? (· _· ) ( ·_ ·) ?
Edit @Kalentan: I'm using Game Maker Studio![]()
Love little details like this in games.
? (· _· ) ( ·_ ·) ?
Edit @Kalentan: I'm using Game Maker Studio![]()
It's cool, let's just move onI don't think either of us intended to be abrasive.
I remember now, you're the guy posting the sprite work all the time.
So it looks like a tactics style game, with a bit of Xcom based on what you've posted and what you linked.
What I'm trying to get at, though, is outside of what the actual mechanics are, what is the "theme" of your game? Or more specifically, what is the game "about" thematically? Is it more internal struggle of one man, or more about politics? Is it serious or lighthearted? Is it cynical or hopeful? Does it take place in a purely fantasy world, or is it Earth of another time? Stylistically is it flashy or understated? If you've already posted about this stuff then I may have missed it.
Basically, forget about the lore and think about what the audience is going to look for in the game. What they're looking for are heuristics that let them know the game is for them, and that's what the title should feed into as well.
This all looks awesome, particularly that shadow trail effect, but I just had to hop in to say that it might look a good bit better if you cut loose with your animations a little, exaggerating the moves and maybe adding a bit of speed and motion blur. For example, the third gif down (the reverse body slam one), the motion itself, but the actual time from 'grab to ground'? What is that, like 4-5 frames? It just looks a little soft now, and it'd look a lot snappier and more kinetic if you cut it down to 1-2, a blur frame and a completion frame.Here's some random stuff I've been tweeting since my last post-
Added a shadow trail effect to special moves
New background art and a preview of the mechanic for that level
Added throw animations and dash attacks to the rest of the first 4 playable characters
Started working on new playable characters again, here's Clockwork Gladiator Lex
Hm... Okay, I get what your talking about.
Well one general theme of my story is how war has effected each of the characters. Every single one has the war that took place before the game. All of their actions are informed by what they were like before and then after the war.
It's set on a fantasy world with magic and the such and deals with everything from mortal affairs to even those of the Demi-Gods and the Gods above them. Yet also shows how each of these groups effects the others. What stakes they have in events.
The story for sure has a serious tone to it with some moments of levity for good measure. An entire nation was conquered and the following years have shown the people still unable to accept their fate. A story about reclaiming what was once there's, to get justice for those whom had none. How people react after such life changing events, will they just accept it and try to move on? Will they seek revenge? Will they try and liberate their home?
There is many elements to each of the story and in some ways the characters are an vehicle to see how various people react. Marlow (the main character) for example might be at odds with the character Svevoth because Marlow wants to go and kill an important target but Svevoth believes the protection of a group of people is far more important than the death of one man. Marlow is driven by revenge and Svevoth believes that though killing may be involved, that they shouldn't be driven by it.
But yeah... There's a hopeful aspect to everything. No matter how dark it gets or what they need to do, the group works to try and restore the land.
That help..?
Late reply, but thanks for the links!yeah, don't implement (as in "invent") your own.
angelscript, lua or python.
i've never really used angelscript - so no comment on that one
python is imo a big dependency so i went with lua.
the bind process is not as intuitive as it could be. i'm using "pure"-lua, without any c++ binding wrapper libraries. my code is in C anyway, not C++. And even in my previous C++-code I never used LuaCPP-wrapper. It's fine when it works, has some pitfalls though.
some older (not mine) articles:
I like to pretend my guy can do this, too. You just can't see it since his head is 1px.? (· _· ) ( ·_ ·) ?
Edit @Kalentan: I'm using Game Maker Studio![]()
I don't know how Steam handles this, but I would guess Nintendo is rather lax with going after such fan work, considering what's going on in Project Spark (Mario, Yoshi and Zelda clones exist in masses, using ripped music and don't get taken down). Other than this observation, the law regarding copyright-breaching user content most likely varies from country to country. You should at least make sure to be able to take down something quickly if someone complains.Has anyone here had experience with Steam workshop and how copyright / trademark is handled?
Supporting the workshop sounds cool, but does the legal responsibility then fall on the developer so you can get lawsuit'd directly if someone rips Mario sprites and submits them as a mod of your game before you catch it and remove it?
I figure for a copyright violation like someone ripping sprites, you will make players mad by taking them down, but you have to do it if you can tell it is a ripped sprite.
But what if it's a picture of someone ripped from a youtube video -- how can you tell which video it came from and what copyright it is under? What about trademarks, if the content is original, but the submitter used a trademarked term in an item title? What if someone uses original content but constructs Super Mario in Scribblenauts or something? I seem to remember 5th Cell removing some Nintendo reference fan-made submissions for example.
Actually, Fire Emblem offers two different animations and the non-grid animations are the less lazy ones, because they use more detailled sprites and quite elaborate animations for that.![]()
You might be asking yourself, "Kalentan, why did you just post an confusing image?"
