iOS/Android build.

Just recently began getting social network quote + image share working within the app.

Here is a shot of it using the built in share feature (still working on some interface design):


Really awesome style there. Does the whole game look like that?


? (· _· ) ( ·_ ·) ?


Are you using Unity?


Saw your edit, cool. :O

Also what sounds better to you guys for the title of my game?

The Kalendin - Named after the group the main character leads, akin to the Inqusition from Dragon Age but more small ops for big effects and not an army. At most ~100 people.

The Red Eyed Prince - Marlow, the main character, has red eyes.

The Lore tid bit on it:

Long ago, the Corles Kingdom, at the time ruled by the Corles royal family, was a weak and pitiful nation. This led to a rise in the rebel group led by the Kilith family. In this ensuing conflict the Corles Family was stripped of its throne and the Kilith family became the new rulers. For a time this seemed to put the Corles Kingdom in a better position, however the Kilith family eventually became cruel and terrible. Then the Corles Kingdom became similar to what they had fought against.

However it was a confrontation with a Demi-god who had made a flesh body to walk amongst mortals, that the family was cursed. For their crimes against the people of Corles, their eyes were turned red, so that everyone would know whom had the ire of the Demi-Gods and the Gods above them. This would lead to what was eventually known in the Kilith family as the great shift. The children of the king and queen at the time, fought against their own parents and took the throne. Seeking to fix everything that their parents and their parents before them had done. Thus over time, the Kilith family became to be respected and promised peace over cruelty. In some ways, however, this push for pacifism ultimately led them to being ill pre-pared against the Vanklor Empire.

I like the Red Eyed Prince but I can't deny that some might like a single word better for it.
Really awesome style there. Does the whole game look like that?

I don't understand it but I love it.

Yay! Thanks :) the love is appreciated ^_^

It's less game, and more conceptual piece, though I built it entirely with gamemaker + illustrator. The whole program looks like this but the animation is basic and dosn't have a large number of frames (got a weather system though, and some secrets).

It's very simple as the concept behind it is similar to 8 balls where you get randomly generated answers. It's a satire on the idea of "what is wisdom really?"

My next two titles after this release will be more traditional games with the same art style. I've posted about them before roughly close to a year ago on this board, but have only come into actually having focus and time for them now (starting a new family, etc).
Also what sounds better to you guys for the title of my game?

The Kalendin - Named after the group the main character leads, akin to the Inqusition from Dragon Age but more small ops for big effects and not an army. At most ~100 people.

The Red Eyed Prince - Marlow, the main character, has red eyes.

I like "The Red-Eyed Prince". Seems fairly evocative and memorable. "The Kalendin" doesn't mean anything unless you're already familiar with the game.
Are you using Unity?

Also what sounds better to you guys for the title of my game?

The Kalendin - Named after the group the main character leads, akin to the Inqusition from Dragon Age but more small ops for big effects and not an army. At most ~100 people.

The Red Eyed Prince - Marlow, the main character, has red eyes.

The Lore tid bit on it:

I like the Red Eyed Prince but I can't deny that some might like a single word better for it.

The Red Eyed Prince is too long a name for being generic. "Everybody's gone to the rapture" works imo because it's building the scene and telling a story.

Kalendin has the advantage of being unique. It's 100% associated with your game and is unlikely to get confused with another project. Also helps people(you included) find your game on google. 99% of the mentions will be related to your project.

Kalendin however is simultaneously really generic as well. It's just a made up word that potential buyers have zero feelings towards. Slightly feels Elvish/fantasy related but every person will have their own interpretation. My game's name is "VizionEck" so obviously I think made up names can work, but you have an uphill battle.

What's the core concept of your game/the elevator pitch? Integrating that into the title often works the best. IE ReCore, Sea of Thieves, Journey.
So my small Wii U game (Perpetual Blast - bit of info and a video here) was just approved by Nintendo, and if everything goes as planned is releasing on the US eShop on October 8th.

As this is my first time doing this, is there any "proper" (in respect to TOS) way of handing out a couple of review codes to fellow gaffers?
Are you using Unity?


Saw your edit, cool. :O

Also what sounds better to you guys for the title of my game?

The Kalendin - Named after the group the main character leads, akin to the Inqusition from Dragon Age but more small ops for big effects and not an army. At most ~100 people.