Well, I made this sort of poor diagram to explain one possible way I maybe doing my actual combat animations. Taking inspiration from Fire Emblem, when a character is selected to fight, this sort of layout will appear on the screen. Depending on how many targets (N) there will be that many people on one side or the other. So what if you use a spell that doesn't require a specific target? Say a summon wall or the like? Well then the second image will appear and the animation will play out in the window. This will have stuff still play out on the grid, but they will be animations that can actually fit on a 58 x 77 grid format.
1. Less animations, meaning I don't need to animate every attack up and down and (right or left, depending on ally or enemy.)
2. It means I am no longer constrained to the grid system for animations.
1. Some may consider it lazy rather than just doing all the animations on the grid
2. Having to figure out how it all works. xD
What do you guys think?
If no Chop because badThis could have easily been a gif but Photoshop wasn't having it tonight so here's 2 whole seconds of gameplay meant to show the main character's animations.
His name is Jeffy.
Here's some random stuff I've been tweeting since my last post-
Added a shadow trail effect to special moves
New background art and a preview of the mechanic for that level
Added throw animations and dash attacks to the rest of the first 4 playable characters
Started working on new playable characters again, here's Clockwork Gladiator Lex
? (· _· ) ( ·_ ·) ?
Edit @Kalentan: I'm using Game Maker Studio![]()
Actually, Fire Emblem offers two different animations and the non-grid animations are the less lazy ones, because they use more detailled sprites and quite elaborate animations for that.
If you go for a separate animation windows, I figured, people might expect more than a "token animation" (like what is happening in Fire Emblem if you turn of battle animations), so personally, I decided to do animations for all directions, but have standard animations for classes of attacks (so for instance one animation for using blades, one for using energy weapons) that strictly adhere to the grid. So a blade used against an enemy does not actually touch the enemy, for instance.
This kind of symbolic animation certainly still is a considerable amount of work, but keep in mind that if you do more detailled animations that are not just of symbolic character you
(1) should make sure that every weapon is portraied individually, rather than weapon types - potentially increasing the amount of work a lot
(2) need to keep the time needed into account. There's a reason many players turn off the (detailled) attack animations in Fire Emblem, because transitioning to the animation window, showing the more complex animation and transitioning back to the standard view takes a lot of time. In a strategic game like this, lost time can get annoying.
Main character's animations.
His name is Jeffy.
Edit: thanks for the reminder vvv
I doubt what I do is the best way of doing it, but basically:I wasn't planning on more detailed sprites, merely larger ones. But I also see what you mean about taking time. More annoying if it goes like that every single time.
How you're doing it is how I currently was planning on doing it. I think my only issue is how do I fit every animation into that 58 x 77 window? Do you use any same animations for somethings? Like my Ice Mage guy is casting a spell. While the spell itself with no doubt have a new animation, do I use the same casting animation?
Has anyone here had experience with Steam workshop and how copyright / trademark is handled?
Supporting the workshop sounds cool, but does the legal responsibility then fall on the developer so you can get lawsuit'd directly if someone rips Mario sprites and submits them as a mod of your game before you catch it and remove it?
I figure for a copyright violation like someone ripping sprites, you will make players mad by taking them down, but you have to do it if you can tell it is a ripped sprite.
But what if it's a picture of someone ripped from a youtube video -- how can you tell which video it came from and what copyright it is under? What about trademarks, if the content is original, but the submitter used a trademarked term in an item title? What if someone uses original content but constructs Super Mario in Scribblenauts or something? I seem to remember 5th Cell removing some Nintendo reference fan-made submissions for example.
What a saturday is coming...
I'm going to officially present my game during Anime Weekend Atlanta during the Sekai Project industry panel. I've been feverishly cranking up the PR release, making sure I updated my domains and contacting someone for an emergency teaser trailer too. I'm exhausted and my day job didn't make me any favours, in fact, I've been doing extra hours and it's killing me inside.
I've never typed and worked with four-five programs opened at the same time so fast.
Worst of all is that my co-workers don't give a damn about games but their stuff is always more important than mine, well, no, F#$%$E&E$T NO U, yes, it's more important than their petty human affairs, argh! But, yeah, what an ungodly torture the last four shifts have been, and tomorrow is going to be even worse until the panel...
Nerve wracking to say the least, but good luck. Let us know how it went.
I actually laughed out loud at his face with the near miss. Perfect expressions.
My attempt at making a spell when facing forward...I think it looks like he's peeing.and![]()
Though when I made the gif it seems that because the blue was very light that it vanished..?
nice! I like the first one better. The second, the return of the beam doesn't feel spell like.
nice! I like the first one better. The second, the return of the beam doesn't feel spell like.