The Red Eyed Prince - Marlow, the main character, has red eyes.

The Lore tid bit on it:

Okay, so... not to be mean, but nobody gives a shit about your lore. I mean outside of this thread. An eye-catching title should mean something to the viewer or at least imply something. On this level, the Red-Eyed Prince is better -- but at the same time, I'm not imagining a Prince that has red irises, I'm imagining a Prince that is Very Tired.

Give us information on how your game plays, OR the THRUST of the lore and how it relates to the theme. The red eye thing based on the bit you posted is a bit of a scarlet letter. Are you using it as a way to talk about how people are labeled based on the actions of their ancestors and how society reacts to them? In that case, and combining it with the rebel type group you mentioned earlier, you could go with a something like "Rise of the Red Prince: Sins of the Father" or something.

Really though we need more info.


Okay, so... not to be mean, but nobody gives a shit about your lore. I mean outside of this thread. An eye-catching title should mean something to the viewer or at least imply something. On this level, the Red-Eyed Prince is better -- but at the same time, I'm not imagining a Prince that has red irises, I'm imagining a Prince that is Very Tired.

Give us information on how your game plays, OR the THRUST of the lore and how it relates to the theme. The red eye thing based on the bit you posted is a bit of a scarlet letter. Are you using it as a way to talk about how people are labeled based on the actions of their ancestors and how society reacts to them? In that case, and combining it with the rebel type group you mentioned earlier, you could go with a something like "Rise of the Red Prince: Sins of the Father" or something.

Really though we need more info.

Your not to be mean... but no offense... You just came off as a major asshole.

I have released much information on how the games system works and the such. No one commented even though it was a very detailed thing that had details of every system in the game and how they work with each other.

I'm not blaming people, I can't expect everyone to ready every post but it's not like I didn't post the info. So don't accuse me of not and then bitching at me for it.

In fact just again... here is the http://pastebin.com/txjep7Fa systems info.
Your not to be mean... but no offense... You just came off as a major asshole.

I have released much information on how the games system works and the such. No one commented even though it was a very detailed thing that had details of every system in the game and how they work with each other.

I'm not blaming people, I can't expect everyone to ready every post but it's not like I didn't post the info. So don't accuse me of not and then bitching at me for it.

Okay, all I saw was that last post, and it wasn't meant to be offensive. You're right though, I guess I should've scrolled back through more of the thread to see what else you had posted, I just didn't have much time and only saw the last thing. At any rate I was still trying to be helpful in giving you title suggestions. But I also wasn't bitching at you for it, I was just hoping for more info, so if you already posted it you can just direct me to it so I can read it. Still I don't see why you thought I was being an "asshole" about it, but I'm sorry if it came off that way.

edit: I see you linked it, so I'll take a look.


Okay, all I saw was that last post, and it wasn't meant to be offensive. You're right though, I guess I should've scrolled back through more of the thread to see what else you had posted, I just didn't have much time and only saw the last thing. At any rate I was still trying to be helpful in giving you title suggestions. But I also wasn't bitching at you for it, I was just hoping for more info, so if you already posted it you can just direct me to it so I can read it.

edit: I see you linked it, so I'll take a look.

Sorry, I lashed out a bit much. Sorry. Long day at work and just out so not exactly the most coordinate or focus of mind.
Sorry, I lashed out a bit much. Sorry. Long day at work and just out so not exactly the most coordinate or focus of mind.

It's cool, let's just move on :) I don't think either of us intended to be abrasive.

I remember now, you're the guy posting the sprite work all the time.

So it looks like a tactics style game, with a bit of Xcom based on what you've posted and what you linked.

What I'm trying to get at, though, is outside of what the actual mechanics are, what is the "theme" of your game? Or more specifically, what is the game "about" thematically? Is it more internal struggle of one man, or more about politics? Is it serious or lighthearted? Is it cynical or hopeful? Does it take place in a purely fantasy world, or is it Earth of another time? Stylistically is it flashy or understated? If you've already posted about this stuff then I may have missed it.

Basically, forget about the lore and think about what the audience is going to look for in the game. What they're looking for are heuristics that let them know the game is for them, and that's what the title should feed into as well.
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