So we made some months ago a mobile game runner called Helmets of Fire. At first we only wanted to make a short free game, but the programmer came in touch with a publisher that made us add mucrotransactions (we tried to made them only decoration). They asked to update the game everytime, even if it was not popular. As we decided they were not doing their job as a publisher (if we can call them that) we talked with them saying we wanted to do a paid version to never be updated again, but with a story mode, intros, challenges, unlockables, etc (so a full fledge no microtransactions game) This was also decided by us as each update was taking us time from our real game (the one wich I talk always here, Super Game Show).
So we are finally just some days from finishing everything (we are just testing to find bugs and put up the final touches). The game is now called Super Helmets of Fire DX Ultra Edition Plus Alpha (in reality, we just call it Super Helmets of Fire DX).
Hoping we can get some keys for this thread when the game is released for you guys!
And as today was screenshot saturday I wanted to show you guys some of the parts of the game.
So we made some months ago a mobile game runner called Helmets of Fire. At first we only wanted to make a short free game, but the programmer came in touch with a publisher that made us add mucrotransactions (we tried to made them only decoration). They asked to update the game everytime, even if it was not popular. As we decided they were not doing their job as a publisher (if we can call them that) we talked with them saying we wanted to do a paid version to never be updated again, but with a story mode, intros, challenges, unlockables, etc (so a full fledge no microtransactions game) This was also decided by us as each update was taking us time from our real game (the one wich I talk always here, Super Game Show).
So we are finally just some days from finishing everything (we are just testing to find bugs and put up the final touches). The game is now called Super Helmets of Fire DX Ultra Edition Plus Alpha (in reality, we just call it Super Helmets of Fire DX).
Hoping we can get some keys for this thread when the game is released for you guys!
And as today was screenshot saturday I wanted to show you guys some of the parts of the game.
The intro:
And this are the flyers that we made for the Madrid Games Week next week that the publisher needed.
Is it the gifts that are messing up the pixel art of the game is like that??
It's a very close-quarters focused map, but a ton of fun to create decks for and fairly straightforward to play so it's probably one of the easier levels to start with.
The gifs, also needed to force down the resolution of the game to make them.
Haha, you've had problems with them, too? I built my whole level hub / main menu system with 3D UMG widgets and... that was not a good idea. Every 20th time or something the map just crashed after loading (as soon as a widget was rendered). Found somebody on the Answerhub with the same problem and the solution was to remove all 3D UMG widgets.... great. Took me about a week to remove everything related to those, but at least the crashes are gone. At one time I even wrote a script that just reloads the map in a loop until it crashes so I can check if the bug is still there.Hopefully we might have finally have lock-on for some of the crashes/issues we've been having for quite a while now, thanks to some of the fellas at Epic. We might have to rework some of our menus to not use any 3D UMG Widgets, but it should be fairly straightforward and quick.
Awesome! Now I'm curious what these cameos will be.
Everybody loves his music, but he now cameos as a boss for our Boss Rush - Meet Disasterpeace:
There's a shit ton more to announce and I'll be rolling Screens and GIFs all day on social media.
We have some 14+ cameos to announce but will be saving them for contests. A lot to talk about and show today and I'm super excited to finally be able to talk more about the game now that we have some more substantial material to show![]()
Well, it was still Saturday here.Abe Bly
(Yesterday, 11:59 PM)
Well, it was still Saturday here.![]()
Thanks! if you want a quick rundown of which devs will be throwing their characters in my game: http://absinthegames.com/friends-of-ours/
Thanks dude. Yeah - peace ha! I got it wrong when i first heard of him. Rich is a great guy - I like how he excited he was to get involved with our designs.Huh, I always thought it was disasterpiece, as in masterpiece. In any case, I'm getting strong Mega Man vibes. I like it!
Everybody loves his music, but he now cameos as a boss for our Boss Rush - Meet Disasterpeace:
There's a shit ton more to announce and I'll be rolling Screens and GIFs all day on social media.
We have some 14+ cameos to announce but will be saving them for contests. A lot to talk about and show today and I'm super excited to finally be able to talk more about the game now that we have some more substantial material to show![]()
It's so nice finally seeing your project revealed! Best of lucks with the reception.
So far, I'm liking what you guys are showing. Here's hoping you get tons of love and audience from now on.
Thanks, bro! I appreciate it![]()
Congrats indeed! Seems this saturday was indeed trailer/reveal saturday!![]()
Everybody loves his music, but he now cameos as a boss for our Boss Rush - Meet Disasterpeace:
There's a shit ton more to announce and I'll be rolling Screens and GIFs all day on social media.
We have some 14+ cameos to announce but will be saving them for contests. A lot to talk about and show today and I'm super excited to finally be able to talk more about the game now that we have some more substantial material to show![]()
I think a lot of players who bought Early Access games may have noticed developers having this urge.I gotta say that the hardest part of Early Access is having to resist the urge to start a new project.
If any of you get on Early Access try to not make promises because eventually you'll want to move on and just finish the damn game.
I gotta say that the hardest part of Early Access is having to resist the urge to start a new project.
If any of you get on Early Access try to not make promises because eventually you'll want to move on and just finish the damn game.